Brtinons, come in britnons. Have you all been arrested yet?
Brtinons, come in britnons. Have you all been arrested yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
That's literally nothing though, should be fine if he paid his diversity tax.
Why are Brits such bitches these days?
I am ashamed to have Anglo in my blood
Why USA is better.
We have freedom of speech
Tell the magistrate that you want to fuck their nan with a marble rolling pin.
Say something really racist then.
If it's nothing then it should be no problem right?
Anyway like I said, it's literally nothing.
punk ass bitch
>not using a tesco mobile hotspot with a vpn
Fake as fuck my brother gets court summons all the time because hes a thieving gyspy cunt.
>Please bring a valid ID
That is hilarious
>being a tripfag
You deserved it
>It's illegal to tripfag in the UK
o shit
first brexit now this
fukken based
whats a tripfag
can i go to jail for posting racist stuff on here????????????? asking for a friend
On the ___ site ? what could it be
The consitution still protects you, dumb faggot
>This is the internet troll who made vile comments about tragic teenager Mzee Mohammed. Rowan O’Connell, 23, was hit with a fine by magistrates today over the sick outbust following the death of Mzee, 18.
>The “gentle giant” died after becoming unwell while detained by police officers at Liverpool ONE in July. O’Connell took to social media website Reddit, where he made baseless allegations, labelling Mzee a “good for nothing, spice smoking, Toxteth monkey”.He added: “As I say, who gives a f***.”
>O’Connell, of Back North Crescent in Lytham St Annes, Lancs, pleaded guilty to sending a communication of an indecent or offensive nature at Sefton Magistrates’ Court today. He was fined £275 and ordered to pay costs of £115.
Just don't yell "fire" in a crowded theater and you can say whatever you want.
>Fuck you Derbyshire kikes. The Holocaust never happened. Go IRA!
Constitution doesn't protect tripfags
>americuck education
gullible yankcucks
Its fake imo
Le american logic
>Well judge the thing is that post was satire and thought it was painfully obvious since no one can genuinely feel that way in 2016. However it seems I was mistaken because the police seems to believe such a ridiculously extreme post was genuine.
And that's that.
Still beats having to pay a grand and go to anger management for 6 months because a woman called the police on you (no actual charges but it turns out you knew one of the cops and you guys have bad blood so he lied and said you hit her even though there were no injuries listed)
You literally don`t have freedom of speech.
I can guarantee if you went u pto a person on the street and said what you think of them it would end up in an altercation and the police would then get involved.
No such thing of free speech if you have a community and police force.
>please confess to your thoughtcrimes so we can bellyfeel you
or, maybe how about, no?
>Britbongs think they have american tier freedom of speech
lels. Fuck i love freedom of speech and hate niggers jews and muslims.
>Media is a propaganda arm of the Democratic party
>Brit (allegedly) summoned due to "hate speech"
>Americans outraged
>Somehow these are equivalent to the Britcuck
Now go outside and yell that to the first person of colour your see.
We can still say whatever we want without being summoned to court hahahha.
Ha ha ha ha
Do people think this is real?
i have, you see, we are very alpha male here. i shout it at niggers while i'm at work, too
hell, it's where most of my encounters occur... i hate niggers and jews so much
Of course if you throw hands with someone the police will get involved but calling someone a nigger won't get you in trouble
I haven't seen a colored person in months. I live in Montana senpai. Freedom of speech is the freedom to say what you want and not have the government punish you for it. Of course you could get punched for being an asshole but thats life. If i called a nigger a nigger while right next to a cop, I promise you that I will be sleeping comfy in my bed that night.
Picture was blurred and no signature.
Well why is it definitely ake? Spelling errors?
>He thinks the people don't get to argue amongst themselves
>He has no experience with freedom of speech
>So he doesn't know what it means
This actually made me slightly sad.
I call bullshit.
You must live in suck fucked up fag land. I grew up in a place where they would punch you to the ground just for having long hair or looking at a person in the wrong way.
Mentions Sup Forums by name but doesn't name the ISP.
But the main thing is:
A summon to court is made by the county court.
You likely being a small Asian man has no idea what being an alpha means.
Kind of my point. The government might not take you to court but your community still dictate what is acceptable speech.
reported to Her Majesty's Thought Police. Enjoy the prison time, britbong
Apart from being English and coming from the birthplace of Anglo Saxons.
Notice how the britnon in no way try to disprove this by saying racist things. You can see the fear in their posts.
I didn't think TV Licenses were real either but they are.
The letter clearly says he must appear at derby count court. So..
Heres the original with all the spelling mistakes
>I didn't think TV Licenses were real either but they are.
Most countries in Europe have them, some countries make you pay whether you have a TV or not.
But the Police don't issue these letters, once a charge has been filed with the County Court, is the court that takes over and they send a multiple page form.
>The letter clearly says he must appear at derby count court. So..
It's still fake.
Was this thread on Sup Forums? When was this?
During the election I recommended on three occasions that people should sniper the polling booths and target Hillary Clinton.
Can not wait to be summons to answer why I propose such a thing on Sup Forums.
So you're completely alright with all of the Muslims and Africans slowly taking over your nation while your government does everything in their power to take away the rights of the natives?
On an earlier Brit/pol/ m8, it was to b8 Americans into posting. They'll believe anything sometimes, this thread as an example.
>Was this thread on Sup Forums? When was this?
A few hours ago m8
>fucking Derbyshire
They are not. Plus English people don`t take much notice of the law because we have a different style of judiciary.
The whole of the English parliament could be taken over and still the English would carry on doing what they have always done.
Unlike you US fags who still stand up in front of flag and get worried about it being burnt.
On phone. Cant click. Reeeee
>thank you for your cooperation
>it is not optional
Shut up you cunt, shut it
But really though, it's fun seeing all the yanks get so wound up over something that we made up on britpol, it's even fucking with the faggots on
Post a joke about niggers and watermelons you pussy
please tell me this is fake
it's real brah
Probably be reported on The Guardians twitter feed at some point as well.
nice flag
"Freedom of speech" means the government will not arrest you for it.
You're trying to make it mean that you won't get bitchslapped by a civilian, but that's never what it means.
In related news, freedom of speech also doesn't mean freedom of venue, which is why liberals get arrested or run over protesting in streets.
And there are a few well defined limits regarding libel, threats and inciting to violence but, for example, nobody will arrest you for saying "Obama is a cunt who can suck my dick" or "These faggot Japs don't know what they're talking about, I'm glad we nuked them", etc.
Try that sort of thing in most of Europe and you'll get jackboots on your neck within the day.
>>your community still dictate what is acceptable speech
they don't "dictate" what "is" acceptable.
they try to ENFORCE what THEY think should be acceptable.
these kind of people are not a "community" in the sense of the term, they are just a group of people who think the world is a movie, they are the lead character, and what goes on in their own head is what everyone else should follow...because they said so.
this is why the freedom of speech part is so important. it's meant to elevate that part of your rights above the crowd mentality that a "community" would usually have.
when these people have a problem with your freedom of speech, it's usually no where near a case of them "dictating" it. they aren't reading it aloud to you, they are actively trying to stop you from speaking entirely. it's usually a case of actions first, words later.
Your a sick woman beater user
Checked and kekd
Fuck wrecking pedo
Niggers and spics should hang from trees.
gas the kikes race war now
>fucking englandistani faggot
Nah, it's all shit, you didn't mention muslims
>asking for a friend
Hello. This is an agent of the Mossad speaking. We know you're asking for yourself and not for a friend, and we know of the posts you have made on this website.
We advise you to stop the Anti-Semitic posts completely. You are being monitored as we speak. If you continue, legal action will be taken against you.
Sincerely, Avi Leibowitz.
why would i do that. that would be racist angainst the peaceful followers of islam
Obviously you have never spoken to a real English person. Most places outside of the cities the police would be saying the things you think we would get arrested for.
Why do you want Obama to suck you cock?
>with the username
Tripfag got BTFO.
Go ahead. Arrest the Sup Forums community. As if you can be bothered. All that US subsidy you get would soon disappear. You would not fuck with the hand that feeds you not matter what they said.
The alignment on the word "reddit" isn't even close to that of the rest of the text and the aliasing around the "r" is just laughable.
What an embarrassing waste of police resources.
Policing peoples conversations to be 'non-violent'. ridiculous. I'm offended that people are this offended.
Call me a filthy shit skin nigger and tell me how you want to wipe your country of niggers and sand niggers. Do it, cone on, what are you waiting for?
I don't want the risk of hassle.
Can you guys just say "Burden of proof is on you to PROVE it was me?"
We had a case like that thrown out where a guy on facebook said "ITT: Niggers" and he just said 'Can't prove it was me.'
Maybe a bit harder since it's your home, but still.
How the fuck do they even know it's you who posted on Sup Forums? It's anonymous...