Hope he gets a spot in Trump's administration.
When Ron Paul dies I'll make a pilgrimage to Texas
most people who voted Trump already know
CNN, for example, is dead to Trump's base
Fucking based.
I pray to Kek every night in hope Trump puts at least one Paul in his cabinet.
He will live to be 130 years. You gonna die before that.
"Fake News" is a kind of a word a propaganda wing of a totalitarian regime would use to discredit any counter-status-quo argument.
I am getting more and more scared how current day lingo comes to accept expressions like such.
daily reminder trump is 70 life expectancy of u.s. males is 78
I agree. There is a lot of similar rhetoric flying around.
Ron Paul for Sect. Treasury
Ron Paul's gone rogue!!!
Notice how "hate speech" has come to mean any speech on the topic of a protected class that doesn't profusely indulge that class's collective vanity. Speaking the truth can now be considered hate speech, even though there is no emotional investment anywhere on the love-hate spectrum involved in any way.
I'm sure that's heavily weighted by the hundreds of thousands of Dindus who get shot to death in their 20s or die of diabetes in their late 40s, a white man of even remote physical health is almost guaranteed 80 years
also checked based jap
You guys misunderstand the media (because you're simpleton and don't understand nuance).
They are biased yes. The bias is in what stories the focus on and how much time the spend on it.
>focus all day on negative trump stories
>ignore negative clinton stories.
They do not however, just make up stuff. They don't make up stories to report. They report facts.
They are not like info wars which literally routinely makes false news stories knowingly
Time to make google/twitter/facebook government entities that are held accountable by the public.
The absolute madman
>Fox news not listed
no bias here XD
RON PAUL WILL ALWAYS BE AWESOME. To bad his son is such a cuck though.........
>>Fox news not listed
>no bias here XD
I'm not a fan of fox news, but they weren't caught on wikileaks working with Clinton campaign.
guess they are somehow a ethical institution, but again, fox news would never take money from clinton
This man should be our commander in chief.
Fuck you, they chose to blend opinion and fact when they decided to get out of the news business and into entertainment in pursuit of a few extra shekels.
I'm enjoying watching them all burn as they realize that a journalist now has less social acceptance than a fucking lawyer.
but I never said that. Fox news may be just as corrupt as any other, the fact that they are not in the wikileaks emails is probably just pure luck
Exactly this.
Ratings driven corporate media lost their objectivity long ago and is a dying median just like games journalism.
"Boots on the ground" twitter journalists livestreaming protests do more actual journalism then the entirety of the MSM combined.
>trump is going to spend his last 8 years making america great again
god bless
Needs more Buzzfeed.
>defending the luggenpresse
why does anime trump and memes walk hand in hand
I guess that's their interpretation of "balanced" news?
>They report facts.
And this is their idea of investigate journalism. Watch closely.
That's been the far left's game these past few years. They're also trying to rewrite the dictionary so that words like "sexist" and "racist" can be used as little more than a weapon to lazily threaten people who disagree with Marxist thought into silence while at the same time preventing those same words from being used against the Marxists when appropriate, deliberately making the new definitions vague and abstract enough that idiots won't recognize how logically flimsy they are. Furthermore, the definition of censorship is being expanded to mean "making a left-leaning person feel stupid over their ideas, thus encouraging them to either think things through or risk being ridiculed". You know, that thing which demonstrates that we have free speech.
The truth is a lie.
Oppression is equality.
Free speech is censorship.
At this point, it's not even the slightest exaggeration to call them an Orwellian movement.
Hint for people who don't get it: Cars
> jap
they just want a monopoly on propaganda
Hey CNN, digging for more white supremacist memes for the next panic piece?
Daily reminder that billionaire like rockefeller can live up to 100 years
You are one bad hombre, mi amigo.
To be fair, Trump did the same thing with the opposite stance in 2012 with electoral college, and then flipped after he won.
>can live up to 100 years
>On mobile what are you?
>It's illegal to real Wikileaks so you have to watch the media to know about what's on there
They sell their opinions as news. Instead of focusing on facts, they focus on spins. ie: "Russian warplane intercepts american spy plane near russian border. " is presented as "BREAKING: armed agressive reckless russian fighter pilot endangeres lives of american crew on unarmed airplane in intl airspace on routine peace keeping mission. "
Its fake news. Now gtfo and collect your shekel.
that's Canada.
Canada? Never heard of that country. Must be totally irrelevant 3rd world shithole run by faggots and trannies. And who the fuck puts a fucking leaf in their flag, what's the problem with them?
the fuck is this guys problem??
a-a-a leaf
Republicans have been doing this since forever. "liberal media" sounds familiar to you? They have been going on since forever how the liberal media is just lying. So now they've had enough and starts to straight up lie and peddle themselves to work against it and create actual lying news.
It's a tricky issue and liberals seem to have just avoided tackling this straight up lying not wanting to stoop down the the GOP's good ol tactics but seeing now he effective it is they feel the need to respond.
Frankly I don't think just raising the issue is going to help because people doesn't trust liberal media one bit. We need a trusted neutral party to start dealing with this shit or something because it's out of control and the internet allows people to isolate themselves more than you'd expect.
canadia isnt part of the righteous
>They do not however, just make up stuff. They don't make up stories to report. They report facts.
Bull fucking shit.
Maybe you've never read the "news" when it's about a subject you know anything about but rest assured it's fucking awful to begin with.
It's gotten way worse, since all major news outlets axed their reporting and investigative teams over the last 10 years to compete with internet news. They decided they would rather try to be Buzzfeed than provide real news. Now they want to switch tactics because they can't compete with clickbait.
Bump for this .
>based jap
except they constantly report lies
kys bye
>they report facts
Yes like the fact Hillary Clinton is gonna be our next president....o wait...
>They don't make up stories to report. They report facts.
Mike "Acid Wash" Pence
There is only one way to tell the truth, user: Present the information factually and completely to the best of your ability, with no attempts to plant information in the listener's head that is simply not true.
If you deliberately omit information which reflects poorly on your narrative, this is a lie by omission.
If you use wording which has connotations that don't fit the event, your goal is deception. In other words, you are a liar.
>Bernie supporter assaults Trump supporter who's minding who's own business
>News media: "Bernie and Trump supporters clashed!"
This is a lie. The Trump supporter was not picking a fight with the Bernie supporter. The word "clash" paints a picture of a mutual brawl which didn't happen.
>Trump condones rape!
This is a lie. Believe it or not, pussy grabbing can be consensual. The media knows this, but tried to make the viewer assume information which wasn't present.
>Trump and his supporters are white supremacists! Make America Great Again is basically a nazi slogan!
A cursory glance at Trump supporters and their arguments will tell you that this is not true. This is another lie. As Trump has always said, MAGA is about bringing American industry back home, and restoring ourselves as a nation of laws.
The media fed Hilary debate questions, took debate questions from the DNC, and paid Hilary. I wonder what their motive for smearing Trump could be?
>They do not however, just make up stuff.
yeah they do.
whenever you hear them using the words "sources say" but never naming the sources that's them pulling a story out of their asses.
Chair of the Federal Reserve
>They decided they would rather try to be Buzzfeed than provide real news.
ironically the fake news "study" that liberals keep citing was done by Buzzfeed.
Anyone have that Corp infographic with all the media outlets?
>checkums and ID niglysex
When you forcibly, persistently, visibly label a group you hate with a derogatory term without that group's consent, you are acting just like HITLER
trips demoted to doubles.
The madman.
where they really so lazy as to just use a different zoom level on that blue screen? I can't believe how lazy millenials are.
I'll take it. Plus still got the ID
No collision in the leaks means they're clean at least in this election cycle.
Great memeing my friend!
fucking this
I wonder who could be behind this post?
>implying it's not a larper
He's not a journalist.
Let's be real, transfusions of young blood to extend life are already mainstream. Trump will live past 100
secretary of happenings
*Happenings Czar
Or you could just watch them for a night and the truth of what they are becomes painfully obvious. Frankly I'm surprised they get away with it at all. However it didn't stop any of them from lying profusely to help coerce everyone into Iraq.
> mfw it's real
A reminder that neither of the Pauls backstabbed the Don over the pussy tapes despite being pressured to
I doubt Ron Paul would be able or willing to work with Donald Trump. He's ideologically rigid.
In germany there was an special report that interrupted the program.
I dont make this shit up,
I remember this because I was so surprised when they act like there was second 9/11,
and instead that shit came up.
If that and the fact that nearly all german media are owned by the same corporation,
doesnt show how fucking biased media are, then you should kill yourself.
The NYTimes made up a report on Saddam's WMD, just to give you a major example
But they print blatant unchecked lies all the time
>watching the electro jew
Ron Paul is so based.