I'm not a white nationalist or anything, but you have to be stupid to deny that white extermination is a real thing

I'm not a white nationalist or anything, but you have to be stupid to deny that white extermination is a real thing.
In the media, there's a girl who calls for the extinction of straight white men; there's a black terrorist group that is going around killing white cops and white people who stand in their way. The idea of privilege is structured to disenfranchise white people, that we're more than just the sum of our parts, that we "get it easy" or that we work off the backs of minorities. This isn't a double standard. I repeat, this is NOT a double standard. if it was a double standard, it would imply non-fairness. Although it is very unfair, "Double standard" is an understatement. They are actively trying to destroy the white race with their rhetoric. Many people skip over it and say things like "Maybe they mean just privilege". When has a white man ever been privileged past 2000? We're the whip crackers, the colonizers, villains, etc. Right wing terrorism is less than Islamic terrorism, according to the FBI; the most domestic terrorism that occurs is latino and left wing terrorism. We make up the least statistic, yet we get majority of the blame. The leftist media shames us for fear mongering, yet they say that Trump is supported by the KKK, an organization that now takes in minorities.

tl;dr There's a plot to kill you and white people, and you idiots don't do anything about it. You just sit there eating your doritos and drinking your mountain dew, waiting for the inevitable white-tax, then eventual white-suicide.



Other urls found in this thread:


>There's a plot to kill you and white people, and you idiots don't do anything about it.

What the fuck are you talking about?

This board is all but completely devoted at this point to actively saving the white race and securing its future.

But you're not.
You're all about electing a man who claims to be the least racist person you'll ever meet.
You praise Milo Yiannopolous, a GAY; and while there's specifically nothing wrong with that, he talks about affirmative action in his bed. You people talk about the next best step, but then you always fall back another step because of the liberals. THink about; before Sup Forums existed, nobody knew what white privilege was, and blacks probably thought that white can be racist too.
We're obviously not doing anything meaningful for the movement.

True, but I don't care what races exist in 200 years.

Hope it's robots though.


>Recombinant humans soon



I'm going to be honest here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti-biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. There's no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you don't get enough to eat at home you're going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of tasty cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.
Monogamy is a tool of the Jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. There's something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.

Then why are you not a white nationalist?

Because I hate libshits.

I was asking OP why he was NOT a white nationalist.

>I'm not a white nationalist or anything, but you have to be stupid to deny that white extermination is a real thing.
This. I'm literally a black person and I recognize that white people are being tricked into killing themselves the same way black people are tricked into shooting eachother and getting abortions.

We got Trump into office.

What are you doing to get rid of your faggot PM?

We're rapidly waking up to it.

And btw, I know there are a lot of great black people (engage with them every day) and seriously hope you guys can get yourselves out of the afflictions that hurt your own culture. Best of luck, friend.

Tricked? Come on man. The government certainly isn't doing them any favors, but if you are actually a black person and you are actually intelligent and empathetic enough to recognize white genocide, then you should be intellectually honest enough to admit that your people just are this way. Look at Africa; look at Sweden. Pretty much all you need to do.

No hate though, you're probably Sotomayor-tier if you are actually black. You should be ruling over American Blacks and leading their crusade to conquer Africa.






American blacks are not African blacks. We are on-average 20% white and have the best standard of living of any black people in the world. Post civil war history showed that we could be productive if left to our own devices but we were never left to our own for too long before someone came in to capitalize on it.

>You should be ruling over American Blacks and leading their crusade to conquer Africa.
Literally my one dream.

>tfw no Imperium Africana

Best way to fight is with Pathos, Logos is important but appealing to emotions works a lot better.

We almost had 10 years of PM Harper while you had Obama, give us a break.

codi vore

I think that Blacks are on average less intelligent than Europeans, but I think a lot of the problems in the Black community and the Black/White racial division wouldn't be so bad without Jewish media agitation

Trying too hard, faggot. Gas yourself.

This. We are so dedicated here, fight so hard.

And it's a thankless, invisible battle and we don't care. If we succeed and our children and grandchildren have a secure place in the world, they will likely never know what we did for them, and that's FINE with us. That's how important this battle is for us.

I don't know you, user, but I think I love you anyway. Well put.

Wow user, that's such a nice thing to say. I appreciate your post.

Thank you. Let us see this through.

Thank you.

I'm just so glad that there is seemingly so many of us who care enough to put in this fight. And we're going to follow through on this, whatever the outcome.

In the future, they'll just think we were a generation of slackers, and little will they know that a portion of us were tirelessly fighting an information war to give them a future.

I think it's just in men's genes, in our wiring, to have this impulse to have to fight for your tribe. Men have gladly died for it.

This is true. There are those who would make fun of the notion of having your fighting spirit revived out of nowhere by reading an image board, but it's what's happening to me. Right now I'm digging through ways to tackle the situation in Germany (It does not look promising) and the more I find, the more likely it seems that I -will- die if I follow through.

But I find I don't give a fuck. It's all down to timing and expert precision. They break a man. I crack a system. And I feel good in this knowledge.

stop being a NEET, get your shit together, marry a white girl. ahmed and jamarcus are churning out 5+ babies per family, a lot of the times with white women, wtf are you doing?

t. a jew

"To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his Gods."

Viel Glück mein Deutscher Bruder, dein Land ist in Not. I hope your endeavors are successful, God knows your country needs help.

Last one cheated on me a week into our betrothal, but generally this is sound advice. Jew here or there.

Thank you and thank you again. I'll do what I can.

> I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist.
This is why I'm not a white nationalist
>when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking.
Even if you weren't a troll, white nationalism is obviously flawed.

I'm white, and I hope that my future wife is white. I don't give a shit what white people have done for humanity. I don't give a shit that we invented rockets to stars, or colored television. i don't give a shit, because I don't believe in progressivism. I'm not a progressive. Any person that calls their self "White nationalist" yet does so because of white accomplishments, is no ally of mine. Progressivism isn't necessarily good, and it's not necessarily bad; it implies that we're imperfect and need to perfect ourselves; its implications are bad. Man is perfect the way he is, in all shapes, sizes and colors he comes in. I wish I could call myself a "White nationalist", but it has progressive implications (That we're imperfect).

My reason for being as racist or tribalistic as I am, is BECAUSE we're imperfect. We ought not to cater to an idea that is beyond our nature.

Of course. Absolutely.

But we also need to change the cultural rules to the point where white genocide is no longer being structurally implemented, and we have the legitimatized right to affirm ourselves as a people that deserve to exist.

And we also need to not only increase our own numbers, but physically move a large portion of migrants from our countries.

They go hand in hand. Logos makes people see. Pathos makes people care.

Cognitive dissonance is also inherently demoralizing as it denies survival instincts older than mankind itself.

Just be smart and EFFECTIVE. Do things that can help win over the PUBLIC.

Random lone gunman type stuff isn't going to help our cause. Remember that.

We need to implement and successfully spread IDEAS to the larger culture, while getting more people who are on-board with our uncompromising anti-globalist and pro-native European values into political positions.

Do and say what you will, but at the end of the day your children or grand children will be autonomous and choose their partners as they see fit, even if they're non-white.

All this "muh secure white future" just sounds cringey. battle all you want, but what exactly are you trying to accomplish? is it even feasible? I think otherwise, with good reason.

>The numbers

And don't worry, I'm aware. The biggest issue so far has been the sheer degree of control that comes built-in into the system here. You know, all the little features written in to keep the state controlled while still counting as democratic (It's honestly more like Soviet Bolshevism, even complete with a de-facto central council). I've been making little flyers and the like and made it a point to go patrolling in my area to spread the word face-to-face, but progress is slow and I reckon a less dedicated guy than I would be getting paranoid by this point from the sheer amount of kneejerk denounciation attempts from the less aware.

you're not white, so what do you care?

>I'm not a white nationalist or anything

Why not?


Fuck off.

One good bit of news for Germany is that Breitbart is launching in there soon (they're also going to open a news source for France soon as well). As I've seen, you guys don't really have any strong anti-globalist news sources that might actually get our argument out there, and show Germans all the migrant rape statistics and coverups etc.

Perhaps you could even work with them.

>what do you care

No other race feels the need to hold group therapy sessions on a chinese cartoon board. I care because it's outright SAD to see.

It's one thing when Sup Forums gets nationalistic and bashes on anyone that isn't white, but it's an entirely different issue when they have to form a hugbox to encourage each other to "go out there and make a family and secure the future for our children." From a spectator's point of view, I'm not sure whether to laugh or vomit.

I had not heard of this. But it opens a possibility. How would one go about contacting them?

>you idiots don't do anything about it
if only whites had let people know what they think at the ballot box

Maybe very slightly so but I think the establishment tries to cuck blacks intellectually. In countries that don't have Nig culture there isn't as much of an IQ difference.

They flood their communities with drugs, glorify drug culture and guns, leads to more of them in prison, less stable families, more poverty, shit inner city schools, poor nutrition

There have been some recent articles about their planned expansion into Europe. Steve Bannon actually expresses that he wishes to do this ahead of the upcoming elections to help get the nationalist parties into power.

As far as contacting them, hm, I guess just contact them through their website.

But yeah it's very good news for you. They've played an instrumental part in helping push Brexit and Trump through.

people here, discussing this matter in these terms isn't "the race", nor is it in any way an unique expression of collective interest
you are just choosing to ignore other "racial hugboxes", which it really isn't anyway, but who cares - you are triggered, so let's entertain it in your terms

>It's one thing when Sup Forums gets nationalistic and bashes on anyone that isn't white, but it's an entirely different issue when they have to form a hugbox to encourage each other to
the fuck are you even babbling about; you wrote a whole fucking line, intending to load it with meaning, while managing to say nothing at all
it really reads to me like you are insecure and threatened by the idea of white nationalism, which instinctively makes you attempt to ridicule and dismantle it

Five years ago I thought they were the devil. Now I already think of them as my savior. I'll be sure to send in my resume.

No other race (North American natives excepted), is any where near the danger of disappearing in the near future. Even Jews, small as their numbers are, have the ethnic consciousness and self-love to keep themselves going.

And I don't care how this looks to you. Nihilists like yourselves fucking disgust me.

>You praise Milo Yiannopolous
That's a bit of a generalization there. Most of Sup Forums hates that nigger-loving faggot kike and we see him as a reddit-tier "alt-right idol" that uses the guise of anti-establishment/anti-muslim/"politically incorrect" rhetoric to spread his "lol, I'm a gay Jew who loves large niggers inside me " message that he spreads at literally every speech (it's like a drinking game, I swear to god) and further perpetuates the Jewish agenda by infiltrating a group which he branded with the same name the enemy media gave us to defame our ideas and lump anyone who dislikes Grandma Nixon in with the genuinely autistic neo-nazi hicks who wear the swastica because it makes their families uncomfortable.
>Milo is hated by virtually everyone here and you can go back to >>>r/the_dickinmybutt
>and you can take your straw man argument with you.

Sup Forums has existed for over a decade and "white privilege" is the product of a relatively recent political regime run by millennials who don't get enough handouts. What we are doing is giving a voice to our cause by allowing people to say whatever they want without committing social suicide or being outed as a racist for telling the truth; the mask of anonymity amplifies our strengths and allows this to be a "movement" because without this we would all be helpless cowards feeling to insecure to say that Trump was not the enemy.

As a British black dude, I believe American blacks are on average the worst black cohort in the world.

No interest in going back to Africa though

1. I'm from the Carribbean
2. I love white girls, man
3. Can't be a data analyst when your country doesn't even have clean water

White (all) people need to fight the war against logic first and foremost, then worry about muh racial preservation.

I've already given up on humanity so I'm just going keep vote conservative whilst fucking uni students and watching the world burn.


Could you give me advice on how got get pussy b0ss?

>Most of Sup Forums hates that nigger-loving faggot kike

Prove it.

Do you know your girl does not respect you AT ALL?

You're a walking ATM for that bitch. She's just saying what you want to hear because she gets a pussy faggot like you to provide a comfortable lifestyle, while going out and chasing vagina tingles. Have some self respect - Jesus.

Just bee
>the one in control

>"white privilege" is the product of a relatively recent political regime run by millennials
It's a bit older than that. Systemic racism has been floated for many decades, and I think the "privilege" language was born in the '90s.

>the fuck are you even babbling about
Is it such a hard notion for you to grasp that there's a difference between actual pride and puffed up chests to hide insecurity? This thread is the latter, and that's the only thing I'm explicitly trying to dismantle. Does it bother you to think trading these "motivational" posts in your echo chamber could be labeled a hugbox? It should if it does.

I want to make one thing clear, I'm anything but a nihilist. If I was, I wouldn't be here in the first place, posting pseudo-intellectual BS on facebook instead.

For going on about spreading information, you seem ill-informed about the reality of the situation. Whites clearly have the dominant hand in this country, and are the grand majority. Marriages and births are still within races. These fears are thus ill-founded. So why have them?

See where I'm getting at? Unnecessary fear in men is simply unmanly. Is it so wrong to want my fellow man to act like men?

kys nigger

Go ahead, make a thread about him.

Being a cuck is a sin (all forms of adultery are sinful). Also, if you love your wife, maybe don't let her fuck around. Die twice heathen.

>the same way black people are tricked into shooting eachother
you would be doing that anyway, no need for trickery

I like Milo. A vocal minority on Sup Forums refuses to accept representation of any kind and will vehemently bash any of our allies. which is a good thing.

>but I think the establishment tries to cuck blacks intellectually. In countries that don't have Nig culture there isn't as much of an IQ difference.
[citation needed]
Bullshit. US blacks are smarter than Euro blacks because of the high degree of admixture resulting from living here 200 years

Wow that was a long winded spew of shit from a Canadian mouth. Get off my lawn. I raked last week.

I mostly agree with your sentiment about it being insecurity, but don't you think the insecurity has a lot to do with how whites have stopped being the dominant race anywhere now? Numbers wise, yes whites are the majority (for now), but surely you can see where things are heading. I doubt trump is even enough to stop it btw. Go ahead and laugh but from the start I thought he was controlled opposition and set up merely to show how white people corrupt no longer make it.

To prove what? That a handful of stormfags can make a lot of posts? You have no representative proof that Milo is disliked on Sup Forums.

You're purposefully ignoring the demographic shifts, and birthrates of said respective demographics. If we can change those shifts, ensuring Europe will not spike in non-European births in the coming decades to an overwhelming number, then I will let it go. Until it is managed, I will treat it as the problem it is.

And you're clearly just trying to troll anyways, trying to feel superior.


>make baseless claim
>someone says your wrong
>lmao pr00v I'm wrong dood
>how about you test your claim
>lmao you have no way of proving that I'm wrong
fuck off Mohammad

Virtually every thread about him results in Sup Forums informing you that he is. If the users of the board aren't representative, I don't know what to tell you. Sure, there are probably some people who like him, but by and large I've never seen anything Milo-related receive any particularly warm regards on here.

The one who started the claim ("Sup Forums hates Milo") has the burden of proof.

>Virtually every thread about him results in Sup Forums informing you that he is

I just checked 4plebs and you pulled that claim out of your ass.

Great, then you should have plenty of material to prove me wrong with, even beyond reasonable doubt about the bulk-posting abilities of non-"stormfags". Fire away.

You cannot honestly expect for whites to hold onto dominance forever solely on the virture of being white. See, other nations are developing and are showing promise of reaching an acceptable standard. India, China, for example. A shift of power away was/is inevitable. However, this does not indicate a downfall of white people. Even when Rome, Sup Forums's ideal, was the sole superpower and people of all races were in the cities, whites did not disappear.

And so too will whites remain today in this day and age, even without the "aid" of white nationalists. No one is disappearing to the point of extinction or at threat of "genocide.' This is why I cannot wrap my mind around this fear that is all too prevalent these days.

>trying to feel superior
It isn't hard to do when surrounded by quivering voices.

The reason black men are better at fucking is because we let them do it.

Do you honestly think white women found black men more attractive before feminism when the white man still had his balls attached? Fuck no. It's only because white men have become completely emasculated by the mantra 'diversity is our strength' that white women have started losing respect. As terrible as it sounds, we all know that violence, or the threat of violence, is what makes a woman's vagina tingle. By treating other races as anything but second class citizens we are, if not physically, figuratively cucking ourselves.

Its all been a massive shit-test and white men have failed - badly.

The solution is white nationalism. We need reestablish the dominance hierarchy, or else be knocked off our pedestal.

So let me be the first to say it: FUCK NIGGERS

You seriously think the Indians or Chinese are ever going to achieve what we have? Get fucking real. You know you don't even believe this. Of course, I don't think they're dumb or anything, but still, search your feelings.

And that makes it the fifth time I've seen this pasta this week. Change it up m8.

>a tittymonster will never ask you to milk her swollen breasts so she can move around easier


When it is those same demographics that teach the hard sciences at American universities, along with colorful CVs to show they are at the front of their respective fields, it isn't hard to imagine a future where they've caught up.

Now, I'd be inclined to agree with you if I were to go only on emotions and feelings, but this isn't the discussion for it. My point remains, this shift is natural but in no ways drastic nor threatening.

The Chinese are too passive and hivemind-y to act dynamically in the world in the way we have. They might grow kind of efficiently like the Borg, but it will be a cold, fucked-up, uninspiring society with no heart.

And the Indians? They're a fucking mess. The world isn't going to be around long enough for them to work their shit out.

Nice bate

Her name?

Trump is a jew and his children are married to jews

>Trump is a jew and his children are married to jews

So what? The jew thing is just a running gag on Sup Forums.

it's because we're the real lords of the earth and they've been hiding our history from us and using our intellect to build civilization since the dawn of time


Too bad that brainy nigga Yakub happened.

OP, what would you do?

Baby step is through what needs to be done, so we can appease your judgement.

I'm all down for the ROHOWA, but most whites are sheeple and ignorant of it. People need to be forced into these situations, people need to be pressured so that their natural instincts kick in and take over. Right now, life is too comfortable. As far as I can discern as long as the dew keeps flowing and the tube keeps playing most people are gonna do shit. Personally myself, I'm prepping for the big day and spreading my message far and wide.