*sips tea*
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And Trump had a 99% chance of losing yet he won
So I guess all those famous celebrities will start turning in their jets and yachts huh?
Okay... but you still aren't taxing me for it.
Same as Clinton's chances of winning. Really makes you think
Thank you Reddit, now I'm a #CRUZMISSLE
>it is too late to stop it
>prepare for world war three
That's actually a really misleading statistic.
U didn't actually read the (((((report))))) aka:survey
>it basically says right in it their (((methods)) are good because if not (((((science))))) would fall apart
>in reality less than 40% would take a position on it and they assumed that meant agreeing with them
>science is psuedoscience
>the witches were hanging their enemies back in Salom
>tfw u realize science is full of complete hoaxes
>Anthropomorphic climate is real because Scientists have a consensus.
That isn't how any of this works.
It doesn't matter how many scientists agree that gravity is a distortion of the fabric of time and space if we somehow discover that gravity is caused by Cthulhu tomorrow. They'd be wrong.
Science isn't based on democracy. the 3% that dissent are as valid in discourse as the 97%.
I know about the controversy about climat change in america, but is the concept of pollution accepted overall ? Like releasing shit in the water, air (engendering these toxic fog in china and britain), shitting up the environnement in short.
Households globally contribute less than 10% of global CO2 emissions. Global warming is almost entirely caused by industry. It's a political problem, not a social one.
This tbqh.
You have to be a special kind of guillable fool to still believe the mainstream (((media))) after Trump's win.
the climate is always going to change. we're not the cause. and most importantly, it's not a big deal.
>all the scientists who receive government funding to research climate change agree
Well there you have it!
Wow I'm actually early enough in one of these bait threads that someone might actually watch the video this time.
Science is based on a hypothesis, a test, and a result. Point me to a result of a test that proves man made climate change is legitimate.
What do you think a "climate scientist" is exactly? Where do they work? What do they do all day? Look at temperature maps and frown and pluck their paychecks from the sky?
>30k scientists say climate change is a hoax
>~12,000 Abstracts
>~4000 would take a position
>"""""""survey"""""" totally disregards those who wouldn't take a position
>((((((climate scientists))))))) --a field funded directly by ppl like Soros with massive agenda ---claim consensus
>claim they are the only ppl ((((educated )))) enough
This fraud is frightenly easy to punch holes through which explains why they attack anyone who questions it so vigorously
Over 99% of people also thought the earth was the center of the solar system at one point too.
Great, kill yourself then
No, no.
They make consulting groups to tell companies how to be "Green" all day, and then they pluck paychecks from the Federal Government.
High-school science 101 says that any climate change happening right now is not statistically significant. What do you say to that? And I think we still need to protect/preserve the environment btw
Totally useless. Anybody who's ever asked a liberal to prove something already knows they can't.
Pretty certain back then a lot of "scientists" said the Earth was flat.
Didn't make them correct.
But really, what's the issue again? Is the entire climate change ordeal simply because the left claims to be the solution to the problem, ergo the right claims the problem doesn't exist?
Isn't the wording on this picture rather curious?
>97% of published climate papers agree
You mean the people who need climate change to be real in order to keep their jobs think it's a real problem?
Now that the debate is over, we can cut all funding to it.
Climate change is real whereas global warming is not
The solution to enviromental issues is more advancement not less.
For instance, nuclear energy is good, but primitivist fags who might as well be chimps will cry bout "muh meltdown".
Id like to see a televised debate between a few of the climate change deniers and some of the government funded scientists.
I think it would open a lot of peoples eyes. that 3% obviously thinks that way for a reason
Rhetorical bullshit.
>global warming is a fraud
>as are many other commonly believed """""facts""""""
>even if u agree we need to go back to observational and experimental science and the study of Natural Law
>I am calling out the rhetoric because it's out we got in this mess
>the solution is proper critical thinking and education.
>rhetoric is the tool of deceivers
consensus isn't science for christ's sake.
That's not how the scientific method works.
yea, i wouldn't be surprised if agreeing with climate change was a yes/no box they had to check on their funding forms
Why do people even care? Everyone will be dead by the time the shit really hits the fan.
"muh children's future" is a dumb argument.
The warming has been less than predicted and the predicted disasters haven't happened. CO2 has enormous direct benefits - this is accepted fact and not controversial. There is 14% more life in all ecosystems since 1982 thanks to rising CO2 levels. Cropland is more productive by a similar percentage. We should be using CO2 releasing fuels like gangbusters to turn the planet greener and increase the amount of life. CO2 levels could be 5X higher before we start to question whether the associated climate effects make it a good tradeoff or not.
Okay, so let's say for the sake of argument that man-made climate change is real and that there is scientific consensus on this.
What is the consensus for how we reverse it or mitigate our effect on the environment at the global level?
The 3 % is a lie tho
>it's actually only around 4000 out of 12,000 papers that claimed (((global warming)))
>they literally said u can ignore everyone else because if u don't it brings the rest of ((((science)))) into question
>specifically citing plate tectonics
>tfw I learned plate texhtonics are BS by reading that paper
>yfw you Google "new fault line" and find earth quakes in places with no fault lines
The noam knows all and he is fucking them up
easy for you to say with your state-run media
20 mega container ships burning bunker oil for weeks at a time contribute more than any single type of road vehicle
If there really is some environmental death spiral, and it's true that non-industrial only contributes to about 8% of all pollution, then there's nothing I can do :^)
By now?
We can't reverse it. We fucked ourselves. We can only stop it. But the damage will never be reversed. Atleast not as long as humans are on the planet. We really REALLY fucked ourselves.
>(((*sips tea*)))
It might not be flat but it's not what u think either
>the globe as it is in the measurements we are given is falsified by the facts in this image
>not stating it's flat, maybe it's a hologram, maybe it's bigger, maybe it's a torus
This is part of the (((((science))))) scam
>when u find contradictory evidence u INVESTIGATE it
>but we don't
>we mock and ridicule those that discover it
>we deride people for acknowledging it
>we are doomed lest we question everything
Fuck science. Science say homo sex is wrong but then all of sudden is not because then change their mind? They have their gay satanic agenda everybody knows that. If they can't be belived in the matters of sexual depravity, why would anyone trust them in the weather? It's probably one more scheme of the zionist to confuse people and get more schecles. Remember that most of the so called science are godless too, which should make them more suspicious.
antartic ice is growing. sea level is lowering not rising. by this point they thought in the 70s florida would be under water
Sage goes in all fields
B..but women earn $0.79 to every $1.00 a man makes. This keeps getting repeated so it must be 100% true. Anyone who disagrees is a misogynist and a racist.
Drink coffee like a real man retard
>If I put autism parenthesis around things I don't like then I win!
The 97% myth was disproven years ago op. The poll included scientists that didnt have an opinion or believed that anthropogenic causes were not to blame. The real finding was about 30% in favour of man made climate change.
On my phone so i dont have the links immediately availible but if youre not totally disingenuous you can find it on google in 10 seconds.
Wait, do people actually refuse to believe in climate change? Nobody can be this fucking dumb. Nuclear physicists are more believable than a bunch of suits that run the company.
Used to get snow up to my knees 10 years ago, now this place is turning into California, I haven't even seen snow here in years actually. it's not all caused by us but natural occurring climate change has been going on for millions of years before we existed you must be remarkably stupid if you ignore it.
Remember when all the climate experts agreed we were about to enter an ice age in the 70s? lol
We stop burning fossil fuels, world wide. This can be achieved through a free market that allows alternatives to take hold.
Unfortunately the world economy is engrossed in oil dependency, the USD is even backed by it. Even Russia completely depend on oil.
For this reason, anyone that ever invents an alternative will either be assassinated or offered a huge fortune for a patent that will never see the light of day.
The other alternative, the one that's probably the reason Sup Forums hates global warming preachers so much over, is the whole "One world government and then force doctrines of environmentalism to save the planet" since that would be the only way to get every nation to stop fucking the world up, including china and poo land.
Either way, ocean acidification is worse. Fucking jellyfish everywhere and shellfish and coral going extinct.
>Wait, do people actually refuse to believe in climate change?
science, logic, common sense. as opposed to indoctrination and blind faith perpetuated by factually incorrect propaganda like picture in the op
And cheese has a 100% chance of melting in the oven. What the fuck has a percentage of an unrelated chance variable got to do with the veracity of a scientific paper?
Why do you keep buying oil companies horseshit? For a board which loves to try and find conspiracies and shills and jews plots you really can't see the most obvious one of all. The ((("Climate skeptic"))) movement. Who do you think is funding this movement?
No guessing is involved. The fossil fuel industries use of blackmail bribery and brainwashing is extensively documented. And you're doing their work for free. You're eating that semen covered blue pill they're shoving down your throat. They don't give a fuck about your kids or your family or what the earth will be like as long as that money keeps coming in.
I think most people would shut up and stop arguing if they could produce an ironclad argument that anthropogenic climate change is real.
No, dipshit I said man made climate change is stupid but if you disagree with natural occurring climate change then you are a moron of the highest caliber.
Trump should fight global warming by putting tariffs on Islamic oil.
Remember when 100% of doctors thought homosexuality was an illness and smoking was good for you?
>be me
>12 years old
>dad constantly warns me of "science by consensus"
>school tells me of scientists who go against the grain and follow through on their studies to prove what is real to the best of their abilities, despite being beaten down by their peers
>everyone roots for the underdog
>everyone is a fucking liar
>everything is an agenda to force you into a "side"
>no idea who to believe anymore
When can we just start shooting everyone and begin anew?
No its you that's believing the (((climate skeptic))) movement. Keep giving your dollars to Mr shekelstein at ExxonMobil Co.
nice bait faggot
nobody cares about you :DD
Kill nature. Print pussy on it.
california is getting what it deserves for horrible mismanagement and bleeding heart policies in a desert state
cheap energy trumps your bitching about single degree temperature changes and your mindless obsession with keeping the world in a permanent state forever
This all started when the left decided it would "champion" environmentalism by claiming the right was killing the planet. The rest is history.
sureeeee it is and so was the sandy hook shooting
>blue pill
lets build up our urban areas and wonder why the temperature keeps increasing?
maybe if we stop using petrol it will fix it?
Hillary Clinton had a 97% chance of winning the US Presidency and look at her now.
>Remember when fire wasn't invented
>Remember when smart Ugg thought water was spirit juice.
And remember the fact that we don't live in 1954 and we actually are quite scientifically advanced today. Enough that in the past 50 years alone meteorological science has gone from "not really that much of a thing" to being able to accurately predict a hurricane weeks in advance.
What about those scientists who require global warming to be real to keep their jobs, or the green energy companies who are only able to stay afloat on government subsidies. You think they don't have a vested interest in pushing the global warming narrative for their own gains?
We are in a natural process of the earth, look at all of the data and you will see the earth periodically changes temperature
I do not think the reason at all is human beings
>Households globally contribute less than 10% of global CO2 emissions.
Bullshit. The break down between residential, commercial, and industrial GHG emissions is actually pretty damn close to 1/3rd.
>20 mega container ships burning bunker oil for weeks at a time contribute more than any single type of road vehicle
But not more than 255.8 million vehicles (US alone).
if you fucking believe this you are one stupid mother fucker
* A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2C.
* The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8C of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor which will lead to a lot of warming.
* The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average H2O feedback rate.
* Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 17 years. They are all trending too high.
* In the late 1990's the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
* There is no data to suggest a +H2O feedback either now or in Earth's past.
* If there is no +H2O feedback then we literally have nothing to worry about.
* The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind it's simply "CO2 = bad" and "experts say we're warming faster then ever."
sends email to 10,000 climate scientist asking them if they think CC is man made
3,000 respond
around half say no
asks the rest if they think CC is a pressing issue
includes 77 hand picked(out of 3,000) in study, 75 say yes, 2 say no
claims 97.4% of CS agree CC is a serious problem
troll harder you liberal faggot
Lol that's California's natural state of weather you faggots have just sucked it dry. And no you can't build a Lake Michigan pipeline because I'll fight for my water
I'm a conservative who believes in man-made climate change. Am I some sort of bizarre endangered species?
So science is a majority vote now and not based on actual evidence.
it is all lies they want to kill us and only want 500 million people on earth. they still need american guns once they get that then they have the american super power and can control the world.
then they can depopulate the earth. simple as that.
do you believe turning off all the coal power plants in the usa will affect the temperature in china?
Go fuck yourself. California is in the mess that it's in because they did fuck all for water conservation.
Look at Las Vegas. They don't fuck around with that shit because they DAMN WELL KNOW they live in a fucking desert.
Absolutely this.
Why is this a political thing?co2 holds more heat than the current atmosphere, so pumping co2 into the atmosphere will heat the planet. the only question is are we pumping enough co2 to make a difference.
all of it doesn't matter. in 50 years, we will have the technology to alter the atmosphere and manipulate the climate however we want.
Fuck off retard
are you al gore?