You DO meditate Sup Forums, don't you?
You DO meditate Sup Forums, don't you?
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No because I'm not a gullible white boy seduced by "eastern mysticism"
Sorta. Hands free ejaculation is neato.
redpill me on meditation user
I meditate for 24 hours a day, my pineal gland runneth over and my third eye has been thoroughly stretched unto the transcendent peripherals of spacetime relative being.
define meditate
How long does it take? I used to try that when I was a tyke, had a few almost wet derams, and then I adventured into putting things up my ass, but it never happened.
Literally only to calm myself before bed and help get to sleep
Why would I sleep sitting up when I have a bed?
It gives you insight into reality and the sort of patterns your mind works in that abrahamic religions don't teach you of
It greatly reduces nervousness and anxiety while improving mental health
>not using tantra to attain enlightment in a second while also attaining siddhis
You have to teach it like elementary school at first. For instance, when I was in elementary school, I was told:
>breath in for 4 count
>hold it in for a 7 count
>exhale for an 8 count
>focus on the feeling the air running through your nose
Actually works.
Yes. And recently (last week) i learned how to levitate small objects
Om Kreem Kalikaye Namaha
Praise Kek
Shit I thought I was the only one. Finally got to more than just a drip. Now full on hands free blast offs
Can you have a hands free cum from meditation?
I think you are
Remember when you had wet dreams in your puberty? You didn't use your hands. Imagine you were able to self induce them.
There you go.
om mani padme hum
Yeah I do at times. I used to hate it as kid when we did it in martial arts, but it's the best way to complete clear your mind of all the excess bullshit like wondering what's for dinner, or your gf bitching at you, etc. Mind is empty, body loose and ready for what's in front of me.
Does masturbation count as meditation
how can you remember how to hands free cum from your wet dreams if you can't remember your dreams?
Can confirm its possible. Just did it last night. Practice kegels?
me and a few friends chanted this when really high once and i do think we were all vibrating or something weird.
I don't know about you, but not remembering my dreams makes me a crazy person. Sure sign that I'm going batshit out of my mind with no survivors.
Not that I ever had a wet dream back when I had dreams regularly.
simply observing what is happening is not being seduced by eastern mysticism user
from my experience, of a sort, yes, but it is only achieved after an immense amount of progress has been made
you don't actually cum though, you just experience the bliss of a sexual orgasm, and lasts for much longer than the two seconds of bliss you get with an orgasm
>I don't know about you, but not remembering my dreams makes me a crazy person. Sure sign that I'm going batshit out of my mind with no survivors.
Not enough
Kind of, true enlightenment is much like the feeling of losing your train of thought, or reaching an orgasm.
That split second, where the self ceases being and perspective isn't confined.
No, it's the biggest waste of time there is. If I really felt like I had time to not do anything whatsoever, I'd spend that time sleeping which is still more worthwhile than meditation.
I mean that I can't think straight if I can't remember my dreams. So when I can't remember my dreams I know I'm not myself.
I'd still like to have wet dreams, but sometimes I can't even have normal dreams.
All the positive aspect of praying without the faggot fairy tales. Should be taught at school.
Harmonic resonance is a very powerful force.
Thats not enlightenment, more like randomness induced euphoria.
I'd rather sleep, it'll rest my body and mind.
Chinks btfo
If you think meditation has a purpose you're doing it wrong. It's a timeout from bullshit. Like a contrast to ordinary life.
Per se? No.
If you do it with that intention? Yes. Your mind is concentrated and your state of mind is different. Though you can lose the concentration easy due to the connection between masturbation with pleasure in your mind.
I mean that's basically the same thing, not that you can remember how to 'do it'. In a wet dream you had an ejaculation produced by arousal by dreams or sensations, not by the watch porn-stroke dick average technique.
attaining insight and knowledge can hardly be considered a waste of time
euphoria is not the same as bliss, bliss arises from achieving a nondual consciousness
Works for me. I tend to ruminate on negative thoughts/things that happened in the past/worrying about the future but with mindfulness it makes it easy to identify these thoughts when they arise and learn to live with them instead of becoming an emotional faggot
pic related is a good intro book
yeah kinda like when you are vacuuming the house and make the same sound as the vacuum.
recognizing and cleansing negative thoughts is an essential practice to entering jhana
teach me how to
Sometimes but I don't do it regularly.
Set a stopwatch and see how long you can sit there and do nothing and think nothing. Make a rule with yourself that you're going to do this even three days out of the week.
You'll be about ready to go outside and kill niggers with pick axes within the second week. That's how you know there's something wrong with you.
Seems like a waste of fucking time.
>You'll be about ready to go outside and kill niggers with pick axes within the second week. That's how you know there's something wrong with you.
why would that be a wrong way of thinking?
>You'll be about ready to go outside and kill niggers with pick axes within the second week
uhhhmmmm this is the opposite of what meditation is for
meditation helps you understand kindness and compassion towards all living things. you meditate to move on from anger and ignorance, and into a state of awareness, confidence, and peace
most people cannot understand the concept is presence. Eckhart Tolle nails it, ignore Oprah. He sat on a park bench for 4 years just present with the moment, no concept of time. People don't realize how difficult it is to "think about nothing". The mind is always drawn to something. It's like a computer, you have to shut it down once on awhile and let it regenerate.
Joe Rogan is a big fan of isolation tanks. They look like big coffins for mortally obese people, you climb in and it's body temperature water with enough salinity to let your body float. Also called float tanks. You feel nothing, you see nothing, you hear nothing (ear plugs). For a half hour your mind races like tyrone biggums, thinking about all kinda of shit and you realize how manic everyday thought can be, it forces you to let go.
When your working memory (ram) is unoccupied it stores up energy and agility so when you are eventually in a pre-frontal love situation with critical thinking skills required you are fucking on point.
The more you meditate the better you get. The ancients took centuries to figure out tricks a mentor could teach you (focus on breathing, when thoughts come to mind accept them, don't engage or reject just accept as it is and be okay with what is.
research will generate metrics pertaining to reaction time, memory, chunking, efficiency in obtaining expertise on a subject. You realize most people don't give their mind a break, they're always consumed by notifications on their phone or worries, well you are much better off recharging your batteries and shutting down.
The Tao te Ching is a good supplementary read, nothing is good or bad, it just is, yet I am not feudilistic or fatalistic in saying so - it only means the urge to self-sabotage yourself from achieving or learning is unnecessary and more highly susceptible to happen when your mind is unable to rest and ensure your best interests personally.
Because I'm white enough to know it's wrong to be for death and against life.
There is no peace in my life, and there won't be after death. Fuck this shit.
fucking how
A key metric of intelligence is the ability to postpone a small immediate reward on favor of a much bigger reward later on. The northern and southern hemispheric cultures who had to survive long winters had to learn to think ahead and plan for it. Evolution granted these cultures more intelligence two-fold first for learning patience and for refreshing their minds after a winter of rest.
Get into a comfortable position that you can maintain for an extended period of time. I personally use the half lotus position, but you can also simply sit in a comfortable chair or even lie down, just make sure you're not susceptible to falling asleep
The essential point about meditation is this: to get anywhere in meditation you need to be able to really steady the mind and be present. Lock your attention onto a meditative object, breathe is the most common and the easiest in my opinion. Stay on your meditative object like a rabid dog until your mind naturally rests on the object effortlessly. As you do so, note the arising and passing away of phenomenon, such as thoughts, bodily sensations, posture, etc.
You may find it initially hard to meditate and your sessions may only last five minutes, but each session will gradually become longer and longer as you practice.
Really, the most important thing is developing your concentration and following through with it. Until you manage to do so, not a whole lot will come out of your meditative practice, but when you do, you'll know when you've done it.
achieving internal peace is hardly a waste of time
well said you fucking pancake
>You DO meditate Sup Forums, don't you?
when i'm taking a shit
all the world's problems are solved on a toilet
>Because I'm white enough to know it's wrong to be for death and against life.
thats you arent thinking big picture, big picture is that if niggers are allowed to continue they will be the death of humanity as a whole.
the odd time yes. usually before bed after doing my stretches
you seem to have time to participate in the societal rat-race with the illusionary reward of success and material gains
life is short and without meditation, death will take you while you've gained nothing with your life
They have large places with lots of natural resources to continue.
We can quite comfortably continue ourselves in other place. The problem is the Jew and how he wishes to control everything in replacement of accepting reality for what it is.
We are going to deep
Not as much anymore unfortunately. It really does help. I'm just not a fan of pretentious people who revolve their whole lives around it.
>They have large places with lots of natural resources to continue.
no, they will use up those natural resources and keep mankind from expanding into the stars. eventually humanity would die. the braindead niggers are negative energy, they will drain humanity until it does, if it continues to coddle them. they are an unevolved species that wouldve gone extinct 200 years ago if not for (((them))).
does it just calm and relax you? can you get visions and other insight from it? i need something psychically activating.
They have neither the interest nor the technology to use up their resources on their own. They don't even want to set sail for the stars, let alone the seas.
But if you just sit and try any of the meditative methods presented in this thread you will find out how physically activating it is. Try it.
>They have neither the interest nor the technology to use up their resources on their own. They don't even want to set sail for the stars, let alone the seas.
thats what i mean, they are just a drain. if left alone theyd probably just kill each other and end up solving the problem 2bh
>But if you just sit and try any of the meditative methods presented in this thread you will find out how physically activating it is. Try it.
will do.
ive been trying to learn more about germanic shamanism, but theres almost no information out there, so maybe this will help me channel.
Is some old mantra necessary or am I fine with mumbling something what I made up?
>does it just calm and relax you?
I think you're underestimating the value of serenity
Imagine living without anxiety, boredom, nervousness, anger, etc. All of these can be gradually removed by meditation, culminating with enlightenment and a life free from suffering and unsatisfactoriness.
>can you get visions and other insight from it?
Absolutely, with the deeper meditative states the mental visions possible can become so vivid that it's indistinguishable from waking life. You can experiencing otherwise seemingly impossible phenomenon that's completely impossible to describe with words, attain different modes of consciousness, and enter into entirely states of existence. There's also the existence of the siddhis, but they're not really something one should strive to attain. All of this is completely non-conceptual and completely impossible to describe with words as it'd be like describing a color to a blind man, so I can't effective share with you my own experiences and visions.
>so vivid that it's indistinguishable from waking life. You can experiencing otherwise seemingly impossible phenomenon that's completely impossible to describe with words
You mean like taking the poo to the loo or what?
I do. I follow the instructions of Herbert Benson in his Benson-Henry method.
if you count farm life fantasies as meditation
>Imagine living without anxiety, boredom, nervousness, anger, etc.
Already do though.. something more in there I can "reap"? =)
Ever tried to "reap" little boy asshole :DDDD?
u can gum no hands :DDDDDDDD-)DDD
That flag...
Very funny weaboo-kun
>all these pleb anons trying to make fun of meditation with zingers without ever trying it out
talk about bluepilled
can it allow you to telepathically communicate? like real psychic activation?
I pray. I'm not asian.
Pretty sure ancient Greeks did this. They probably got it from Indians, but anyone who has practiced knows you can learn more about how your mind works through observation. We really don't use enough of our mind's capabilities.
Meditation is a waste of time.
I meditate and pray.
Its the only way I can cope with anxiety.
Finally a Guru on the thread. I can tell because his flag. Gib prana to fix sahasrara pls :^)
Memeing aside, praying IS a form of meditation.
The best way to cope with anxiety is to accept that it is okay to be anxious.
What gets closer the more you run from it? Fear.
I honestly do this
>Every single culture, religion, or belief system that ever existed included some sort of meditation/ecstacy/trance tradition
>"its just eastern mumbo jumbo. I'm too good for it"
>Memeing aside, praying IS a form of meditation.
That's my point. I don't need some Jew writing a book telling me how "enlightened" Asians are when we have or own spiritual traditions which have been hidden or distorted by Jews in our education system.
>I don't need some Jew writing a book
>he said while beating his dick over worshiping a kike psyop religion
I have horrible dreams that haunt me every night and I remember them all clearly, I have had them for many years. How can I meditate them away?
lewd audio my dude
I hear kegels mentioned all the time, what is it exactly?
You don't need it. Others may need it.
An interesting aspect of meditation is that whst works for somebody may not wotk for another person. That's why a lot of people say that meditating is a waste of time. Meditating like in OPs pic may not be useful for some people who may find more useful to concentrate in exercise, tai chi, drawing, climbing mountains, etc.
It depends the purpose, the mental state that the person has right now, beliefs, etc.
Fuck off with your satanist 666 hand gestures. You will pay for what you've done to the children
yeah , nice meditation vid
reduces stress , quiets my monkey mind
monkey mind vid what is meditation !
Some Hindu texts claim it exist as a siddhi, but it really isn't something to be worked for solely, as the siddhis are merely a byproduct of spiritual advancement. I've experienced a few and they're not that impressive.
By simply meditating, it's really that simple. Through meditation, you learn how to let go of negative feelings you're clinging onto, which is probably where your bad dreams stem from. Nightmares are more valuable then normal dreams, as they allow you to glimpse into the repressed part of your subconscious. If you want more on dream stuff, read up on Carl Jung.
That's just the shuni mudra, it represents patience
My favorite "meditation" is maintaining the presomnal state called hypnagogia. Just relax and fall asleep slowly. You have to wait until your brain kicks over into sleep paralysis and your body doesn't move anymore. Then you can explore this state of mind. You can also pause earlier than the paralysis stage and just be in a deep relaxation, where your body is pretty much numb. It's very much like crossing a border to another part of the mind from being awake + relaxed to asleep + awake.
Meditation is a very broad term, but this is what a lot of people are often aiming to achieve. Some level of intentionally maintaining various brain wave frequencies along the spectrum from awake to sleep.
You'll have to look it up, but basically it's isometric exercises (clenching) your orgasm muscles so that they hit harder when it counts.
So like assuming your a guy, these would be the muscles you would use to muscle your dick up and out, originating from the seat of the pelvis, including anus and prostate once you understand where it comes from.
It's so basic. I bet these guys dislike mysticism as much as I do. Or maybe they are superstitious, but here in the west people get retarded about the mysticism and overlook the most obvious.
Kegels are named after a common kitchen utensil. Just ask your mom where the kegels are, and then come back for more information on how to use them.
no man just practice focusing on breathing or something, you can google how to meditate and it doesn't have to be some budhist voodoo.
The point of meditation isn't to achieve enlightenment or pursue some kind of ascetic lifestyle, its biggest positives are an increase in memory, productiveness, concentration, and psychological well-being.
It's not. It's basically exercise for your brain.
>I've experienced a few and they're not that impressing
Pls tell
>this is what a lot of people are often aiming to achieve
Not exactly the hypnagogic state, but more of the deep sleep state of sleep is what meditation aims to achieve, a state of mind where you're completely present in the moment and without any mental afflictions or phenomenon arising. I'd associate the hypnagogic state more with access concentration or maybe even the first jhana.