What's wrong with the current generation of teens and young adults?
I can't find a straight answer anywhere. This can't be purely cultural.
What's wrong with the current generation of teens and young adults?
I can't find a straight answer anywhere. This can't be purely cultural.
Apathy, nihilism, self-loathing, entitlement, and lack of strong male role models as a result of Marxist philosophy being intellectually validated through the universities and entertainment industry.
And chemicals in the water, plastics, synthetic materials, food etc.
shitty parenting, allowing kids to be raised by television/day-care
Possibly vaccines giving more kids forms of autism
actually the new generation is becoming more right leaning unlike the former hippie generation
Lack of religion.
No more morals, no more roles to slot into.
It's like playing a game of tennis with no lines or net and instead people are just running about yelling they won.
I know this, I'm talking about the one people ages 19-30 belong to.
who raised them? Boomers. Or rather, didn't raise.
It's actually 19-40.
All I see is a healthy young gentleman with perfect rainbow waifu
It's (((their))) fault.
This, and I'd add atheism. Believing our existence is a mere accident makes life vain, so they drown themselves in Hedonism and don't strive for success.
The new generation you're talking about is 8-20 years old now, OP is talking about 20+.
friendship is magic
Post-modernism was a mistake
Thats why we need more good shows like MLP that espouse objectivity and traditional values
You mind herding on back to instead of ruining my thread?
user pls
>What's wrong with the current generation of teens and young adults?
It's all they know
I mean I guess it's better than the propaganda that is Steven Universe.
>Lack of religion.
It's actually the morals and values from the abrahamic kike religion (((christianity))) that allowed europe to become so cucked, and thus other parts of the world.
Western civilization and democracy was founded under european paganism.
Christianity can be be cucked physically and ideologically.
European paganism can only be cucked by force, but it is much harder to cuck by force than anything else because it doesn't allow itself to be cucked idealogically like christicuckiny
Tired of all these self hating white people following a disgusting anti-whtie desert religion worshiping a disgusting kike on a stick.
Short answer: Filter bubble.
Long answer: Personalised content from google and facebook pushes people into more and more specialised hugbox circlejerks.
Every degenerate hates religion because it enforces morals.
>"Back in my day" the thread
Single moms.