How can this effeminate high pitched cuck grow a beard like that but I can't? Do these people take supplements or what?
Also gonna need a name on those products senpai because if I can grow a beard my pussy game will skyrocket.
How can this effeminate high pitched cuck grow a beard like that but I can't? Do these people take supplements or what?
Also gonna need a name on those products senpai because if I can grow a beard my pussy game will skyrocket.
No dude, it's your genetics. There's nothing you can do to change it.
Turns out your beliefs and behaviors have nothing to do with your genetics.
Sup Forums BTFO?
I hate it, i hate it so much. I'm stuck with a pubey (((Jonah Hill))) neckbeard. For life....
I pray to god for the strength to end myself one day
sucks man, you should shave that shit daily
because hes higher test than you,lol,
Ha what the fuck? Why can't you grow a beard?
I need to shave everyday otherwise I go bear mode.
I do... i do, man
I know that feel
havent tried cream
I remember seeing a docummentary about a dude having a huge beard and using pills to increase it havent tried those pills either
Because the distribution of testosterone is often uneven. Some people are more even across the board and these are the generic "males". Others are extremes with one thing, opposite with the other. Including brain, voice, hair etc. Also remember that lots of facial hair could also be due to good genetics for an abundance of hair full stop not just beard.
Example: I have an incredible babyface. I look like a 12 year old. However I have the deepest voice I have ever met of any other human I have seen or know in real life. The only people with a lower voice are the guiness world record people. My brain is hyper-testosteroned in the autistic logical sense, but I have tiny childlike hands and wrists. I have very long legs in proportion to my body, and a girlish waist. Yet I'm incredibly explosive and prone to anger in the "decisive male aggression" sense. So I could well have "average" test levels, but its distributed all funnily.
I have a decent looking beard and I get these cunts all the time asking me if I used any products or supplements.
It's genetics. Go away. It's the only good thing that doesn't make me look like a 12 yr old boy, let me have this one victory.
But that beard makes you a faggot. Why would you want to be a faggot?
don't take any fucking pills. it is not natural and will probably fuck you up more.
>if I can grow a beard my pussy game will skyrocket
Beards don't get you puss bro, muscles do. I can understand you jealousy but a big beard on some 140-pound manlet isn't the same as a beard on a 6-5, 240-pound beast of a man. Get in the weightroom if you want sniz.
It's weird how when I used to see beards like that I'd think they were bikers, truck drivers, or lumberjacks. Now I think their fags. The world has changed a lot in my time here.
My facial hair looks like pic related
I'm almost 20, shit sucks.
Just take steroids you Fucking regard.
But I don't want a tiny peepee
I don't know, OP. He's got a nice beard, but that voice. Holy shit, that voice is embarrassing.
I used to not be able to grow a proper beard for quite some time, but after constantly shaving VERY close for a deliberate youthful, yet bony face (gets me teen poon, mang) it caused my facial hair to keep growing and growing. Now, because of shaving close so much, I now have to shave twice a day. Not even joking. Shit, I'll even get a disposable razor and scrape off the hairs WITHOUT shaving cream. A dry shave, and that's after I use the electric one. It's like mowing a lawn now.
By the way, I used to not be able to grow facial hair on my chin, down the middle of my neck, or any sideburns. Essentially, some awkward-looking chin thing like the orcs from World of Warcraft had. Now, it can be a full beard, because shaving is now a chore, yet I hate facial hair.
Wouldn't high test cause hair loss rather than hair growth?
>male pattern baldness is a sign of virility
Is this what middle aged accountants literally believe?
sometimes i forget most of Sup Forums is young as shit
nice gets though, pubestache.
Can't get more than this. I'm 26.
Just shave it off. You look like Antifa. I can almost smell the old clothes, pot and sweat from here.
It's because you're a spic.
cuck face
>see post
>think it can't be that high
>he opens his mouth
Stinging nettle (root but leaf tea is also okay) is a potential natural test booster, and is generally quite good for you. Also zinc supplementation, redbush tea, and stop consuming grains and factory farmed meats and dairy as that shit plays havoc with your nautral hormones
I agree with this, I have a big old dick but I think that's where all my test went. Tenor voice, patchy cheeks, little body hair and somewhat feminine fat distribution.
Im early 20s but I definitely noticed my facial hair start to come in more fully and noticed myself becoming more aggressive after I got a labor job. Maybe physical strain and exercise cause testosterone to spike? Obviously Im still growing older though, maybe the two are linked and maybe not.
I'm 20 and it's the same, I've been noticing some more hairs popping up on my cheeks which gives me hope. I know my dad can grow a full beard
it is,though. you dont see women balding unless theyre weird. its a man thjing, so is growing a beard and having body hair.
I'm 18 with pretty decent facial hair. Sorry for the acne guys :(
>I have bitch wrists and birthing hips but I'm salty as fuck about it so I'm not an effeminate bitch
>Get in the weightroom if you want sniz.
>Get in the weightroom if you want cock
is this bait
thats weak ass facial hair.
change your pillow case every day and use an anti acne moisturiser straight after you wash
never touch your face after handling shit like coins or door handles unless you've washed them since
>grow a beard
>take supplements
High test causes hair loss on the top of the head and growth on the face, chest, back, etc.
This does not account for the mutant banshee shriek he calls a voice though.
Mexicans in general have very poor facial hair growth
What kind of meat and dairy am I supposed to eat?
this is meme advice
he needs to go to a dermatologist and get on accutane
Long legs are a male trait. The femurbone is connected a lot lower on women, so their legs are a lot shorter.
Women just think they have longer legs, because they always look at all the tall female models with long slender legs.
Balding isn't so much to do with high or low test but the ratio at which testosterone is converted to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). It's a similar issue that causes acne. Sometimes it can be so fucked that lots of your free testosterone turns to DHT and so you get hyper-acne and hyper hairloss. However DHT is also the thing that makes males have far more innate strength regardless of muscle size, so that in some sense is why masculinity and baldness are connected. But there is a balance possible of having both high free test, moderate DHT and a healthy follicular uptake that does not allow extreme baldness. A lot of it is to do with speed of hormonal change. If you hyper-masculinise very quickly in your 20s, then it can set a snowball of hair loss. But if you do it gradually you can still end up just as "masculine" but baldness will be less.
Also, those claiming behaviour has nothing to do with genetics... come on man. That's just retardded
can confirm.
ex pizza face here, also whatever you do please pop your pimples carefully and clean them out and shit or else they'll scar and it takes like two years for that shit to fully fade
This is the one time im glad the army has made me shave literally every day of my life. Now I can grow a beard but its a little patchy just like my fathers and his father.
>genetics my dude
BOTH are meme advice. Accutane is fucking horrifying, it ruins your internals. Do NOT do it. High acne is probably candida. Stop eating so much sugar and processed food. Go on fasts to starve the bacterial overgrowth. Also eliminate dairy and STOP FUCKING EJACULATING. This is coming from direct experience. I know that of which I speak
If it doesn't grow, let it go.
go for the clean cut republican look instead. We need more respectable people out there fighting the good fight. We can't all be fat lazy lumberjack 'conservatives' too caught up in shallow appearances of masculinity without actually practicing it.
>nonmoving gif
jesus fuck
It's genes man. That said, you might just be a late bloomer. Until my mid-20s I grew basically nothing and shaved chiefly because I was ashamed of how little was there. Now (mid-30s) I have a surprisingly wizard-like beard if I don't trim regularly. I still shave my cheeks though as it's a bit patchy there, but I'm expecting that to fill in sufficiently over the next few years.
Also it always looks a bit crap and patchy when you first start. There's really no telling what your beard will end up looking like until you're at least a few months in.
I'm hairy as an ape and am balding but I still have stupid bald spots on face that makes me unable to have a nice full beard or, for exapmle, handlebar moustaches.
Just give up and have a stubble, it looks ok with almost any amount of facial hair and doesn't need as much maintenance as a full beard. Just trim it every 1-2 weeks.
My cheeks are too patchy to grow a full beard but I can grow a decent goatie with chin straps that seems to work pretty well with my facial structure
Still wishing I could grow a mountain beard, anyone know the likelihood of it filling in? (23 years of age here)
I have babyface, trap body, very little facial/bodyhair but really big dick and can get really aggressive and angry really fast.
A man can have high DHT and not get bald. It's about genetics that determine if the DHT molecule binds with the specific follicles on top of your head, disturbing their normal operation and making them slowly wither and die.
looks like it would grow in nicely if you let it.
do you have any patches? I wont try to tell you how to cure your acne, but heed my warning. DONT PICK YOUR SKIN ON YOUR FACE. I gave myself a nice big patch on my jawline from picking at my skin. I had what I thought was an ingrown hair or a pimple but it was really just an inflamed follicle from squeezing and pulling at my skin popping zits. The surrounding skin ended up getting infected and it turned yellow and sticky and eventually sloughed off. Now I only have like literally three hairs that grow there and I think my skin is somewhat more detached from my jaw on that side of my face than the other. Just don't pick at the skin on your face, it's really not worth it.
This is why some good looking men stay clean shaven 100% of the time. There's no shame in it. I do have a great beard, but I think Numales are ruining that look to the point where I might just shave it off and keep it that way for good.
I must be white trash through and through because my beard naturally grows in a Joe Dirt style and people refuse to believe I don't trim it purposely because it's so spot on.
So I'm clean shaven most of the time.
beards are degenerate, there is literally no reason to cover your face in hair like a homeless person or a fucking muzzie terrorist, whoops i mean a person of peace.
stay clean cut, avoid the memes of a degenerate effeminate culture.
he looks and sounds like an oversized gnome
"Long" legs yes, but having a short torso but long legs is a childlike/feminine trait, especially if they are long and narrow. Being broad and wide is masculine, being narrow is not. And if you have very long legs but a "normal" torso you will be a stick, not a V shape. Simple thought experiment; what makes you think of masculine and feminine between elf and dwarf? I cant find a source right now but females -do- have a higher leg to torso ratio.
Feel bad for you who can't grow Übermensch beards.
Pic related. My superior beard genes. Right after voting a straight R ticket. Feelsgoodman.
PS if you're thinking of taking supplements of some sort you may as well dye your hair and wear makeup too because that level of vanity is beta as fuck and more than cancels out even the sweetest beard.
Yeah I did say that in the second half of my post. There IS a connection between the two, but it's not quite so direct.
Just the same, a lot of men still are susceptible to baldness from DHT. This cuck here is likely balding, judging by his carefully placed beanie.
23 years old. All I have is a spic-like mustache and some scraggly chin hairs.
>Ubermensch beard genes
>Cheeks are straggly
>Left moustache doesn't connect
>Obviously grows uneven so you give it a baby length trim
Get out of here faggot.
Hey, look on the bright side. I am the exact opposite. I am a guy with a very long torso and tiny fat legs. When I run, I look like a daschhund running on two legs. I have trouble doing deadlifts at the gym because my balance is all off and my core/hamstrings aren't strong enough to support the extra frontal weight.
Being clean shaven with short hair throughout time has been associated ubiquitously with only three types of men:
Conscript armies
If you have to conform to a specific aesthetic to get respect or economic livelihood, you are one of these three.
>What is CRISPR?
how often do you think he showers?
>Cameraman says "Don't push me" preemptively
>"You always make shit up! I don't wanna listen to your bullshit!!!"
>"Calm down, calm down, ..."
i have 1 hair on my chest. 1 fuckin hair
I can hardly grow a beard. I got some real hairs but the rest of the beard is those little white hairs. But i bought a trimmer, and i always trim rather than shave. It gives the illusion of stubble.
I recommend it if you have beard envy.
I've a huge dick and those things as well. Are we the next super-race?
I said girlish waist, not hips. I'm not salty as fuck about it, as I mentioned i'm an -autistic logical weirdo-. The only thing that gets me salty is inefficiency and logical inconsistency. I am an effeminate bitch in some senses, but not in others. Hence why I wrote a point my point post describing these different facets. Anything else of note to contribute?
height and weight?
I can't imagine having 1 chest hair, are you a child?
He looks exactly like one of my Jewish friends and facial expressions are very much alike, even that red beard, although the voice is different (but high-pitched too).
Seems like your beard have nothing to do with you character.
6'2 200lbs 25 years old.
You know you're actually just a retard, right?
CRISPR can now edit one cell's DNA. Not all 37 trillion cells your body has.
Hair doesn't work like that dude.
23 and can't grow a beard. But I can grow a full goatee overnight. I've embraced this and haven't shaved my goatee in years. Woman literally can't say no to a long thick goatee
Thanks for the laugh. You probably can't even grow a beard.
wrote a point in my post*
Its interesting because I do NOT give off the impression of "effeminate bitch" to others. I give off the "intimidating weirdo stoic who doesnt engage in small talk" impression. I am referred to as dickish sometimes if i let myself get carried away because I am aggressive in my discourse, but I am not whiny or manipulative, and thus never have i been referred to as bitchlike. My personality is far more masculine than my body. I often feel like I was given an overdose of test in the womb, and not enough of it later in puberty due to shitty diet.
That's what I said. "Autistic logical weirdo"
Are you actually attempting to get me upset because I'm not really capable of it, sorry man.
Beards like that are terrible, its impossible to eat anything.
>"intimidating weirdo stoic who doesnt engage in small talk"
>*tips fedora*
i got pretty lucky, started growing it for no-shave-november because im a fucking normie and its growing in nicely
my mustache is a fucking joke though
>tfw youll never have a Burt Reynolds tier mustache
>caught up in shallow appearances
hey faggot we don't shave so we are NOT caught up in faggy shallow shit. In other words, 'We don't give a fuck what you think we look like'.
The funny thing is, you faggot City dwellers turn it into some sort of fashion statement because that's how much of faggots you really are.
Haven't you watched Dexter's Lab beard episode?
you'll have a full goatee by 25 and full beard by 30 and still be pullin 20 year old pussy...oh wait, that was me. lel good luck.
t. Triggered Redneck Trash
Yeah pretty much, only I'm self-aware enough to have never bought a fedora. And I'm not fat so that helps hugely.
*teleports behind you*
Fools. You know nothing of the true nature of beards and facial hair.
You want instant results, now now now!
Patience is your greatest ally, only a true man can wait months, years, for their beard to come about.
Just forget about it, and let it grow.
I have patchy cheeks and it made me too embarrassed to ever try growing a beard. It was confusing because my dad never had any problems with his facial hair. Anyway, I'd say I never gave it a true shot until I was 26 or 27. The patches were quite obvious when the hairs were only 1 or 2 centimeters long. I kept growing it though and I will say to anyone who is trying to grow a beard give it at least 2 or 3 months of growth before you decide to shave or keep it. I'm proud to say that my beard doesn't look bad at all right now. I've been growing and maintaining it for at least a year and you won't notice bald patches unless you dug your fingers in there and moved the hair all around. If you have patchy facial hair you probably cannot have a short beard but you can probably have a long one. So give it a try.