Canada's Trump is a Woman

Kellie Leitch, Canada's most notorious Trump supporter and future conservative PM candidate, is receiving death threats for her immigrant screening proposals.

Please Frog Squad, keep Kellie in your thoughts. You are Canada's only hope to MACA.


*sniff*, your support brings a tear to my cuckeyed self

She's terrible.

Friendly reminder that people shilling for her are actually Liberal shills who want to guarantee 10+ years of Trudeau.

MCGA has no ring to it.

If she's killed nothing will happen because it's fucking Canada.
All hope is lost.
We don't have an identidy, it's racist to be proud of your Scottish or French heritage, it's wrong to which people built this country because it isn't inclusive enough.

We truly are fucked, Bill C-16 is just a stepping stone to jailing anyone who brings up race in any shape or form

you know what to do boys

fire up the memes

>it's racist to be proud of your Scottish or French heritage

No it isn't. I'm openly proud of my heritage and I've never been called a racist.

>we should circumcise little zionist males
>what about females?

canada is full of pussies, they would never elect her because they know muslims kill them all.

It does if you sing it like YMCA

Fuck off before your burn your shit cabin again

>Canada's Trump is a Woman

So is France's


can we make meme magic work again? does she have a chance in canada of winning?

She is an opportunist who is nothing like Trump at all.

Great ped doc too. Did my brothers' surgery 15 years ago.

My family loves Kellie (as a doctor), but has been anti-Trump the whole election. Told them about her ideas and how similar they are to Trump's, and they're starting to come along.

Long time libs are seeing through the current bullshit here.

Please dear God end the weedman's reign.

>it's racist to be proud of your Scottish or French heritage
Not in Quebec.

>women leaders


>canada gets uncucked
>gets act together
>makes good shitposts

it's a longshot but your country is actually redeemable.

Just stop making bait threads you fucking dumb assholes.

>Bill C-16 is just a stepping stone to jailing anyone who brings up race in any shape or form as long as they aren't white

It's going to be entertaining fort sure. What will the feminazis do??

Vote for a racist woman or a man who is a lot like a woman but still technically a man.


If Leitch loses, no one will claim its because of a glass ceiling - thats for sure.

Kek would help you leafs if you would just stop shitposting so much.

French Canadian, yes.

>Quebecois are of French descent
>Quebecois spawned from the inner-layers from the earth and are Lucifer's children put on earth to torment fake Canadiens
Pick one.

Doesn't she support the TPP

She is no Trump. She's the kind of person okay with government spying.


Canadian Again, Great Again.

Canada needs the Wrath of the Leitch Queen


this is exactly what I've been saying. She is an opportunistic SLUT



>Make America Canada Again

Maxime Bernier is the best one running.

We need to start memeing him to the top.

Corrupt globalist, just like all our other politicians.

Harper tried the Barbaric Cultural Practices phoneline during the last election and it backfired bigly. Not too sure if the CPC has a chance no matter what candidate they choose. I wish Canada was more in step with the US.

Pretty sure our next Trump is literally Kevin O'leary if he really does run like he says he will

big league*

>If she's killed nothing will happen

I thought weed man said, "if you kill your enemies; they win."

Maxime Bernier is the only acceptable leader.

Tell me about Mad Max. Is he a nationalist? Is he anti- immigrant? (At least as nationalist as you can get while still being in the public eye)

Leftists are little bitches

He's a libertarian more than anything else.
If he's a nationalist, he's a Quebec nationalist first.

Harper should have stepped down and appointed a leader before the election
his arrogance fucked the Conservatives and possibly us depending on how bad Trudeau is

>Canada's Trump is a Woman





France's Trump is also a woman. And also Germany