Why don't millennials have any work experience?
Why don't millennials have any work experience?
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Cry ins and counseling sessions don't count for anything
Because they are lazy and entitled and try to get rich quick by seeking celebrity status
>Why don't millennials have any work experience?
To have work experience you have to have a job and go to it long enough to learn things.
>need work experience to get job
>need job to get work experience
Very unlike the hippy generation for sure.
>boo hoo why don't you get a job! support us when we get old!
lolnope, piss off boomerz. have fun with your automation pricing bio-employees out of the job market, lmao
These. Too many people, not enough jobs.
Define work experience
Because millineals aren't done with their education before they are over 25 years old.
A lot of millennials will go to uni, graduate and then expect employers to give them high level management positions right off the bat
Im very fortunate to have the work experience Ive gotten but a lot of people have too high expectations
Unlike previous generations, you can't just go up to some place and apply for a job and get it. You have to either know people in higher positions to get you in... or already have work experience in that shit.
Cause faggot boomers won't die and won't pay us for work.
Unpaid internships can kiss my ass
People that needed to retire did not because of 2008 and will probably be working until they die.
Those people have more experience so they are hired over younger people that can't get work experience.
It's not fair. It's like she new 2 years ahead of time about Tracer and looked like Tracer ever since..
I got tertiary qualifications in IT, and only paid $50 for my education, currently working full time for an MSP.
Meanwhile, uni students will be paying an arm and a leg in hecs fees, whilst on a shitty pay grade. How will they be able to pay their way i.e live out of home?
Absolutely no regrets not going to uni.
>lololol why dont you just work for free like a good little goy? It's all the fun of wage slavery without the wages!
>oh sorry we're not looking to actually hire anyone right now though
>oh sorry we're only looking to hire juniors on part time and casual basis
>oh sorry it's current year, you can't even apply for jobs without spending 20 minutes filling in all your details so the algorithm can automatically reject you without human eyes ever needing to glance at your application, pinky promise we're not selling your details though
I wanted to work.
interviewers are not impressed by my lack of job experiences.
willing to work any job.
"Why are you working X job that's not related to what you studied? seems to me you won't be good at what you studied."
"Why are you working X job that's not related to what you studied? I don't believe you will be loyal to our company and will waste our time and efforts to train you, because you will leave the job one day."
fuck these assholes.
They are the same people that claim they can't hire workers nowadays.
While they are refusing to give any chances to anybody because of "hurr durrr, not gonna waste time and money to train workers." shit
Bitch I got a job. I was raised by a single mother til my Dad finally got custody when I was ten. My mother was an awful lazy harlot with a different man every month, and she would often skip work because "muh feels". I lived without power a third of the time and got the shit beat out of me regularly by her and most of her boyfriends.
My Dad worked his ass off for me and my brother. He always told me the world owes me nothing and if your life sucks it is because YOU suck. Then he would tell me to do something about it and not be a bitch.
ex. I didn't get an allowance for doing chores, so I invested my birthday money into a small business at school. (I sold soda, candy, and gum during school. I later switched to running a poker ring and small time money lending.)
I got my first job at fifteen after going business to business everyday after school for months.
If your life sucks FUCKING FIX IT! God I hate my peers!
Because we still haven't solved the very simple problem of not having enough jobs for our labour force.
Because if a teenager has internet, nothing he wants costs money.
It's hard to get work experience while studying if there are ten applicants for every internship position.
Offer to take a lower pay rate for a set period of times, get the experience. Unless you're OK some minimum wage shit. That would blow
Will this work?
>>oh sorry it's current year, you can't even apply for jobs without spending 20 minutes filling in all your details so the algorithm can automatically reject you without human eyes ever needing to glance at your application, pinky promise we're not selling your details though
Stop allowing immigrants. Done.
School projects, personal projects, etc. can also count as relevant experience, it doesn't necessarily have to be experience in the workforce. It's just a matter of being able to sell yourself and convince the employer that you are the right person for the job.
why would i hire someone who devalues his own skillset? what is he hiding? sounds like an excuse for him to slack off
t. hiring manager
>Why don't millennials have any work experience?
Illegal spics taking all the jobs teenagers used to do to earn some extra money and acquire work experience.
>Offer to take a lower pay rate for a set period of times, get the experience.
Most of the time, i'm not even called for interviews.
there's literally zero chance to get employed.
fuck me.
So few places are willing to take on people for work experience, and those that do are in bumblefuck nowhere which is not a great place when you're not getting paid/have limited transport options.
I have a bunch of work experience. I've worked on an asphalt crew, as a 2D/3D artist, data entry, low level sales. I currently work in a workshop as a composite technician.
Most people my age I know have worked at least 3-4 jobs. This whole "millenials are lazy/disenchanted" thing I keep seeing sounds more and more like projection. Just because you're a NEET faggot doesn't mean everyone is.
Even then they don't bite, most expect about a month of free labor, IE you pay to work.
Do you live in a city or a more rural area?
I got my foot in the door by asking an the IT administrator at a local Catholic school if they would put me on for unpaid work experience whilst on neetbux. They said they wouldn't put on my unpaid work but rather keep me on for 1 month at a time for 4 months. I was on neetbux, whilst being paid $28 an hour under the paygrade of substitute teacher!
Mind you, this was an IT role.
Both. Rural to city to city to rural.
I grew up in Appalachia.
They take a year or two off between high school and college
They take 6 years to graduate college
They come home as burnouts and don't get a real job until they're 30
I hate the country that my parents made, and don't want to contribute to it. I have more work experience then most people my age, but I've chosen the NEET life because fuck you that's why.
this weekend you can play overwacth for free enjoy :)
who is that semen demon?
any video of her sucking dick?
It's a rigged system folks
That may have something to do with it, I've noticed friends of mine who grew up in the country had very little trouble finding jobs in their hometowns as the job market isn't oversaturated. And once you've got some experience it counts for a lot.
It's good to be sociable when you're working the register.
because community college teaches people more about work than actual college
It's actually not that hard to get a job really. Maybe two weeks of repeat effort if you're in a shitty area. That's how long it took me of walking outside for about 30min-hr everyday following up at stores I put applications in at.
Ever try to find a decent job in IT or accounting? It isn't very easy, especially when every office here is ran by poo in loos that ONLY hire other poos and the kicker is they ALL speak hardly any English, it's a travesty dealing with the logistics of these companies because they refuse to work with "white" companies or clients.
I quit working at the Indian ran office I worked at when I found out that they deny every job application to act like "oh there's no applicants, better hire my cousin from India on an HB-1" Cannot wait till I get hired at a white/asian ran office, it's absolutely fucking deplorable working with people that are severely under-educated for the position but merely got it due to racial nepotism (meanwhile whitey better make sure to fill out that diversity quota, oy vey!!!)
Never work with an Indian business or client if you can avoid them.
>it's the soe millennial poster
Did you post the "why don't millennials buy houses" thread yesterday? What drives a person to do this?
>as the job market isn't oversaturated
I dunno how familiar you are with the US, but Appalachia isn't known for it's booming job market. It's also the poorest stretch of the country. You kinda have to luck out to get a job there. Which is why I moved out to the cities.
The cities I've worked in have a larger job market but you run into the whole "no experience for job no jobs to get experience" catch 22, and oversaturation. Still, there are more jobs available so eventually you'll find someone willing to hire if you're willing to do the work...
I'd say cities are easier to find a job in, but you have to be willing to take shittier jobs if you want stability.
Similar but with welding.
Could be because I live in one of those immigrant trap cities where replacements are always foreign born and the locals jump over to Australia.
>go through the right hoops
>get stem degree
>was in a place where an internship wasn't practical
>most places won't hire me cause lol no experience/internship
I fell for the college meme
>there's literally zero chance to get employed.
Well with that shit attitude, yeah.
Oh look it's the soe-poster-millenial-thread guy, again.
Shitty. That is becoming an issue in a lot of areas here as well. But it's spread out over a larger area, so most people don't see it as an issue (hence the "open borders" retards that don't understand or care that they're hurting their countrymen)...
It's called internships.
>have too much work experience to get a job
exactly this. every entry level job I see requires experience. how does one get experience and why does an entry level job require it. Boomers don't want to leave workforce because they fear death and irrelevancy more than any previous generation. they are a bane on humanity
Because niggers have taken all jobs and I really don't feel like working for 100kr/hour doing some monotonous task that a robot easily could do for several hours.
School is pointless
Working is pointless
Marriage is pointless
Starting a family is pointless
Buying a house is pointless
Buying a car is pointless
Fuck it, it's like they want me to sit on my room all day masturbating and playing video games. Might as well take the opportunity and do so, I don't spend money on alot of shit anyways and I can live like a poor man if I have too.
I'll only be a wagecuck for a month or two then go full blown neet and live off of my saved up money. Working is cancer, call me lazy all you want but I'm not gonna slave away so Mr. Shekelstein can buy another island or 20 more factories filled to the brim with wagecucks.
So did someone post this so often that other people started copying them or have these threads always been the same fucking guy.
There's always manual labor, Sup Forums.
Because, according to them, actual work is for plebs. It's a status thing.
>Working at GameStop, Hot Topic, Hollister, modelling for cosplay or goth/punk shit, serving beer at a hipster bar, or being a musician are considered good career choices
>Anything else is peasant-tier and unattractive like basic-bitch Mexicans shopping at SEARS.
All they want is to make others envy them with a "look at me" type of career path.
Let's use modelling as an example.
>look pretty
>do really nothing
>someone takes selfies for you
>make your friends envy you
>date someone with a nice car and jet
>take trips to vegas and post pics on intagram
>get paid to do all of that
That's what millennials want in a sense. Doesn't matter if you're modelling for Rick Owens or cosplaying for Blizzcon, or just being paid to hang at a club and get free booze. It's the same concept. This is why they also vote for communism. They want to party and have YOU pay for it.
U fucking kids think you're going to make 50k+ right out of school. You're lucky to be making that in your early 30s.
>just work for free like a good goy
I'm 29 and recently got a job making ~37k a year and count myself lucky... I'm not, but it feels better that I can actually afford food now. I lost weight a few years ago being poor.
Yeah, I think I might have to move soon. Which really sucks.
>It's called internships.
They're 100% illegal, and no one cares.
Because you shitpost here and ruin the economy
Because they shun internships and volunteering, thinking that they'll stand out from the hundreds of other applicants who all have the same degree as them
Why do millennials not have any work experience?
>this is what the mtv generation actually believes
Confirmed for not having left your basement.
Got a stem bachelors, now i'm doing phd
barely any work experience
finding a job is fucking hard and i'm not even white ;^)
Because jobs have shit pay on entry level and it is more profitable and easier to beg for money on the street
Do what you gotta do.
Serving beer is a good job, that pays well and is always in demand.
Everything else you said is nonsense.
>mfw too old for places
I applied for a place at the local mall last year for a part-time job. (Tilly's if anyone cares) They even called me twice. I blew off one message, even an automated e-mail saying "We've scheduled you an interview" and they called a second time, which I gave in to go to the interview. I was the oldest person there. Mid 20's and the rest weren't even out of high school. Interviewer was like that clerk from the Sub Urban store from Grand Theft Auto 5.
>Didn't have a job in high school because too much homework
>Mother said to wait until 18 for better opportunities
>Turn 18
>Apply for places
>"Lol dude you look 14 get outta here! XD"
>College meme (I quit after they got shut down)
>Getting older
>Places are looking for jailbait girls now instead
Wait they said
You'd get more chances while older they said
I could have had more work experience if I didn't wait. Luckily I have plenty, but nobody is hiring for anything beyond minimum, except Costco, and the shit they offered me last month was bullshit for the labor output and hours.
>Working at GameStop now
Some places are still like that.
I applied for a factory job and got a job as a welder with zero experience. They put me in a 3 day course and then had a few days to work with a mentor one on one.
You got good or you got gone.
Yeah you can, stop acting like a disgusting little faggot and just get that fucking job.
>this is what the previous generation of neckbeards believes
>Zero work experience ever
>Go into store and ask if they have entry-level positions available
>Ask if I can apply in person
>They turn me away and say "go apply online"
>Go to website
>Start application
>Fill it out honestly
>Click submit
>*ERROR* - Required field "Previous Employer" is blank
>This has happened to me three times in the past week, all on absolute shit-tier entry-level jobs
Swear to god, do people just lie to get past this point or what?
I'll take 20k. I'll take anything.
>Serving beer is a good job, that pays well and is always in demand.
Is in Demand.
Not in California. Everyone wants to work at a microbrew bar. Everyone wants to be a bartender for the status and TIPS. And to even be one, you need to be in an inner circle. In fact, you'll get laughed at for even taking lessons, if not your application trashed.
Also, for some reason, every bartender I've met was either a woman, gay, or with a huge beard, but that's just me noticing something irrelevant.
That's what the working class desperately needs yes. But the ownership class wants the exact opposite. They want cheap labor, and more consumers. Even if half those consumers only buy shit with welfare checks. This is really the one gripe we have in common with leftist working class. Unfortunately they are stupid, and were tricked to think diversity is worth losing their jobs, and have low wages over.
Fuck you. I've abandoned any standards whatsoever and I still can't even find a minimum-wage job that doesn't require previous work experience.
Fill it in with N/A. Don't just put nothing. If it has an asterisk, you need to fill it in with some sort of text.
I'm too paranoid and shit to work honestly
but Soe has a job, look, she's doing it right there
Volunteer at a hospital one day per week for work experience. Takes very little time investment and you won't get turned down unless you're a felon. Won't help you if you need a job right away but if you can leech a while longer it's worth it.
What exactly IS her job, though?
Being a animated fapbait.
I actually tried this once. Nobody was taking volunteers, except one two counties away. If there are any that are actually local for jobless anons, I would still recommend they go for it.
overwatch sucks
what a terrible game
>You will never be paid to be fapbait
That's what you think!
...and most the rest of the human race actually.
>you need experience to get a job
>do a 450h unpaid internship
>now you're too much of a FUCKING WHITE MALE
I enjoy living on welfare anyway.
Can I see your man boobies?
As I do not own a digital camera.
Weird. My local hospitals are always looking for volunteers. I don't even know what they do with all of them; there are always geriatrics in vests roaming the first floor doing what looks like nothing.
I'd imagine animal sanctuary positions fill up faster but that could work too.