Rate my map. I think it's an accurate prediction.
Rate my map. I think it's an accurate prediction
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>being this delusional
say it with me: MADAM PRESIDENT
love this meme
>North carolina
Fuck outta here with this shit
fucking shill
desu though, no way we're taking wisconsin or pennsylvania
>Implying you are taking Michigan
>Implying you are taking Florida
>Implying you are taking NC
haha, drumpftards never fail to make me lol
I am genuinely concerned about your mental well-being
Hillary is more likely to take Arizona, North Carolina, Florida and Texas before you delude yourself into thinking Trump has any chance.
I am genuinely concerned about where the fuck you are posting from
They actually told us this......
Pick one drumpf fag
Your fucking retarded man, theres no way Trump will win, and even is there was a chance in hell it wouldn't be by 38 vote over the 270 needed.
You need serious mental help, this map alone should show anyone why anyone even thinking of voting for Trump is living in a fantasy land.
This is what being a racist misogynist xenophobic cis does to your brain folks, take it from me, yay democrafts!
>Implying the election isn't rigged
aahahahaah trump faggots will never learn. Back to r/thedonald delusional idiot
>texas red
top kek drumpfkins! can't wait to drink your delicious tears on Nov 8!
HA he will never take michigan and wisconsin! Globalism worked too well there for anyone to think a change is necessary!
>Okhlahoma red when Clinton almost has a .1% chance of winning there
Don't count your chickens until they hatch drumpfniggers
i want trump to win but red PA is a meme. colorado and NH are his best bet
>nevada and colorado
Wtf imwithher now
you do realize this reflect the current results?
You guys are idiots. The Nevada earlier numbers are comparing only R vs D. Trump will win because the Independents lean Trump by 10pts. Stop falling for propaganda.
WI? In my wildest dreams.
I am sure CO will go read, though.
Asia Pacific probably
At least try to be realistic, OP
>le red PA meme
nice meme my friendo, upboat xD
The Brexit states
Why did we not believe based Michael?
There's no way MA will go look. Think about the google population.
red* Fucking phones
Jeb will win
>PA but not NH
at least try
Fucking plebbit man! There's no way in hell that Trump could ever flip states which haven't been Red since Reagan. NO FUCKING WAY! IMPOSSIBRU!
LOL Drumpfkins are so delusional
Trump will be BTFO, Madame Secretary Clinton will wipe the floor with that clown!
What timeline is this.
the timeline where Drumpf gets shlonged by based Hillary
What the fuck are you on about lad? The election is on the 8th.
>Nevada blue
>Wisconsin red
What did he mean by this?
It was on Nov 8th, this map is how things stand right now in relation to the election. its not a prediction per se.. we are still waiting to Michigan to report in... but Trump was winning that state already.
Who actually made the Clinton Pepe? I doubt that any Sup Forumslack would have done so.
you're a real serious guy
CTR plz go
IDK but there were quite a few different ones
Le evil CTR boogeyman obviously
This thread brings back good memories. Too many people playing shills though, there were never that many.
GTFO Town Rapist, Trump will win, Kek said so
I believe it was the Malaysian cuck who made the Christ Chan comics and always bitched about Trump. He made a post talking about how he made the HRC Pepes and was furious when he found out that CTR gets paid for it, unlike him.
HAHAHHAHAHA you stupid Drumpfkins actually seriously think this? Hillary is 12 points ahead. TWELVE POINTS AHEAD.
I can't wait to see Sup Forums melt down when that orange racist sexist homophobic xenophobic rapist pig loses in the largest Democrat landslide since 1964.
I don't know if I could've come to pol anymore if Crooked won. I couldn't handle the terrible HillPepes
>Florida red
>Wisconsin red
>Pennsylvania red
>Michigan red
>Ohio red
>north Carolina red
Get real op.
Madam potus is way ahead there. In every poll!
fuck i feel like i just literally traveled back in time
>Texas red
How delusional can you be ?
Stupid Drumpfster Hillary will win in a landslide.
I knew one fucker wouldn't get the joke.
delusional drumpfkin
Read this thread then try to understand what is happening
Protip: you have autism. I have said that many times to many people but this time it isn't funny to me, only aggravating
Silly drumpfkin, so delusional TOP KEK,
Drumpf will be BTFO by (say it with me)
LMAO OP probably thinks the polls are fake and the media (who are professionals) don't know what they're talking about.
It's actually kind of sad seeing you pathetic Drumpfkins actually thinking you have a chance of winning.
Go back to your Breitbart safe space, Sup Forums is a Hillary board!
>I don't know if I could've come to pol anymore if Crooked won. I couldn't handle the terrible HillPepes
This would have been a blessing and I could have pulled my life together
Here's another one for you ignorant Drumpfkins: 98.1% chance that Hillary wins.
You know that you can't dispute the science. Does reality hurt? Do you need a safe space? Do you really think your "meme magic" will win anything, considering every last one of you is a loser in life?
Delusions of the drumph fags.
Nevada will never go blue you fucking cuck
Could somebody please explain?
>Pennsylvania red
Drumpfkins are this delusional, I currently live here and NOBODY wants to vote for a racist misogynist.
But seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes.
>this thread
We are like people who fought in the Civil War after it ended. We knew it was the grandest adventure of our lives... and now it's over.
Time displacement. We're in the past again for the duration of this thread.
Now say it with me, Madame President.
>being this delusional
D R U M P F is getting raped on nov 8th user
screen cap this
Hang yourself, you will save yourself a lot of suffering.
Here's your (You)
>A bunch of racist rednecks living in the woods voted drumpf
color me surprised
lmao, are drumpfkins really this delusional? the sooner you accept it the less it will hurt tuesday night...
reminder that U.S. = Rome and this confirms the squatters in the city theory
its all over drumpfkins. THE QUEEN slayed him not once but THRICE
I love the fact that the Hilldawg pepe has a lazy eye. Such a nice gesture towards the differently abled
this whole thread feels like a time capsule
Third Debate is when Trump Won the election
>Michigan red
>Pennsylvania red
>Texas red
>Drumpfkins being this delusional
You have no ground game. Even Crowder admits this and that the polls are accurate. I can't wait until November 8th. The tears of the cis het white patriarchy will be delicious.
>a few racist hillbillies living in the woods
>most of the continental united states.
You are gonna be in for a bad few decades
two words CNN
role playing chat rooms
>Implying Zhroompf will win