Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off space niggers
we're full
Illegal aliens get out.
Whom does it belong to?
Unidentified Faggot OP
sage faggot
Is Kal-El an illegal alien?
ufos aren't real. it's luminiscent giant insects with halucinogen pheromones. spread the word.
Fuck off, we're full.
USAF Rendlesham Forest Incident:
>The Time Travelers’ Binary Message
Ask me anything, Sup Forums
Has there ever been a UFO on earth?
Has extraterrestrial life ever tried to contact us?
If so, why is the Government hiding it?
>giant insects
Fuck my life...
Honorary Aryan US patriot.
It's not even flying
>That's a UO
Why are your fingers so weird? Are you a spacenigger?
with em-drive or other (maybe unknown to us) technologies, can we colonize new planets and are habitable planets in reach known?
More like LRP.
Nice LARP.
Hi Rendlesham Forest 1980
Not that I know of. Extraterrestrial life has almost certainly tried to contact us. Whether or not we've had the equipment necessary to receive it is up to debate. The faggots over at SETI@Home actually believe their shitty dishes most certainly will capture a transmission. They dont consider the fact that maybe extraterrestrial life isn't using radio waves or sound to communicate (very likely).
Nah. I'm from the Middle East.
I haven't had the time to extensively look at EM drive but I personally think we are a couple major scientific breakthroughs away from being able to successfully colonize other planets. We need faster space transportation and better earth environment simulation equipment (to be used on planets we colonize).
I personally think there are no other planets that humans will be able to survive on without any special equipment. At least you will need some type of space suit.
John Titor?
>unidentified flying object
>isn't even flying
KEK has landed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>nah, I'm from the Middle East
Aaaaaaah! It's even worse. Our planet is being invaded!!!
elaborate /x/ is slow
>Checked, I guess.
Nice, mate.
Most are terrestrial and military in origin
>we are a couple major scientific breakthroughs away
I'm out.
That's bullshit. I could build a spaceship in my fucking garage if I wasn't too poor and have to deal with those muslims and nigger genocide my people I probably already had BFTO'd the whole NASA.
My name is Zunar J 5 Slash 9 Doric 4 7.
>on ground
>calls UFO
>is literally not a ufo
>We need faster space transportation and better earth environment simulation equipment (to be used on planets we colonize).
Why are you guys retards and ignoring the fact that we need better MINING equipment?
The best option would be to dig underground and use all of that nice matter as radiation/thermal shielding.
Why doesn't nasa send an oil rig crew to mars and dig a mile underground to see what we find?
Are the babyskinners really working with the jews?
Like the ones in the 1800s
>or the 1500s
>or the 500s
>or 1000BC
>try reading some books retards
>old ones
>u will be amazed at how much people much smarter than u knew centuries ago
Do you have any idea how much money that would cost
I watched some UFO videos yesterday before went to sleep
>Former CIA Agent on his Deathbed Reveals UFO TRUTH
At the end of video, the guy claims they were sent by Eisenhower to Area 51 and his boss saw there alive grey alien (this was somewhere in 1958) he also saw multiple saucer-like craft over there and claims that the U.S government had a fucking alive one at the base and Eisenhower was scared shitless
Is this a fucking fake interview pol im rly scared, did little grey men descend into Roswell?
have you ever seen the elaborate flying maneuvers of so called UFOs somewhere else? I did: flys. Think about it man.
Why are you scared of the little grey people? I feel kind of bad for them. They got stuck here and pretty much got put in timeout by the government. I hope they at least get to go ride some roller coasters or something.
you guys can crash on the moon
nice dude thank you, I hope you wrote that letter.
Nice try, ESA. Try building a space ship in your garage and then make sure you film it when it explodes before getting 1 inch off the ground. Also have fun explaining to the authorities while your block is now a mile wide crater.
Do you have any idea how heavy mining equipment is? You can't just send anything into space. Each part HAS to be space rated first. Your oil rig probably isn't. That's why we have to pay 300k a pop to get space grade RAD750s, while a similar consumer grade CPU probably costs like $50. Also MSL had a drill, and the future M2020 rover is going to include PIXL (mars.nasa.gov
Additionally, you cant just go around Mars drilling into shit. My co-workers had to reroute MSL all the way around a dark spot because they thought it could be a river and they can't just drive through and contaminate it (sciencealert.com
I heard that one of the biggest problems of making contact is the sheer amount of distance in between our solar system/galaxy and others.
How do you think we would even begin to address this problem?
>Do you have any idea how heavy mining equipment is?
Make it you piece of shit.
>Additionally, you cant just go around Mars drilling into shit.
why? EPA said you can't? fucking spineless faggots.
What do you know about the ufo's are giant insect theory?
old vid that I've seen before. I for one believe him. He has nothing to lose. The timelines check out too as far as the development of the SR-71 and the U2.
What I said earlier: We need faster transportation. We can't do much with the current speeds.
Yeah we'd rather not ruin Mars and wait for better equipment
In your opinion;
What is more important sound or sight?
Green or blue?
Jumping or Diving?
More a time travel reference due to the Year 8100 claim.
Look at the original Roswell reports, they weren't greys. The grey meme has been placed onto to history retroactively.
We have known radiating sperm and eggs can create mutants since at least 1945.
“Of greatest importance was the threat of long-term genetic damage resulting from increased exposure to radiation.” – Harold W. Baillie & Timothy K. Casey (2005).
Light weight Flying Saucers need light weight mutants.
So the aliens at base wer e not extraterrestial but rather Zika babies/adults trained to withstand radiation?
Bentwaters UFO incident.
Shit happened.
1942 Aliens look Aryan ufo-truth.skyrock.com
1950s Contactees see human like aliens en.wikipedia.org
1957 Antônio Vilas Boas sees almost human alien plus human like
1961 Hill abduction sees almost human like aliens plus humans.
1970s Weird Humanoids start showing up.
1980s Greys show up. Public incorrectly assumes all past aliens are Greys.
Match this with our understanding and control of DNA and you'll see the evolution of us manipulating DNA to make "aliens".