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>jeb bush
Fucking Jews did this


..somebody was or is fucking Elias.

It might be Gustav.



Turns out they were told to act like the opposite gender as a goof to be funny. Not their actual personalities.

You were wrong all along.


Jakobsson is Jeb!

the real question is

how thicc is their boipucci?

Nords fucked so many people up the
At they now have too much guilt and thus become cucked.

>if only

>jeb bush


They became too liberal and progressives that they welcome wild immigrants to be part of them, too blind to see the reality of life, too blind to set things right, they avoided the ravages of the last war and lived too long in the comforts of peace. Trust me, if there is a war in Sweden, it will all be back to normal.

The solution is warfare, to eliminate the weak and establish the strong

"Severe Vikings" is a meme.
We are all the same. Just hostages environment. Social and political and economic situation.
Sweden is now a hostage to its low political will and a European policy of multiculturalism.

get faped


George Soros's most trusted countries:

1. Sweden: 65 percent Soros-trusted (13 of 20 members)
2. Ireland: 54.5 percent (6 of 11)
3. Finland: 53.8 percent (7 of 13)
4. Belgium: 52.3 percent (11 of 21)
5. Cyprus: 50 percent (3 of 6)
6. Luxembourg: 50 percent (3 of 6)
7. Malta: 50 percent (3 of 6)
8. Croatia: 45.4 percent (5 of 11)
9. Spain: 44.4 percent (24 of 54)
10. Bulgaria: 41.1 percent (7 of 17)
11. Netherlands: 38.4 percent (10 of 26)
12. Portugal: 38.1 percent (8 of 21)
13. Romania: 37.5 percent (12 of 32)
14. Estonia: 33.3 percent (2 of 6)
15. Greece: 33.3 percent (7 of 21)
16. Austria: 33.3 percent (6 of 18)
17. Germany: 31.25 percent (30 of 96)
18. United Kingdom: 27.3 percent (20 of 73)
19. Slovenia: 25 percent (2 of 8)
20. Denmark: 23.07 percent (3 of 13)
21. Slovakia: 23.07 percent (3 of 13)
22. France: 21.6 percent (16 of 74)
23. Italy: 19.1 percent (14 of 73)
24. Poland: 11.7 percent (6 of 51)
25. Czech Republic: 9.5 percent (2 of 21)
26. Lithuania: 9 percent (1 of 11)
27. Hungary: 4.7 percent (1 of 21)
28. Latvia: 0 percent (0 of 8 members)


The Eternal Anglo protected their Jewish masters in WW2 is what happened.



>tfw no tender boypucci in my country

i understand you peeps
i'm from "You're a Gay" after all

we're always 50 years behind in everything, economically, socially, this is a "macho culture" backwards country

when i'm 65 maybe we'll have horny twinks running around to enjoy sodomizing
jk. ya'll faggots


After opening a trust company in Reno, Nev., Rothschild & Co. began ushering the massive fortunes of the world’s most wealthy individuals out of typical tax havens, and into the Rothschild run U.S. trusts, which are exempt from the international reporting requirements.

The Rothschild banking dynasty is a family line that has been accused of pulling the political strings of many different governments through their control of various economic systems throughout the world.

Historically, there is ample evidence to show that the family has used insider trading to bilk money from both private and public funds.

During the Battle of Waterloo in the Napoleonic wars, Nathan Rothschild was responsible for one of the oldest cases of “insider trading,” which led to the Rothschild family robbing a whole nation blind. In 1815 when the battle of Waterloo took place, there were no quick methods of communication like we have today so messengers were used for communication in times of war. The Rothschild’s took advantage of this by having spies on the frontlines of the battle who would return information to the family faster than the messengers used by the military.

When the British won the war, Nathan Rothschild, was of course, the first to know, and he immediately went to the stock exchange and started selling stocks while putting out the rumor that the French had won the war. This created a panic on the floor of the stock exchange and investors all over England began frantically selling their stocks. With the price of all stocks plummeting Rothschild was able to buy out the whole English market for a fraction of its cost. When word returned that the English had actually been victorious, the value of the market soared, and overnight Nathan Rothschild expanded his family’s wealth, and cemented their position as one of the richest families in the world.

Part of the problem is they fell into atheism. A meaningless confused existence. Part of the problem before that is they fell into Protestantism.

Going to get attacking by frogmen for this one but:

The picture on the left and the picture on the right are pretty similar.

>Warrior culture
>Large decorated cultural facial hair
>Old-world belief system
>violent culture based on theft and rape of others

If you literally darkened the norse-bro's skin a bit, and gave him a wider nose and less prominent eyebrows they would look pretty similar too.

Face it Sup Forums If Islam was the religion of the vikings, you'd all be Islamic and be telling me that fucking a goat once in a while is good for the body and soul.

>Monotheistic superiority

Oden got pwned by Allah

yes, I'm sure he thought they were remarkable

I am not a gay, Faping on traps - not a sign of homosexuality.
In the north countries, there is no "macho culture".

Im aroused :(


welcome to the club


Elias is so hot

>If you literally darkened the norse-bro's skin a bit, and gave him a wider nose and less prominent eyebrows they would look pretty similar too.

>If you made the man look completely different he'd look similer.

>Face it Sup Forums If Islam was the religion of the vikings, you'd all be Islamic and be telling me that fucking a goat once in a while is good for the body and soul.

So sick of this meme. Why does everyone forget the Spanish and Portuguese subdued 1/3 of the Earth under the Cross? The Norse had their chance with an evangelical religion and failed.

>that picture
Are you retarded? Is the """ American Education""" meme actually true?

10/10 would bugger.

Anyone who wouldn't is just pretending


Kek white """"""brotherhood"""""" BTFO

If they were Muslim and part of the Sunni Ummah they could have avoided this

Meaningless hypothetical.