>tfw you won the meme war but suffer PTSD from your service.
Every day is hell. I thought trump was going to bring us to the promised land.
Who /PTSD/ here?
>tfw you won the meme war but suffer PTSD from your service.
Every day is hell. I thought trump was going to bring us to the promised land.
Who /PTSD/ here?
Why do people think Trump is the current president?
I get flashbacks from the Omegle front
Because they're Canadians.
I can't even tell if they shitpost on purpose or are actually retarded
We were memers once...
and dank
All I know now is meme warfare...but the war is over
Is this what Nam vets felt like when they came back to America? Will I turn into an insane, alcoholic bum now that I no longer have a cause?
You sure smell like someone who works for David Brock
What cologne is it that you're wearing user?
I swear it's very familiar to me.
still paranoic... i see shills everywhere
underrated post
He hasn't even started his term yet.
I know I've been drinking a lot more these days...
ive been more or less drunk since nov 8, just giving it up and it feels great to be back to being a non-degenerate
How will your ptsd be when he doesn't do shit and ends up being a typical cuckservative leader?
Lol I will be pissed too but I am prepared for it.
I won't blame him either. People are cunts and theyve waited way too late to push back.
real veterans call it meme shock you faggots
Day of the rake t-minus ~60 days
same brother, but fortunately I have mommy to bring me tendies whenever I want. it really helps me cope
>not shill shock
its only shill shock if your candidate lost
Its going to be great don't worry
the war didn't come home with us... our home came to war with us
what we didn't realize, is that by returning we have forever left our homes behind in the faint abyss of memory
Here's your hat
>there are people who didn't serve in Sup Forums harbor
How am I still alive after two major wars
just wait till they kill him before December
I don't know, but I know one thing. I'll get back into my meme bomber and shitpost on Reddit again
>Pamper the keks love and tolerance now
I..I was there user
the meme war is not over yet. it started in 2014 and will end in 2018. two more years of trench warfare to fight. stay strong.
Made me lawl
Who remembers before the meme war?
Trump isn't even a president yet, wait
You mean the before times?
Weren't leafs shilling for Hilldog?
As if hillary would pay Canadian Minimum Wage for Shills
Now Poo in the Loo hiding behind proxys I could see.
my life is pretty empty following the meme war. I can only find peace in the chaos of war....
t-this was the meme war to end all wars, r-right?
Dahnald!! The delegates!! This isn't over yet!!
Yes, the before times. The times when King negro wasn't president and the habbo colonization happened
idk if anyone in this thread actually has ptsd but I really do.
im mostly fine during the day, although I find myself getting really angry over small things. But I can mostly controll that
what fucks me is my dreams. I used to lucid dream every night in high school before i joined the service, so i literally remember every dream I have. The only way to deal with the nightmares is to get drunk and pass out rather than fall alseep. when im drunk i dont dream.
its almost 3AM here and im posting on this shitty board while drinking natural ice. hopefully ill pass out soon with my cat curled up next to me and i wont wake up 3 times tonight because of the nightmares
>tfw you lost the fucking meme war
Honestly, I didn't really want Hillary to win but I have no idea how you guys can literally "do it for free"
I don't mind the "I can't go back to civilian life" or "I served in this battalion" or whatever, but ptsd is going a bit far. You gotta have some sort of respect for real vets out there. A lot of them killing themselves from this
fuck my life guys. it wasnt worth it.
am I in the twilight zone
I thought we won
Lol did you fall for the Iraq war meme?
dunno if you have tried it but THC will stop you from remembering your dreams. i am narcoleptic, so when i fall asleep i immediately go to REM sleep, but i rarely recall my dreams because i smoke.
Fuc off, Emu. You Aussies never pulled your weight during the war. Fucking gay deceivers the lot of you
>after trump wins indulge in euphoric smugness
>days later I am still shitposting without really having a reason to need to
>Still waiting for hillary shills
>Still waiting for anti-trump leaf posts
>I can't go on the computer without catching myself hoovering my cursor over the Sup Forums tap.
I thought this meme war PTSD thing was just a stupid joke, but Its starting to scare me how fucked up I am from these last 3-4 years.
This is hilarious. Coming from a leaf that is. Thanks for the laugh user
yes i did. I was so proud too. I was young and had no idea what I was getting into. nothing prepairs you for the "shooting a 17 year old" meme though
I used to get high but I dont anymore. thanks for the advice though.
Go drink a fosters and get bitten by a snake, abo fucker
2016 is the year leafs took the title of worst poster from the 'roos. so fuck off 'eh
That sucks you give the rest of your being and soul up to make the jews richer.
tell me about dude.
but id rather have sleepless nights than be a fuckign leaf
Hahahahahahahahagahaha. Whatever you say, murderer
Well you can never leave if that's what you mean. You are here forever.
at least i fought for something. As yall say "if you kill your enemies, they win"
have fun letting ahemd the "refugee" fuck your wife
Dude check out this French Flag
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha a PROUD jew enriching child killer.
you literally prove every single stereotype about leaf-posters to be true.
I was so worried about the election that I made a personal vow to not drink alcohol through the month of November if Trump won. Also said a prayer for the first time in years the night before the election. It's now 21 days since my last drink, and I'm a moderate drinker fwiw. Call me a massive faggot, but this election consumed me for over a year and was a respite from my daily 9-5 desk job. For some reason there isn't that same celebratory feeling for me personally. Something seismic just happened in our country, and perhaps the real celebration should be a bit further out once we see real change happen.
Nibble my piss hole faggot
I would proudly quit college and join up again to annex Canada.
what the fuck is wrong with all of you
the war never ended user
I haven't stopped...
>but the war is over
The war never ended
stay strong. i've got your six and im sure a lot of others do as well.
I never stop.
dude thank you. You dont know what that means to me. even if it is some post on an anonymous message board, it helps to know that someone out there cares. I dont know what else to say. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I just keep..
War never changes, and in this day and age, war never ends.
Hop to it, soldier, we're all counting on you!
Fuck, you literally dont know what you just did to me. god damn it. im about to cry right now. Everyone is like "Hell ya let me buy you a drink!!" but no one really cares. Thanks for watching my six, i really need it. Its so god damn hard. im so god damn damaged from a pointless war and no one seems to care. My youth is gone and im a 23 year old vet with shot out knees who has no friends and hasn't had a decent nights sleep in a year and a half
but hey, at least trump won. I was literally going to kill myself if he didnt
I'm really sorry. My brother was a vet that suddoku'd and I regret so much about my interactions with him after he got back. It's just really hard for people without your experiences to understand; that doesn't mean we don't want to.
ill let you in on a secret: i cried too. its ok. i really think things are gonna be better with trump. just gotta keep treading water until then. 23 is still pretty young. youve got your whole life ahead of you. have you gone to college yet? im thinking that the 2017-2018 school year is going to be very interesting. it might be worth it just for the lulz.
Thank you.
And I know you meant well. Being on the otherside of it, i can understand how hard it can be to talk to someone about it. All that matters is that you were there for him.
I took a semester of college on my GI bill and then i dropped out because my grandfather got cancer and it was just too much to deal with(on top of everything i was already going through) But im going back and I will graduate.
yo this vet is singing off. I have a big day tomorrow. Yall stay safe and keep working to make America great again. To those of yall who listened to what I had to say, thank you.
I appreciate that, good night bro. You're here forever ;;7
>the meme war is over
Lucky you
I'm domestic shill defense, my war will go on for a very long time..
>baby's first election
>he thinks the meme war is over
lads the real meme war doesn't start until this January
the war is not over friend, meme warriors are still needed and can be useful for Europe, most speak English there, just stick around on Sup Forums. think of yourself as a meme mercenary.
>but the war is over
>but the war is over
It has only begun you dumb faggot. Trump may have won the presidency, but he still needs soldiers. We won a battle, but not the war. As long as you still see degeneracy out there on a massive scale, hand rubbing parasites manipulating the women, gay parades, 3rd worlders invading and so on, the war. is. not. over.
>bails after the first battle
you're pathetic
This election has energized me more than ever before. Im more motivated to read, and Im already improving my sleeping schedule and diet B I G L E A G U E
I am optimistic and determined
Shadilay lads
>won the Meme war
And WWII ended in 1942.
Shit ain't even started yet lads. Be prepared for your Trump "friends" to start turning on you. Hidden turncoats the whole time. This board is gonna eat itself alive. Only men as hard as the cuckpocalypse survivors can even hope to make it. The paranoia and shill accusations will be worse than the broad faced disgrace of moot's fuckery.
whenever i look at my friends and family, all i see is Jeb!
when i wake up, i do not find my wife asleep next to me
it is only Jeb!
i want off this wild ride