Alt-Left soon

Sup Forums, I'm starting to notice something.

The left, after the election of Trump, is getting angrier. They're foaming at the mouth. And this is hilarious. However, I'm tuned into a few liberal circles and I'm seeing a worrying trend.

People, who were rational enough liberals, are starting to get radicalized very fast. The rhetoric I've seen taking place is more or less "burn it all to the ground." It's still early, and maybe the butthurt is starting to go away, but I'm beginning to wonder something.

Did we create the alt-left?

Other urls found in this thread:

radical left

No the left does not have kek


The left has not point to focus on

They act erratic
because they are erratic

We are chaotic
but we focus our beam of retardation at very specific subjects

these libniggers could never do what we do


Is this forced "alt left" meme the worst meme ever made or is it just my recent bias?

This is just them Literally Shaking on a national scale. They've been doing this shit for years. They're welcome to be edgy and try to "burn it all down."

However, we have all the guns. Also the state (president, congress, police) will be on our side. Them chimping will only bring me joy.

The left is just the left. There really is no such thing as the alt right. It's a false paradigm. There are people who acknowledge reality and people who do not (leftists).


If they act violent we will have an excuse to react with violence

>burn it all to the ground?

You mean burn this whole judaized, niggerized, feminized society to the ground? Is that your THREAT?! LOL


who cares, lettem get violent, their uprising won't last 45 minutes

The alt-left already exists. It's what we call SJWs and Tumblrinas. They're far left of other (((leftists))), but share political footing with them.