Is Charles Manson redpilled?

Is Charles Manson redpilled?

Other urls found in this thread:

he's retarded


he's literally brain damaged

leftist green party fag

by pol standards

literally yes

Which one is Charles Manson?

He was one in a million

Probably some avatar of a god just messing with us mortals. Even prison cannot contain his aura.

Yes he spoke about the Satanist culture everythi g he said was/is true. He said they were doctors lawyers hollywood, all makes sense the voices the motive operandi. He was practicing ritualistic satanist shit. Still a dick for killing people.

Predicted the race war and tried to get it started decades ago, when whites were much stronger... he was long, long before his time.

He's an entity like BOB from twin peaks. He used Donald Trump as his avatar to seize control of the free world from inside a prison cell.

How did he get so many qt followers throughout his life?

Extreme charisma and manipulation skills learned by necessity from back when he was a scrawny young white boy getting beaten and literally raped in juvenile detention centers.

He played music and knew the Beach Boys. So that probably helped

His charisma and manipulation skills are what let him ingratiate himself into the lives of the Beach Boys in the first place.

yes he is. he was blamed for something he did not do, he was blamed for killing the hippies but he did not do such thing. one of the other guys in his group was running drug deals he got mad and killed everyone

he IS the red pill

He's a very dangerous mind. I don't think anyone in history can match the magnetic draw of his personality. That's why they have to keep him locked up.

That said, he's also rather batshit. So it's good he's behind bars. If only he had been born in different circumstances, he might have turned out more sane and could have become a world leader or something.

You tell me:

fuck you

can Jews be redpilled?

Vermont wizard reveals how he dindu nuffin

its like asking if the Matrix itself is redpilled

they dont need them, they create the blue pill

really engages the ole noggin

He met Dennis Wilson after 2 of his female family members were picked up by Dennis and later Charles came over and shacked up at Dennis's place.

i feel sorry for him

Manson is a goddamn leftist retard supreme.


People tend to forget the fact that Manson´s charisma boiled down the to fact he was a Pimp

He had no regular income or anything, he wasn´t dealing drugs, he was practically Hobo-Pimp. He even payed for the Ranch by pimping his girl followers.

But reading the interviews from that time, Manson was "genuine" in a sense that he really did not give 2 shits about money or fame. He was practically fine being a total hobo. One story I remember reading he had a car in Cali and would talk about how he has no need for such thing, then one of the guys asked "Give me the keys then", Manson gave the car keys and the guy left with the car never to be seen again.

Of course he had Megalomaniac tendencies in a sense he probably thought something big was going to happen with Hippie Generation and total revolution, but he wasn't the only one.

>He come to me with money in his hand He offered me, I didn't ask him I wasn't knocking someone's door down, I was running from that When I got out, I was in that I was already through that, I had that I had the studio, I went to the studio I went to Vox Studios. I had it all, and I looked at it and said, "This is a bigger jail than I just got out of." I don't want to take my time going to work I got a motorcycle and a sleeping bag And ten or fifteen girls What the hell I wanna go off into and go to work for? Work for what, money? I got all the money in the world I'm the king, man I run the underworld, guy I decide who's does what and where they do it at What am I, gonna run around and act like I'm some teenybopper somewhere, for somebody else's money? I make the money, man, I roll the nickels The game is mine I deal the cards.

Some of his followers have said that Charles Manson is exactly there where he wants to be: In jail.

>His charisma and manipulation skills are what let him ingratiate himself into the lives of the Beach Boys in the first place.
You mean his ability to procure lsd?

Listen to these "Beach Boy sessions", it's just audio him fooling around with the Beach Boys, but you get the charismatic attitude the man had that is apparent from the recording sessions. The guy was a real talent too.




He wanted to trigger the race war and help the blacks kill the whites and become king over all the niggers. How is he redpill?
