/boipucci/ general

/boipucci/ general

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wrong board faggot



I think you meant this to be posted in Sup Forums...

it's okay, i forget which tab i have open sometimes.

Sage but fucking sauce pls

sage gtfo

die of an STD
sage hide report mods

I know it's degenerate but I like it. Post more.

That's a tender looking boipucci wouldbang/10

Fuck. There's been a fucking tindr nasty gash thread for two hours nobody cares. One decent looking boy ass. M m merrrds!

reported ya fucks


absolute degeneracy
please post more



always a leaf.
how is this the same? do woman care about boipoochies? only sick faggots like you do


wrong board, /fit/ is that way....

How are nasty fish stabs fucking political?


kys homo

fish stabs? sorry i dont speak faggotish

>tfw still haven't been turned gay even after lurking the thousands of homo bait threads during my 10 year stay here

Feels good being /straight/

Bury yourself neckdeep in period juice

anuses are degenerate and disgusting
post more cute feminine penis

>tfw your butt will never look that delicious
why even live?


Get fucked mountain rabbi. RIIICOLAAAAA

>posting in homo bait thread
>not gay

pick one

>perfectly pink

I'd be lying if i said i wouldn't fuck that

Find a flaw

I'm not gay but boipucci is an essential part of Sup Forums culture

at least i am not a degenerate leaf who aprooves of boipoochi threads on Sup Forums. fucking degen. and now shut your cumcatcher

This is now the "What's his name" thread.

fucking traps/men isn't gay

being fucked by traps/men is gay

the greeks knew this

its called waxing ._.

Stop liking the things I don't like overly sensitive closet case zionist justice warrior

essential part of Sup Forums culture
please rake yourself

What if a trap only fucks other traps/men?


>when fagboys have bigger dicks than you
feels bad man

Enjoy your AIDS, faggot. You will be first to swing on the day of the rope.

the mental illness and potential STDs

Mike "if you fap to a trap, you'll get a zap" Pence

wtf I love boipucci now

Enjoy your airborne zika and super gonorrhea and throat cancer charlie

I found it. It's the dick. The dick is the flaw.


Xq28 gene

Mike "Fap to traps? Get a zap" Pence

But that's a butthole.

Poop comes out of it,

Mike "hang em by the fence" Pence

So did the Japanese


>pussy makes me masculine

poop on my penis, somebody gotta clenus, cuz i said I got poop on my penis

Mike "Crank The Gas if They Fuck Ass" Pence

Mike "Deus Volt" Pence


Uterine clots and various mucuses come from vaginas and poop isnt stored that low

Mike "Dike or Kike they get the Reich" Pence

>Leaf openly displaying degeneracy and faggotry

No surprise there.

Is that Barron Trump?


Mike "fag on a spike" Pence

Clamdigger. Mmmm. Tuna flaps

First and last please

Mike "Oven Lovin" Pence

That really doesn't look that comfortable, on either end

fuc off back to Sup Forums

its a trap....

being a trap one would assume would include taking it in the ass

Stop making me gay, pol

Any cute traps in the midwest that want to meet up?

Mike "constant wince" Pence