Why the hate?

Cause we're whiter than you?

>Why the hate?
Does 'plz b my ai gf' ring any bells?

we breed scum
it doesn't matter

Maybe you fags should stop fucking dogs and pull the buttplugs out of your ass. Then we'll talk why we hate you faggots.

Because I wipe my ass with leafs?

Its cause youre PC cucks.
I wouldnt say I hate you for that, though.
I appreciate the sick bants.
Same to you, Australia. Minus the cucks part.

god fucking dammit Cambodia



(((Leafs))) shitpost on a higher level than Sup Forums will ever understand.

Do not blame them for their simple minds.

>Sup Forums on suicide watch

Thank you for your words, Zhang Nguyen

Not for long, I'm afraid. We're at 75% and we're not getting any less Chinese/Arabic

fact ------ we are strongest shitpooster race in the worldewa

You're welcome, Mugan!tluck!et

What the fuck does this meme even mean?


I swear to god only less than 3% of the leaf posts ive seen since the addition of flags have been bearable
idk whats wrong with you people but its quite clear that you shit up every single flag board.

leaf shitposting is like when you let your little brother to the computer, and he types all afternoon

that's what you want to believe. Anytime there's even one shitposting leaf in a thread they don't pay any attention to the based ones. All because of the flag being a leaf, and because we elected a libcuck's wet dream after a 9 consecutive years of having a conservative PM

They think Vancouver is all of Canada

>We got rek'd by a British women

You guys are clearly buttmad at Mrs. Thatcher still.

So how about Brad Trost, leaf?

Thank you for the clarity fellow high level shitposter.

>let's feed them their own propaganda and see how many chromosomes Sup Forums has

ooooooo im tellin. le weed man guna get you for being proud of your whiteness. him an merkel guna get you

burgers volunteering to do our leaf chores top kek

just in time for autumn!

A few reasons, actually.
1.) You elected pic related.
2.) You are wannabe Australian, low quality shitposters.

After two terms with a Neocon/cuckservative, you elected a nigger. After two terms with a Neocon/cuckservative, we elected someone who thinks like a nigger


>Asian Shitposter making this post.

Let's be realistic here. Obama is terrible, but Trudeau is just complete bottom of the barrel shit tier. He actually makes Obama look like a centrist in comparison.

13% of Americans are black and about 17% are hispanic

the largest minority group in Canada are southeast asians, and they make up 5% of Canadians


Can't argue with that, but at least he hasn't really done much.

THis country sucks and its an embarrassment to live here.

Our shitposting transcends through spacetime




Canada has the best TV shows in the world

I don't talk gook language, fuck off.