>Was a powerful ally of USA and Israel just 30 years ago
Will this happen again in our lifetime?
>Was a powerful ally of USA and Israel just 30 years ago
Will this happen again in our lifetime?
Only if they put away the centrifuges
They're the only real external threat left to Israel
So, unless there's another regime change, no.
>They're the only real external threat left to Israel
That's weird cause Israel is the one with nukes pointed at Iran, not the other way around
But at least you're a good goy, keep listening to Rothschilds
>But at least you're a good goy, keep listening to Rothschilds
Stop projecting, I'd rather see that Zionist eyesore toppled
Except Israel doesn't threaten to nuke Iran, whereas Iran has openly stated that they will nuke Israel, and that America is the "great satan" .
Not sure.
We used to be allies true, globalists got in the way though.
>Except Israel doesn't threaten to nuke Iran,
Yeah, cause having nukes pointed at a country 24/7 isn't a threat at all
eh, relations could improve. If Trump passes an oil tariff the Saudi regime collapses into ISIS and this means Israel is (again) bordered by very angry and aggressive islamists. Iran, as all semites are want to do, will step in and make a deal. Iraq will be divided between Iran and Israel, with both agreeing to take on the Saudis. The latter won't be difficult, between IAF airstrikes and Iranian ground troops whatever remains of IS Saudi Arabia will be crushed and divided between the victors.
before you call it unrealistic, remember that all parties involved are sandnigger semites who will readily stab each other in the back if it means personal gain. Israel will readily dump the Saudis if they are no longer useful and Iran will readily dump it's Israeli hatred if it means peacefully annexing the Shia parts of Iraq.
> as all semites
What m8?
im actually hoping the middle east runs out of oil soon so i dont have to care about this stupid dune land
>If Trump passes an oil tariff the Saudi regime collapses into ISIS and this means Israel is (again) bordered by very angry and aggressive islamists.
And this benefits Israel, how exactly? Not to mention Trump already has enough people pissed at him without raised the price of gas by 5-6 dollars a gallon.
The British-backed deposition of the based secular Iranian monarchy and coup d'etat happened.
Thank the fucking Bongs and their oil interests.
Oh one land-thief defending another. Nothing to see here.
Israel has tacitly threatened to nuke literally everyone, and Iran overtly you fucking white nigger.
I thought it was America that deposed Mossadegh via the CIA.
Trump takes the oil for mediating the deal.
Israel and Iran benefit with no existential enemies left.
It was both. At the request of the Anglo-Iranian petroleum company (now part of BP) and its interests
If only they put away the wmd`s.
Gave Israel their uranium that they couldn't steal from the USA like their plutonium .
Lots of good that did them when the (((globalists))) kiked over the Nats in the late 80's.
Israel creates new enemies. Sometimes out of thin air
Just like they created Isis
what the hell does that even mean? You don't actually point ballistic missiles at people. You can nuke any country near the nuke just as easily as another one.
Honestly you guys seem to fuck up everything you touch. Every time you intervene in a foreign government you create 10 times more problems than you solve
>Trump takes the oil for mediating the deal.
How? An invasion of Saudi Arabia? Or do you expect them to just give the oil away for free?
Sorry for beating the Hun off of your doorstep twice, and keeping the soviets out.
Ungrateful mountainniggers
That would be a good start, regardless of oil.
don't you not realize missile's have computer targeting?
I did.
Did you not realize that "pointing" a missile is pretty clear slang for a potential terminal destination within the range of a ballistically delivered RV?
>honestly thinks invading Saudi Arabia is a good idea
We fucked them over for oil. Should've left the monarchy.
People in the 20's - 90's were retarded for letting Islam regain power ANYWHERE. Once the Ottoman Empire fell, they should've diaspora'd a bunch of Turks and revived Byzantium. It would make the situation with the Bosphorous a lot more pleasant, and we wouldn't have fucking hundreds thousands of shitskins pouring into Europe through Constantinople.
They sponsor Wahhabi terrorism around the world. All the terrorist attacks in Europe, Bangladesh, Indonesia, America, China, Pakistan, Iraq, India, Sri Lanka, etc are because of Saudi Wahhabi'i mosques.
Terrorism won't be stopped until Saudi Arabia is deposed. Russia and China would certainly support it.
>Pointing nukes at a country
What kind of meme logic is this?
Fuck off. Build your wall and leave us be.
>honestly thinks Wahhabism will resolve itself.
Pretty much if Israel if ever attacked, it'll bring down Iran with it
Again, this benefits Israel how?
Keep in mind that Israeli policy is effectively American Policy.
all of europe, asia and africa is a potential terminal destination
who the fuck cares about gas cars when diesel trucks can be converted to NG, fracked here in America by Americans
also it wouldn't benefit Israel, it'd be a disaster. But it'd also cause them to dump the Saudis who would suddenly become completely broke
Wahhabi'i mosques are a global problem. Only South/Central America are unaffected. Boko Haram? Wahhabi. Nice attacks? Wahhabi. ISIS? Wahhabi. Machete attacks in Dhaka? Wahhabi. Xinjiang stabbing spree? Wahhabi.
We need to bring the Saudis to heel.
>ISIS? Wahhabi
nice meme.
Also damn, you really hate us m8.
The United States CIA is in contact with the Iranian group we want to assume control after we wipe out the current government.
Of course Iran can once again become an ally, but the extremists who want to challenge our interests in the ME have to be removed. Iran is continuing their push for nuclear weapons and you would be an idiot to think otherwise. The problem is not that Iran would use them, but that all the other Sunni States will want them.
So fuck that shit. No nukes for ANY muslim country. They are too subhuman to be trusted with them. Tbh Iran would be better off if they switched back to Zoroastrian.
They got redpilled
Why anyone can support religious Islamic nations is beyond me. Iran before the revolution was a shining example of Islam being reformed to fit modern society.
ISIS is inherently Wahhabi'i. That's like saying the Crusades weren't Catholic.
In terms of a sensible realpolitik approach to the world it makes total sense. Shiite muslims are fare more diverse and cosmopolitan than Sunnis.
Iran basically went Sup Forums-persian style when we replaced their center-left prime minister in the 50's with the Shah, who had been about a Spain-level monarch up to that point and became an increasingly isolated and violent tyrant. With him wiping out the sane, secular opposition over 20 years of repression, all that was left by the late 70's was the religious establishment and hyper radicalized anti-American activists.
Being an "Islamic Republic" (theocracy) is out of character for Persia's history, which is far longer than Islam's. Religions have come and gone in Iran over thousands of years.
By contrast, Saudi Arabia is basically a giant Vatican City. Sunni's are far more insular and uniformly devout than Shia. Men wear the thobe like women wear the burka. Wahabbist Sunnis have been behind the Afghan war against the Soviets, 9/11 and now ISIS. They are the faith militant squared.
We side with the Sunnis because of our elites (including the Bush's) business interdependence with them--Blackstone, Oil etc., and because the Sunnis nominally are less anti-Israel for now because Israel is the enemy of their enemy--the Shia. And Israel and American Jews obviously control the dialog about wha is acceptable when discussing our foreign policy related to the middle east.
Shia hatred of Israel is due to the settlements which actually affect their co-religionists more significantly and because Shia were radicalized in the 80's due to the US backing of the Shah for the previous three decades and the battle between their kind and Israel in the occupied territories.
Since Israel, through American Jews, control American middle east policy there is no chance we will pivot to Iran and the Shia. But it would make sense--they're far closer to us culturally, and have the same enemy: Wahabist Sunnis.
It's not that simple to convert to NG, and those engines still need some diesel to ignite the NG.
Israel can fuck themselves. If the happening truly comes, Israel will be lucky to dodge whatever panicking officials launch as retribution while they wait for their constituents to tear down their doors and hang them.
Probably won't happen, but one can pray.
The only good nigger is a dead nigger.
You going to pretend like saudi dont hate us? All suadi have a massive inferiority complex and would love nothing more than to see the west crumble.
Iran aren't semites dipshit
Iran is literally the land of the Aryans.
Most countries hope the United States is destoryed. Success breeds jealousy
You're that same S.Afrikan Jew.
I can always tell it's you because you're a big shill for muh holyland.
None of that shit is happening in Israel, even though they're only a stones throw (lel) away.
The zionists gain nothing by letting their muslim neighbors regroup. Let em kill each other as far as they're concerned.
Europe? Fuck em, they kicked us out, we'll send our unwanted pests to them and what's more, the dumb motherfuckers will fall over each other to take em in. Africa? China? Everywhere else? Collateral damage. So long as Israel is safe all is well.
It's under the table, but they're on very good terms with the Saudis btw. The true god of Saudi Arabia is money. Wahhabism is poison, but it's convenient as long as it stay out of their backyard.
The coup was supporting the Iranian monarchy, numbnuts. It also happened 25 years before the revolution.
>t. Iranian diaspora
So did mummy and daddy come during the revolution?
> Look how Aryan they are!
Are you joking?
THIS totally. ISIS is comprised primarily of two elements: Wahabists and Sunnis who were the political and military elite under Saddam in Iraq. Those ex-Bath party members basically are older and have actual military and government experience. They recruit young radicalized Wahabbists as their foot soldiers. The Bathists are admittedly not that devout--used to be a secular party--but 15 years in the wilderness after being the elite in your country for the last half century will make you convincingly enough devout sounding to recruit young, idealistic Wahabbists.
I'd say you're too subhuman to realize the Iranian butthurt today is stemmed from the coup itself and the propping of the monarchy, but then I realized you were an inbred brit.
Persians are the actual Aryans. Not Hitler's definition, but the more general definition that's been used for a long while.
I think that in a civilizational sense, it makes much more sense for Israel to be allied to Iran, they are generally more moderate and civilizaed people than the Arabs, and the Shiites have thir sunni shiite divide thing, and are the minority in that and woul look to ally an Israel.
The issue is that Iran is expressedly anti-american, which forces Israel to ally with an american backed monarchy, saudi arabia, who shoud be israel's natural enermy.
Could this switch up? Maybe if Trump changes policies in arabia and iran gets a revolution.
But if iran gets a revolution and israel looses arabia what then do they do for allies? Could they partner with newly liberal syria or iraq or egypt, who have felt the terror of islam and realise their camelfucking religion is worse than the silly jews?
So what you're saying is, Aryan doesn't mean white skin?
You didnt do shit. Fuck off. And stop interfering in other countries. Nobody fucking wants you niggers. Keep to your own shit and keep your filthy noses out of others business
I don't want rain on your goose-stepping parade Her Goebbels, but "aryan" is not just the kid from "The Sound of Music" who sings "You Are 16 Going On 17." Persians aren't Germans, of course, but they are not freaking Semites. Jeez.
Wew lad.
Go fucking wikipedia that shit.
Fun fact, North Indians are more "aryan" than the Germans.
Fuck off medpack.
We will do what is in our best interest. You can't say shit about it.
We didn't?
Fucking medpacs really are wannabe Jews. This is shoa tier lying.
The Aryans are from India.
You may not like it, but Indians are Aryans. Hitler resected them the most. The most advanced cultures came from India. They will also surpass the US and China in the next 20 years.
You can call them poos all you want, but they are the true master race.
I'll agree to Whites being genetically superior to, say, Congoelese people, but we aren't fucking Aryan or Caucasian. Aryans are the people in Iran, Afghanistan, North India, and Pakistan. Caucasians are the Azerbaijanis, Chechnyans, Georgians, and Armenians.
Some Iranians have some aryan blood, but its from long long ago. There used to be light haired people living in present day iran. They had either green or blue eyes.
Modern iranians aren't really cut from the same cloth.
Not possible. Shia are battling in Occupied Territories like nigs in Newark or Watts with their Jewish landlords. Difference is instead of Farakhan, the Shia have Iran. It's a blood battle between these sides. Israel needs to be moved lock stock and barrel to Baja California. We should buy it from the Mexicans, and just airlift the Jews out of the insane position they foolishly got themselves into. It would be cheaper in the long run and might keep the Apocalypse just a story in the Jesus book.
>Iran is expressedly anti-american
They hate Israel more, and rightfully so. There was a lot of good feeling over there when the nuclear deal went through. People celebrated and took selfies when Obama went on national tv there. Had the deal gone through, sentiment would've changed for sure.
But guess which country was the deal's most vocal opponent?
I wanted Trump to win, but one of the few things I kinda regret about his victory is how fucked that deal is now.
This is some afrocentric YouTube video tier shit.
> White people are not real white people!
Samson doctrine or whatever?
>North Indians are more "aryan" than the Germans.
wew lad, you're talking about an ancient bloodline that pre-dates modern India.
The aryans that used to be in what we now called India, that were called Brahmins, that wrote the Vedas, no longer exist.
They could shoot an apple off your head.
First time in history, the Chabad clan has direct blood ties to President-elect of the Unites States
The President-elect of the United States has vowed to cancel nuclear deal and calls Iran №1 terrorist state in the world
All the recent procurements and decisions taken by the Pentagon suggest big war on the Middle East within next 5 years
> Obama and Hillarys deal with Iran that Iran has violated multiple times already was a good thing. Trump is wrong on this issue
Go fuck yourself, cuckbot.
Those terms have been misused to refer to White people. Just refer to us as European or White. Aryans and Caucasians are as similar to White people as Semites, which is why Semites get lumped in with White people in most censuses, but everyone knows the difference.
>Chabad clan
Would you put money on a war w/ Iran soon?
I also shill for Israel big time on here.
Enjoy the coming war with Iran on behalf of your zionist masters bub.
Sure, they do not exist today, but their decedents continued the bloodline.
It's comparable to the Normans in England. Sure, the Normans don't exist in England anymore, but their descendants have continued their bloodline and culture.
No, dickhead.. you "didnt do shit". Your "neutral" chickenshit nation went from nazi cash and prizes warehouse to the heart of international jewish banking in 70 years. Nobody gives a fuck what you think, just launder our goddamned money and shut up.
> Iran thought it was going to get away with taking US sailors hostage.
Kek. Trump is gonna Jizz all over Iran and that government and Military is going to get with $50 Billion dollars worth of bombs within a very short amount of time
>We will do what is in our best interest
That's the thing. You're incapable of doing even that competently. Everything you touch becomes a shitstorm. Most of all for you.
>Now Syria
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
You pieces of shit are so fucking dense you should just stay the fuck in your own country and never come out.
Eternal fuck-ups, that's what you are.
ISIS isn't Wahhabi, but it is true that some Saudi adolescents are brainwashed into believing that it is. Massive programs aiming to raise awareness against terrorists and terrorist groups have been launched in the educational sector, since teenagers and young adults are what terrorists usually target because they're generally easier to brainwash. The country's tolerance towards extremists has really reached an end, nowadays when a person is suddenly a conservative it is met with suspicion while merely 20 years back that sudden change of behavior was met with respect.
With each passing day there are less and less conservatives in the country.
It is a slow progress, however what I am seeing in the present day is something I wouldn't have seen 5 years ago.
Your assessment is correct. Deal made sense.And would be good for trying to get out of the Isreali-Sunni orbit. But that ain't happening now. Trump doesn't need Ivanka getting banged by a tribesman to be pro Isreal--he's a New Yorker and they are overwhelmingly pro Israel.
I look forward to the dead muslims more.
The difference is that normans lived among other whites while the Brahmins lived among and intermixed with aboriginals and as such their greatness was heavily diluted.
I truly believe that the Brahmins migrated out of India. Some think they became the Druids.
Enjoy life while you can, Sunni mongrels.
Go to Israel already.
You pushed to end the apartheid, ruined S.Africa, and then ran off to Israel when niggers took over. All while the Jewish banks profited tremendously. Soros was directly involved when Mandela ruled.
>Implying that would help at all
The only way (((we'll))) ever let them be our allies again is if they make a complete 180 with regard to their stance on Israel.