
not if the goyim wake up

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if the brainwashing was like 20-30 years ago i think it's showing it's results

If the future is like the past, then yes.. A totalitarian state would have a bunch of bullshit happening like that. FUCK THAT

Source: Past communist society attempts (Russia, China, Cambodia...)

Dunno. But the end result has been the same. I powerlevelled with this vid yesterday. They think I'm a wingnut now. Maybe I should go all out and show them Yuri now. youtu.be/3n8wQceQq_Y

Meant to say Soviet Union- not Russia.

Since the soviet union fell, it likely wouldn't be as much shooting squads. But the trend will continue and take form into media and politics. We can see it clearly now

But Yuri said that the demoralization process takes 15-20 years

He has to be wrong about this. If the soviets started doing this shit in the 50s, which makes sense because of the degenerate counterculture in the 60s and 70s developing, and now Americans have been subverting OURSELVES for at least 30 years, we should be well into civil war/chaos/normalization now.

But he was wrong... we never got into the "Crisis" mode.

if every single individual out of school was made a marxist sure, but since Sup Forums exists and trump got elected i guess its still going

What do you think? You have a leftist revolution beginning in your country right now that Obama and Hillary are silent about.
If Trump doesn't stomp it out you're going to have a serious problem on your hands in the next few years.
Give these lunatics your military firepower and it's going to be truly frightening.

No this is defnitely true unfortunately

The internet slowed it down substantially

If you watch his lecture on youtube he explains, the process is simply directed projection. He makes the analogy of a jiu jitzu fighter, if somebody throws a punch it's ineffective to block it straight on. Rather, you dodge it and continue the punch past it toward where you want it to go. This is what they did with academia, projecting toward social marxism and social justice. We can see it getting worse and worse in academia media and politics with each generation. This doesn't necessarily garauntee some massive scale happening, but it creates the social division and the demoralization of the traditional values which he speaks of

It may take longer with larger societies.

Plus, the entire purpose of the system is that they are just nudging it along and it becomes it's own thing.

A leftist revolution? Australia, these people are absolute pussies. They won't take up arms, and if they do they are going to get wrecked by those of us who aren't cucks.

We own the firearms, they don't. They'll bitch and moan, they'll try to kick off Ferguson/Baltimore 2.0 but it's going nowhere fast. But hey, I'll enjoy the entertainment nonetheless, it gives us the excuse to put them down like the rabid dogs they are.

>the entire purpose is that they are just nudging it along and it becomes it's own thing

this is key to understand. most of the mindless marxist drones have simply been nudged on by those early roots, and have become useful idiots. They then teach more impressionable youth their nonsense, and it perpetuates itself as such


Without the structure for an appropriate post crisis saviour figure there is a vacuum, and we have an opportunity to use our own saviour figure. Trump, Hitler, etc.

Always bump Yuri threads.

One of the first things I was given during my informal training.

>If the soviets started doing this shit in the 50s
>started in 50's
How about 20's-30's?

Pro tip: Russia is still doing it to this day by propping up both SJW and Alt-right movements and pitting them against each other.

Post communist german revolution is an example of what happens when these rebellions don't have to support necessary to completely overthrow a state. 1930s germany was a reaction just as much as 2016 was a reaction to leftist agitation.

It... It WAS the joos!

In what way is Yuri full of shit?

what if thu regressive laft is right in calling out putin and were the bad guys

US intelligence had to know this was happening and makes attempts to curtail. I think the Mccarthyism period in America is a prime example of this. And the subversion process isn't down to a science- he gave a range- also said it takes a very long time.

They don't have to be the ones

Wait 20-30 years until they control Congress and all the old white boomers holding this place together are dead and gone.

I'm not sure if the Red Army part is plausible but demoralization is definitely real. It's basically what the average Sup Forumsack would call bluepilled, and now that Trump has been elected it's really noticeable who only gets their news from CNN or Current Year Man

> If the soviets started doing this shit in the 50s
You have to know some facts.
1. Original soviets where wall street globalists and anglos.
They funded bolshevism. They directed it. It was ISIS-1917.
2. They controlled it till late 70`s.
IDK why they lost control, but first we had some liberties in USSR, then we had an engineered economical attack on USSR and it`s collapse, during which all the "liberal" "westerners" robbed our industry to the last penny.

Long before losing it, globalists invited Bezmenov to play yet another russiaboo on TV. And also to explain some of their methods to the public to play the usage of their methods as if it was Russians.

Currently Bezmenov is used as a meme about how almighty and powerfull marxists are. As a curtain to hide the dirty ass of wall street globalists and anglos.

He says that this subversive demoralization leads to a revolutionary crisis

It has been going on for 50 years(supposedly) but there has been no crisis.

The takedown of the USSR is pretty well documented.

More interesting is to finger around through history and wonder if (((they))) really wanted to have a "comfortable" merger with the Soviets after all.

It's always interesting to try to disentangle our assorted "intelligence" agencies.

just look at liberals(not even ctr) this election and you will see the truth in his words

Yes I understand that subversion is real

I'm saying it will never lead to a revolution where thought police are kicking down doors like he suggested

>wall street globalists
are (((they))) the only real problem?

Where have you been? That already happens in Europe to people who talk bad about "refugees"

Wait 20-30 years and things will change when this generation controls government. I guess you didn't already notice them shilling the idea "hate speech is not free speech"

Seemed likely until you said they brought Bezmenov to TV.

This interview is with G Edward Griffon who is like an Alex Jones type Academic.This wasn't on TV.

He's absolutely correct. His message also applies to stormfaggot edgelords on this very board.

>Wall Street globalists

They were Jews. Early Bolsheviks were Jews. And then Stalin purged a bunch of them. The communist dream lived on. And KGB was Russian.

>Russia gud boy we dindu nuffin

It is obvious that the Russians are providing platforms for Americans that have ideas in their interests, if you look at the types they bring on RT. However this is not a bad thing, because our interests align with the Russians, like, you know, not having nuclear war like the establishment candidate Clinton wanted.

tis a slippery slope

Soros is DEAD screencap my screencap digits too

I would agree but at the same time I don't really care because ethnic European people are going to cease to exist if we don't do something about this brown problem that's taking over our countries.

You people latch on to anyone instead of thinking for yourselves.

oy vey goyim don't you know it's the russians?

if you don't war with the russians we won't let you build the next temple.

Pol Pot wouldn't have come to power without US action.

You get bonus points if you know who likes to brag about bring pol pot to power and why.

And if anything, subversion is what led to mass immigration in the first place. They knew it would destroy our countries. They don't play just one side, they play both sides. And now our hand is forced. You don't think Russia knows niggers and arabs are retards who can't into civilization? Of course they knew that.


Hmmmmmmm, the content of your message is VERY interesting....

Eventually, yes.

yuri is the shit

hmm really makes u think

Nobody was able to capitalize on this (maybe outside of Jews). Thanks to that USA was able to demoralized all western world.
We are pretty much a zombie for Jewish parasite. Now blacks and muslims started to exploit it. I wonder what comes next.

no legit defector goes on camera.
all are in hiding.
he's mixing 90% true stuff and sprinkles some bullshit.
also he was a race mixer.

If you can trust anybody 90% that's pretty good, especially if you can find lots of 90% that tend to overlap.

>needing someone to crush OP's balls for him

it's hard to ask for help isn't it OP?

this guy is full of shit

seriously those defectors who left Soviet Union would tell anything to stay afloat in the States, including telling Americans fairy tales about UFOs hiding in Siberian military camps and American TV and intelligence will buy it

its said he faked his death in 93. dude he was the shit believe it, he knew how to evade the kgb he threatened them with his shotgun

Anglos are.

fuck all of you talking shit on yuri

>Russia is behind demoralization campaign to utterly destroy the United States!

for fucks sake pick one you flipflopping dopes

he's interested in selling you the 10% crap.
so he feeds you 90% verifiable information.
all these alarmist (((defectors))) have one thing in common: they portray russia as some shadow world player winning on all fronts and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it.
like the mitrokhin archive.

Lol how the fuck would you know what a "real detector" would do

>he knew how to evade the kgb he threatened them with his shotgun


read about it in interviews by intelligence officers
that's basic stuff.
if there's a bounty on your head you don't go on camera.

Jews like rotchilds, soros`s and rockfellers are just buttlers of the anglo. In fact there is no jews as genetic phenomenon or ancient culture. It`s just cult from north sea shores, directed by another anglo political club.

Think about this: If you have the power, why dirty your hands? It`s not like ISIS is some kind of fun like spiritual pizza is.

It's true I went to school in a major city in California and they unironically taught Marxism in a positive light

>you can't like a foreign leader while also not wanting to be crushed by him

Too much anime has defeated your brain

>Implying I like Putin
>Implying I'm not aware Putin is cucking for niggers and Muslims and chinks just like everyone else

Yes, these leftists are so indoctrinated that even when a military boot crushes their balls they still would say "it wasn't real communism"
They never learn.

These digits really fire my synapses.

Is king jew really croaked?

Didn't he explain that they found him in Canada?
He worked as a radio host in some god forsaken place. But thing with KGB was that they mostly scare people.
If think he knew how to play around them.


Yuri's interview is quite old. If you look at modern Russia, Putin is very strongly opposed to cultural Marxism. However, our schools and our media are still infected with cultural Marxism.

>is Yuri Bezmenov full of shit?
well you guys won the war what does that tell you?

funny enough i rewatched his videos (found a 3 hour version).
if he had legit information he would be dead.
no sane person goes to do lectures across the country (he went from canada to the usa) with tens of people in a room.
usually if one were to do an interview you send the questions and he sends you back written or audio taped answers.

Same. I went to school preK through college in San Jose CA. They legitimately teach marxism as the best possible government , claiming it was never done "correctly"

What you think Alex Jones is some kind of anglo-narrative detector installed in his sensors? Everybody can be manipulated with cognitive ease. That is why Christianity is a major thing. Because Christians know people by their fruit, not by their sweet lies. To this day 60% of democrats believe in big bad russiaboo. And this soviet meme is not an empty thing. We even have proverb: they aimed at communism, but hit Russia.

russia was a good boy, dindu nuffin.

Well. He told what they wanted so he was granted protection.
Latter as he got older he probably didn't care and who needed to know knew everything.
Also I think you overestimate abilities of of soviet intelligence service.
He also seems rather harmless. He was a propaganda officer in fucking India not some special agent.

I don't really care what he's interested in selling me. That's a matter of intelligence work.

I'm more interested in counter intelligence work.

he said all you have to do is teach the reality of communism/socialism
we've done that decently enough to slow or stop the progression

Not a single word he says about the national structure of USSR, even to just illustrate the way things usually go after 1917-kind of events, when hysterized minorities are used to terrorize the national majority under false pretensies and false flags pulled out of their ass.

I would understand his silence, if this would be ordinary soviet Russian slave. We rarely have seen the insides of other nations living. We did not know, that our non-russian neighbours had real meat on the table, while we where holding SPAM for delicacy. Their anti-russian chauvinism was always advertised as "yeah, people just really hate each other, it`s business as usual, homo homini lupus est, comrade". The biggest anti-semites in USSR where people, who had married a jew and tasted the real thing, instead of propaganda.
Bezmenov does not mention nothing. But he acts as the master of narrative.
How come master of narrative does not know what happens under his nose with his own people?

So I want to say to you. Niggers and ratz are real dangerous problem for you. And it`s their boots be kicking sense into cucks brains. Now go thank CIA for having cartel farm right next to your border.

we're talking about secret mind control and brainwashing techniques he exposes to the enemy (the usa/canada). or so he claims.
>He was a propaganda officer in fucking India not some special agent.
you wouldn't give this information to a nobody in india pushing papers.

>I'm more interested in counter intelligence work.
the conclusion to his lecture (he says it):
be religious and ban NGOs.
so he pretty much wants you to be saudi arabia.

crisis averted

forgot pic

>the conclusion to his lecture (he says it):
>be religious and ban NGOs.
Sounds good.

>so he pretty much wants you to be saudi
Sounds not so good. In fact shutting down the Wahabis is one of the thins the US and Russia ought to agree on, as proposed by Lubjlanka Andropov Putin the other year while giving a speech before the UN about how to work back toward sanity vs. the monster Trotskyite Neocons running the US government.

> annexation of Crimea
Noice sources, mate.

Can you recommend books or other material on this?

>that soviet style vote with a rifle at your head
it was totally legit.
ha ha ha

My Cold War parents and grandparents thought the same way. At home there is even a book titled "Russia" that is nothing but big pictures and everything the KGB wanted Western journalists to say and show.

Yuri was effective in his role for the time. That was what those people needed to hear. Just like today they will never understand Sup Forums, but Sup Forums is what today's youth need to hear.

ay lmao

I didn't know getting people drunk and driving them around movies sets is brainwashing.
Come to think of it we live in a brainwashed society. But it's hardly against their will. People like it this way.

Ronald Reagan and jimmy carter stopped it. Things under jimmy got so bad and then an amazingly charismatic, patriotic, American conservative showed the American people that there was another way then decline. He won by two landslides and made America great again. He seriously brought back the idea of love for our country and it's founding principles. Reagan saved us from full on indoctrination and sovietization.

>I didn't know getting people drunk and driving them around movies sets is brainwashing.
yeah, i read in a book written by pacepa (disinformation) that swedish students came to communist romania. there they were indoctrinated, intoxicated and they had orgies.
they were sent back as happy communists.
guess that tell a lot about sweden.

>Ronald Reagan and jimmy carter stopped it.

Bezmenov video was made during the Reagan administration, as far as I know.

Capitalism slowed it. If growth is good then people are okay and everything stays moderate and balanced. Problems only arise as people lose jobs and get desperate. This has only shown up to be a problem really since 2008. It might just be a natural decline as society stops working.

The real PC stuff has only just started in the extreme since social(ism)media. The stage is only set now. We all have a group to blame for why our lives suck and standard of living has dropped. Remember when it was the elites we hated for our plight? Now the public are all divided and infighting instead of banding together.

I think trump could be the antidote in the short term but it depends if this shit can be crushed or what swings back to counter it. The democrats are surely having a knife fight right now scrambling to fill the Clinton vacuum. They're also trying to catch up to get the prole vote. What if nationalism rises there in response to him? What will it take from the right to then balance it? Are we heading down a more extreme path every time? Was that the plan all along?

In english probably Antony Sutton.
Also you can lurk for original materials - books made by "society of friends of russian freedom".

Not even EU questions if it was legit on this terms. They say it was illegal and that there was Russian propaganda involved, that made people to believe, that ukraine would kill them for not being ukrainian enough. Turned out it was all false worries, right?

Unconstitutionally created laws, that allowed new president to be elected with total disregard of Russian regions vote is also perfectly legal.

Tony Sutton's books are difficult introductory materials, even if they are short. He was a serious academic at the Hoover Institute before he got kicked out for publishing information about Skull & Bones.

He was also the informant for Charlotte Iserbyte, who wrote the landmark book about the new era of subversion, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America."

This book is out of print, but can be had for free in electronic form from her website
That's how I read it before deciding to purchase one of the last paper copies available.

Yuri was right faggot
