S. Korea's three opposition parties have agreed today to start impeachment proceedings in the National Assembly.
S. Korea's puppet president crisis
The Koreans have awoken. They are taking their country back from the Jew.
probably not. Probably all of them are controlled by jews and they just want to distract people, while making another puppet for the position.
Thank fuck.
I would fucking hope so
Korea has sounded like a dystopian novel ever since I started hearing about grumblings concerning their "department of female concerns" or whatever on /k/ an Sup Forums
cmon garlic eaters take back your cunt-ry
congrats you just ensured democrat rule fro the next 10 years.
Fucking republicans need to die pls.
Why do they go to /k/ and Sup Forums to talk about political issues? I guess nationalizing the video game industry to be more female friendly might have been on topic.
How come when I read articles about this, they say the conservatives are supporting her and that it's the progressives who want her out? Which side should I be supporting here? Anyone want to explain the differences between these two factions?
I really wish I could support them but they have so many alleged ties with North Korean regimes and appeal to so many SJWs in this country.
that was just where the first grumblings against the department of feminism or whatever showed up that I saw. I mean yeah we laughed off the 8 goddesses then but 2016 has shown us that nothing is impossible, whether it be horrible or wonderful
Exactly. Furthermore, information like that (which is very unlikely to be full truth anyway) rarely gets leaked out on such a scale, aided by the mainstream media. It's not a true victory for the Koreans. Something's off.
More like Jews see an opportunity to snatch control from a weird ass cult.
>worth jack shit
pick one faggot
it's gonna be 국민의당
>picking a party whose leader who can't ever seem to make a fucking decision
pls no
At least it ensures he will actually listen to his fucking cabinet instead of going off on his own or run a fucking shadow cabinet
wait....this feminist shadow-government-creating whore is one of your conservatives?
I would seriously just kill myself now
the only correct answer
>electing a mayor
running a satellite city is a completely different thing compared to running a fucking country
did you not see what happened to the fucking country when we elected a seoul mayor?
>american republicans
whatever happened to cuckservative maymay senpai?
True conservatism died long ago
though I gotta admit the man is one helluva competent mayor
>tfw Best Korea isn't a meme and actually checks out because South Korea turns out to be the one with the insane leader and run by a literal illuminati pack of psychic witch billionaires who have used their power to systematically dismantle the patriarchy and become a crypto-fascist state without any western power noticing.
I don't know how i feel about anime plots leaking into the real world guys
Nationalism is a worldwide trend now there is not much (((they))) can do to stop it.