Video games and anime is degenerate, prove me wrong.
Video games and anime is degenerate, prove me wrong
you want me to prove why you're wrong? ok
and? get out of here fucking roach
I agree
Then again so are roachs
The alternatives are worse, not just personally but for society.
that's a man.
shoo shoo roach
You're very right fag boy
nobody cares what you want.
No one ever cared.
porn as well
being turkish is wrong, prove me wrong
the secret to success is easy: don't tell women you play video games.
Who cares what they want?
>no fun allowed
>real men spend their recreational time picking up sticks and cleaning the garage
no thanks
You know something? I'm getting really god damn sick of this shit day in and day out. Like do you fuckwads have nothing better to do? "Hur look at dis thing doesn't it make you angry enough to give me (you)s". Git the fuck over yourselves and get a fucking life. Take your clickbait and shove it into my girlfriends tight pussy while I watch and jerk off. She loves letting me watch her get destroyed by BBC. So the next time you go to post something like this just remember WE are tired of your shit.
tl;dr fuck op
Is she autistic or desperate or something..?
You're right
But fuck off roach.
ha, can't trick me
I'm not even superstitious
and men want real women, not forever stuck with a teenager mindset, dumb roasties, but we can't all get our way, can we?
Am I the only one who thinks trap porn is gross?
I can play more than two games. If I have more than two bitches they start complaining.
>implying her vagina has enough bargaining power to stop me from playing vidya
I'm not hideous or desperate enough to grovel at her feet for some puss, and even if I was it wouldn't be worth it
Well what the fuck do you want? Gym? Yacht club? Frat? At least you can play video games together. Even if it is just Castle Crashers.
Who gives a flying fuck what women want? Women want all sorts of degeneracy, the above mentioned things help men deal with letting them have it after years of their crusading wore us thin. We're sailing towards that "better world" they envisioned - full steam ahead!
>notices more and more men giving up on women for vidja traps homosex and porn
>thinks she's still in a position to make demands
Fuck you im replying to this
Only irl. Cartoons are fine.
Turkey won't exist in 20 years.
If you follow what "women want" from the advice of a woman, you'll forever be stuck in the friend zone with every woman you meet.
no woman would think to write that. her over controlling narcisstic boyfriend forced her to hold that up so he could argue with his own kind on Sup Forums, pretending he is above them when he is just a closet video game playing trap porn watching jerkoff cuck.
she isnt wrong
women want a man with muscle and confidence
nothing else matters, and nobody should care what this solid 6 thinks
what about hentai and cinema?
i don't want real women so it's alright
your turkey... your believe the earth is flat and that its ok to molest children. i dont think your allowed to call anything degerate
good taste lad
Video games in very light doses is fine, but playing it every day is unacceptable. Unless you're old and retired.
>start new job
>meet 9/10 super black nerdy girl
>into games and has admitted to voting Trump
>has mentioned more than once she doesnt believe in females whoring about but understands why guys do it
Im almost convinced if I had babies with this girl they'd be whiter than me
>implying women's opinions matter
>women don't want x
>men must accept all our flaws though
yang was a cuck
U mad cause your K:D is bad.
>watch anime and play video games
>girlfriend does both of these with me
gitgud faggots
don't want my mom to die
the only way for you to not see your mom die is if you die first
I do not care what you want
I want vidya and normal porn in moderation, but I definitely do not want some vagina to tell me how should I live my life
Who said we like girls here this is a fag board
>he doesn't stay inside all day living the NEET life
>am i the only one?
No, you're not you fucking snowflake
>anime is degenerate
All porn is gross. But real trap is just alright.
Real men are fags. Let's see. Pretty soon we will have male eggs. There's already surrogates. Oops. Forgot about the sex bots.
>gashes btfo
>male eggs
males do not have eggs you fuckin ignoramus
Who cares what women want?
How'd you guys decide on turkey as a name? Serooms question here new fag here. Was it because so many different empires spilled their seed all over your country? What happened? Do turks think turkeys make a cuckle rather than a gobblem. Tell me your secrets terrorist
You got a keeper, man, put a ring on it.
yeah dude, you should get on that
just by saying "science" does not change fact that females have eggs, while males have sperm cells,
I like strayan shitposters better, they have better banter, Canucks just pretend to be retarded
you have 5 seconds to choose one of these men
I don't want women, can do anything that women can do, only better sans birthing a debt machine. I have a man for everything I want in a spouse and a woman could never do a lot of the things he does for me.
Women get enough of my paycheck from the government, I'm not giving them any more than I legally must.
Why not go for it. You do realise Sup Forums is just as autistic as any other board on this website?
Men wouldn't even be checking out if broken homes weren't a thing.
Single mothers and state dependency created this shit, and these idiots wonder why the dating pool is drying up.
the irony is i don't want a woman because they would want me to spend my gaming time lavishing them with attention instead
Science supports his assertion. Human male gametes are sperm. Human female gametes are eggs.
If this post ends in dubbs everyone that posted in this thread mother dies tonight.
Understand that generalities are representative of a community as a whole, but judge every person on their own merits or you blind yourself.
Jokes on you I hate my mother
Let me google that for you. Science male eggs. Enjoy
I like my mom..........
I'm not sure how a hobby defines how much of a real man you are. Might as well say "you aren't a real woman unless you love to get on your knees and suck dick".
Niggers. Stop that shit.
>giving a fuck what sarlaccs "want"
>when their incessant, incastiable want is all that they ever care about
immunity doggo
yeah and this is exactly why we are here and not at Sup Forums
Kek, enjoy being alone when your alcohol-damaged face gives in.
It'll hit all at once, while trap porn watching cuck boys have been alone all their life and are used to it.
She's right. Limit porn and video games. Anime is stupid. It always has been. Come at me weebs!
jokes on you me and my hot white wife play video games and watch porn together. jealous, faggot?
Men want traps tho so fuck off vagina jew.
Sick of this shit, desu
enjoy ur mud baby that will never have a real identity
I don't get it. What do women get out of this? The people who women bitch about like that are the kind of people they wouldn't fuck to save their lives. Why then do they want these individuals to come out of their hidey holes and interact with them? I just don't get it.
Can be good if used for teaching youth. See manga like Investor Z.
Also, depending on the kind of story, it can be used as a replacement for cultural "myths". Legends and heroes of old are incredibly important to a culture (see Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell). There's something about the heroe's story that clicks in our brains, I guess?
Metaphorical death/rebirth is also something important that is lacking in America. I guess online personas are an emulation of that? Things like RPGs or MMOs? Granted I don't think it's the healthiest replacement, it just shows one of the many reasons why both video games and anime are so incredibly popular.
To be honest, much of the anime culture is too poisonous to really consider it a useful tool. All the trap, pedo, and overall degen shit makes it a total failure.
Still, I remember Ergo Proxy got me into philosophy back in the day, especially with the fan-subs full of information explaining shit. So I guess the final verdict is some anime good? Video games I think is just a waste. That time should be spent learning a new hobby. Play an instrument, learn to garden, hunt, whatever. Don't fucking waste it.