Why are liberals/ normies so happy?
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they're not happy, they're fucking raging assholes
Sure, that's why they're cutting on themselves...
... because they're happy...
... so happy they need razor blades...
... slicing their wrists...
... happy.
They're actually not. They're always on some kind of anti depressant, they have no meaningful future or career, are in a lot of debt, or just plain assholes.
Being good at burying hookers in the woods doesn't mean you're not killing hookers.
remember this---- you see someone in public/on the internet/on facebook is their "best self." You're putting on your best, it's just how nature works.
My recommendation to you is don't come to sweeping conclusions about how you think people feel when you haven't seen what they do/how they feel/act when the doors are closed.
There's a girl you see regularly who may seem very happy in public but is sitting alone in her room, possibly crying, possibly depressed eating Hagen Daaz.
Don't assume!
Are you military?
love this man, love it
No, nor teacher or student.
the fuck do you know about burying hookers then?
go study your maths, boy
Japan... hmm must be a sumarai in a mountaintop... with wifi
>japan has ban on islamic immigration
Why are nip posters always excellent? Is japan the antithesis of leaves?
Like all normies taking pictures, they make sure to stop everyone and put on a smiling face, and then right when the picture is taken, they all take their phones out and go right back to ignoring each other and having resting bitch faces.
>inb4 rate of happiness of women shows constant negative change since records began
They're not. They put on a happy face only to take selfies. When you know them on a personal level you realize they're actually all depressed, unhappy assholes. Most are also heavy drug users because they constantly need an escape. They're sad fucks.
>lurk Sup Forums
>generally have a positive outlook
>don't get angry quickly unless I've just been having a extremely shitty day
>don't need jew pills to keep me from killing myself
meanwhile all the liberals I know shitpost about how sad and depressed they are all the time
guys btw studies from top unis show rate of happiness in women has gone down since the egyptian hieroglyph studies first documented happiness in 2000 BC.
How else did the Egyptians muster the strength to build the pyramids? They knew they had happy wives to come home to!
they are ignorant to the fact that they are fucking stupid
When you look at anyone's social media, you're essentially looking at the highlight reel that they put up for themselves so everyone would think their lives are amazing. Normies are all about their highlights.
Ignorance is bliss
The birds take his messages from his mountaintop solitude down to the local NEET who translates the poetic verses to shitposts and places them here. Then he translates the thread and ties them to the birds and sends them back up the mountain.
Its the traditional way.
As the great tommy said: Love is blind.
And ignorance is bliss, thats a good mantra too. dont think Tommy Wiseau said that but its pretty great stuff.
Your groids just dump them without burial, ability to use tools comes later in evolution.
Bet I have better internet speeds than both of you,
Less a ban than a "we're going to watch you in secret, and it's legal. And these pork and booze in all the food. "
I'll feed that bitch hagen Daaz. then when im through with her she'll have something to really cry/be depressed about.
> then when im through with her she'll have something to really cry/be depressed about.
Your micro penis that can't even get hard?
Because bread and circus.
>talks to me about micro penises
Hah good stuff. Seriously though, violence against women not funny here anymore?
>Said I wasn't a gook above
>United Caliphate English ability at work
A little less time studying Sharia Law, a little more on English, okay Georgehammed?
kek what a fucking faggot
are you mad we don't have data going back thousands of years?
or mad that women have been become more depressed since records began?
Because they're winning. When Trump won we finally had something to celebrate, libshits and commies have been satisfied for years.
Because its hip and cool to be happy so people put on a mask.
Same dawg, Being redpilled as fuark, all the gore, depressing shit, I feel somewhat happy all the time. Guess i stopped giving a shit what others thought.
It's called cognitive dissonance
And everything the "evil"racists or whatever they are trying to get virture points for that day, are guilty of it's actually their own self projection. Lack of personal responsibility as well.
A very wise Japanese proverb, senpai.
They're not; alcohol and partying is to normies what Sup Forums is for 4channers; a means of escape from their shitty lives
No long term vision, satiated by superficiality.
Because they are ignorant as fuck to what's around them abd live in a bubble, and as soon as something is threatening that bubble they go our rioting and protesting, kinda like the anti Trump protests these days.
Damaged fag detected
Oh i see your just weaboo trash then? I like masterbating to pre-teen drawings as much as anyone brother inshalla, yet there is more to life, you know?
Anyway you didnt answer my question, my joke might not have been that funny yet you act all offeneded by it, you a limp wrist as well?...or worse still a woman?
You sound like the edgiest fucking faggot. Fucking leafs. Burn you shit posting fucks
Get moving, you have morning prayers soon.
>British humor
Probably the only funny thing you've ever said.
This. Being happy is way easier when you can't think your way out of a wet paper bag.
Allah can wait, answer the question before I rape you like its 1937 you yellow fever git.
>being so two-faced that your 'public persona' represents literally nothing about who you really are
>All those normies grinning with their perfect shiny pearly whites
>A day in the life of the eternal anglo
Why me? Why couldn't I be born a Chip Skylark??
I don't run Sup Forums, so I really can't.
Go back to thinking Brexit will save you.
they're lobotomized and boiling like frogs
I guess you could call me a normie, but I'm right-wing and I've been a happy guy my whole life.
On the other hand, have you ever met liberals?? They are always bitter, malcontent, negative people. I've had to cut them out of my life, not because of our political differences, but because they were draining to be around.
They're trying to cure their crippling depression and lack of mental processes by hanging out with other secretly depressed mongs.
"Conservatives respond to threatening situations with more aggression than do liberals [1] and are more sensitive to threatening facial expressions [5]. This heightened sensitivity to emotional faces suggests that individuals with conservative orientation might exhibit differences in brain structures associated with emotional processing such as the amygdala. Indeed, voting behavior is reflected in amygdala responses across cultures [6]. We therefore further investigated our structural MRI data to evaluate whether there was any relationship between gray matter volume of the amygdala and political attitudes. We found that increased gray matter volume in the right amygdala was significantly associated with conservatism"
Liberal brains lack the ability to recognize valid threats in their environment due to an underdeveloped amygdala.
It may seem as if they are happy, but they are usually only this way until they lose a presidential election or stub their toe.
They aren't, they are really dead inside.
Every liberal normie i know wants to fucking kill themselves.
I am probably one of the sanest happiest people I know
Ignorance is bliss.
>Conservatives respond to threatening situations with more aggression than do liberals
Science confirms liberals are cucks.
>Why are liberals/ normies so happy?
Have you seen what a bunch of whinging shit-stirrers they are?
They are happy because they are fucking retarded.
>ignorance is bliss
>BTFO over Trumps pro sage space tweet!
They are bluepilled and don't see the world for what it really is. I wish I could be bluepilled again sometimes.