ITT red pilled / anti-culturalism games

bioshock infinite show perfectly how multiculturalism destroy nations
>beginning of game
>peacefull nation , clean Streets etc
>middle of game you decide to help niggers
>chaos and destruction

Other urls found in this thread:

>Any media form (slave-tainment)

>red pilled video games developpers dont exi....

>trying to banter


This 'north Africa is as black as subsaharan African' meme really needs to fucking die.

you can thanks the WE WUZ KANGZ for that

Oh I do. Honestly I'm starting to believe it's more than just a remnant of Black Panther crap from the 60s and it's another extension of Jewish cultural Marxism (thanks to kike professors back in the 50s and 60s).

Jews were apparently enslaved by Egyptians so I'm wondering if it ties into Jewish tendencies to enjoy cuckolding if they're reinterpreting it as 'black slave masters' with this KANGZ shit.

isnt the whole : we wuz slaves of evil egyptians , just a thing in the bible and historian proved that it never happened ?

>Bioshock Infinite red pilled


and yet if you look at it they way i said its the best exemple for anti-multiculturalism

I guess so

>Mexicans were actually pretty racist and corrupt as shit
>Gay, evil, murderous mexican Captain
>Evil, kidnapping rapist mexican warlord
>Self centered promiscuous Rebel leader who lies and strings along his peon followers and defends crimes against Chinese because they're not human
>Indians were pretty normal and decent when educated, but the rest were violent and reactionary and manipulated by a criminal because they refused to join society
>Proto-FBI is a bunch of unaccountable goons with a superiority complex
>Government is getting too large and muscling common people out of their livelihood and making excuses that it's good for them
>Anyone from "Greater Society and Higher Education" are delusional degenerates who think they know best because everyone else is too dumb

Among other pretty heavy issues

I've always made the argument that Ken Levine is such a narcissistic moron that in his arrogance, his attempt to assassinate nationalism and America actually backfires spectacularly.

I've never played this game because when it came out Sup Forums said it had an anti-White SJW undertone to it.

I also love how basically, Comstock is a butthurt democrat. Comstock couldn't stand that a Republican president happened, threatened to leave the country (as all liberals do, every election cycle) and went through with it. He even talks about the white man's burden in his audio logs.

I mean really Kenny, what the hell were you thinking with this one? Do you have any self awareness at all?

thats because it does, dindus rampaging wuhite utopia is considered a good thing

Elizabeth, a sheepish womyn believes that. She's shocked when dindus end up looting the city. Booker tells her that she was naive to think otherwise.

Really on a surface level sure, it's a SJW-fest. But if you stop and actually look at it, it's accidentally redpilled.

>there were no black people in central europe at that time
>but there were black people in africa
>well columbus traveled even longer distances so it's totally possible that niggers lived in central europe
like arguing with children

vox populi literally turn into a murdering horde that destroys everything, I would say it's accurate.



Any of the total war games.

>beginning of colonial rule
>peaceful nation, clean streets, etc.
>middle of colonial rule you decide to help revolutionaries
>chaos and destruction


this song tho

Nigger what.

Stop posting these fucking threads. Games aren't fucking politics and they're not redpilled, they're to distract you from redpills and life.


bioshock is the old 'let's sneak kike propaganda in with the anti-kike' type trickery. There is at least 3 levels of jew involved in that. An anti (((Ayn Rand))) message delivered as part of an anti futurist message. Fucking confusing-tier jewry mate. Just makes you want to give up. That's the point.

Its redpiled in my opinion. At first Elizabeth is a blue pilled princess that thinks the niggs need a revolution and then near the end of the game she realizes that the niggs are shit. The whites in the game are portrayed as racis but they are shown to have a peaceful society thats awesome in the beginning and then when the niggs are killing all the whites you and Elizabeth feel bad for them.

Haha, yeah, initially I though Bioshock Infinite to be propaganda, but it turned out to be pretty redpilled.

hmmm but arent the dindus aggresive because whites were so mean and racist to them?

MGS2 was red-pilling people 15 years ago.