Does Tucker Carlson read Sup Forums?
Does Tucker Carlson read Sup Forums?
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I'm certain he does. CERTAIN!!!!
Tucker is pretty based. I feel he has a better grasp on things then some of his collegues at Fox.
he BTFO of (((John Stewart)))
He may be our guy.
He always talks about stuff I see on here by the next day. Which means he's 72 hours quicker than other talk shows. They'll start grooming him to take hannitys position in 5-10 years. He's spot on most of the time.
Almost certainly.
this generation's Buckley
love this guy
love this dude
I used to hate this guy years ago (when he wore that goofy bow tie) but I've grown to appreciate him. Guy is brutal in a debate, but is always cordial to his guests.
He's the ultimate troll. Dresses like a douche and rolls with the perfect douche vibe.
I love him now.
He's the Gentile Ben Shapiro in logic, reason in debate. Utterly destroys people.
Who needs that jewish autist when we have based Tucker.
I am sure Beck does. F'ing shill on CNN alluding to, albeit back peddling on Trump, Bannon alt-right etc. etc being racists and basically morons.
Agreed. Glen Beck however is a cuck.
no but he regularly talks to and is interviewed by alex jones
I had posted this in its own thread, but here it is again in case you missed it:
sell me on him with your favorite jewtube link.
I don't have one. I don't save enough vids.
So you don't have to take me for my word, but just watch him. He's a pretty funny guy, with a 24/7 shit eating grin while he makes fun of liberals.
why doesn't he wear a bow tie anymore?
He's emulating Trump now.
What are you and why can't I collect you?
Also, I have no idea how this guy can go from full on anti-Illuminati and naming Soros to working for him. I mean, he completely sold out and got a job at Lucifer Inc.
tucker is based.
wish they would shit can megyn kelly and give him that prime time slot
did he btfo anybody today?
He stopped wearing bow ties when people kept letting him know he looked like a libertarian dork.
>full grown beard
>voice of a child
How come betas hate Trump so much?
He has an actual life and better things to do in his free-time. I think Sup Forums-tier content gets sent to him via social media. Beyond that, he's always been heavily no-nonsense evidence based... who would have thought that evidence based folks turn out more right wing.
He BTFO of a fatfuck MSM journalist on Friday.
saw that, fucking hilarious.
that was pretty good. he's doing the Lord's work indeed.
Tucker "Cuckslayer" Carlson is fucking based. And I was honestly surprised by this, because he always just seemed to be like a dopey numale on the weekend fox-and-friends bullshit.
But no, he's fucking savage
>another beta voice
Feels good to have a deep voice.
That was amazing.
Tucker fucking tore up some dipshit ex governor yesterday. It was fantastic.
tucker is based as fuck
i'm honestly surprised fox gave him a show, at prime time too
Friendly reminder that these are the people who think that "evidence" is a device to promote white-male supremacy.
He hasn't worn one in years. His wiki talks about it
I like how this mystery meat faggot he's interviewing literally using the term "sovereign nation" while arguing that anyone has a right to come into the country and citizens don't have a right to deny anyone.
Does he even know what SOVEREIGN means?
Fuck that he needs to take Megyn's spot tomorrow!
I want to fuck her ass so bad ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I heard she was having an affair with Brit Hume of all people
One doesn't need to read what is written on ones heart.
>calling out leafs and waffles
Well he's a right wing loser so yeah probably.
Tucker Carlson is undercover AltRight, but I doubt he wastes his time on Sup Forums, maybe he did in the past a little bit.
That makes you a loser as well.
wow I googled it and this actually surprises me
Paul Kersey dropped hints that he's woke when he went on Fash The Nation
Jon Stewart made fun of him for it.
Guess Tucker got the last laugh
He's pretty based, and I'm assuming he is an oldfag on here, but he seems to hold exotic views on gay marriage - ones which suit that of a democrat. I'm not sure if this is some form of 7D chess he's playing though.
Holyshit megyn was a ugly kid.
Idk. I think the "secrect club" was found out awhile ago. Especially by the media.
I wonder how much they were paid to say "Hamilton" over and over again.
protip: Trump saw this coming and sent Pence and Bannon to Hamilton on Broadway
To quote O'Reilly, "When I was a kid, if your name was Tucker, you got beat up."
Dude is pretty based, all things considered.
He is.