What does Sup Forums think about the new move in the Left-wing..
>> Is Left and Right gearing up for War now....
What does Sup Forums think about the new move in the Left-wing..
>> Is Left and Right gearing up for War now....
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will never happen
they shoot a 22 and wind up in traction and bruised from head to toe
never forget that the left is comprised of pussies
Yeah I'm pretty scared of that BB gun.
Nice source faggot. And it's probably because their "support base" is rioting right outside their doors and smashing in their car's windows.
Run for your lives, the millennial leftists are coming!
How can you even defend against these hardened warrior specimen?
>that fucking "I'm cool, I'm doing something!" look only a full fucking libtard could try to pull off without any irony
leftists have never been antigun
libs are not the left
libs are centrists and should be shot dead
Can you imagine the second any of their firearms jam?
Gotta love the irony of "protesting the oppresive capitalist system" from your iPhone™ & MacBook™ while drinking a StarBucks™
Libs don't know how to get along. They don't know how to organize. They don't follow directions. They don't like authority. They don't send their best. They can't shut up and listen. They don't have a fight instinct. They undermine their own efforts out of ignorance.They don't have an actual goal.
Let them get guns, they will just kill each other
>libs are centrists
My brother in law is a Berniebot who reluctantly backed Hillary and loathes Trump. He isn't fully aware of my stance, but we've had a few back and forths where he called me a nazi, a republican, etc, etc. He's rabidly leftist. He seriously hates white, middle american men. He was seriously anti-gun up until the election.
He specifically called me to say "we need more firepower". Like, he thought I was on board for some leftist revolt... despite the fact that I'm clearly not a leftist.
He knows I'm a prepper, but he has apparently not peiced it together that I'm readying for Rahowa, and he won't be on my side... The only reason I might not run him off is because I love my sister and wish to protect her.
Anyway, he wants a shotgun now, because he thinks the rednecks are coming for his abortion rights, or to enslave the blacks or something. I imagine him playing 'underground railroad' with fugitive illegal mexicans and muslims.
It's a sad thought, but if shit goes down, I might have to put him out of his misery and tell my sister it was for the best.
Just imagining them breaking down a weapon for maintenance is amusing. The tears. The tears.
>libs are centrists and should be shot dead
like leftists
why do they always look so weird.
are you fucking your sister?
You must have a very dimwitted brother. How could he not know that most preppers SHTF are right wing or right leaning Libertarian.
It's genetics.
Look into: r/K selection theory
See pic
>r/K selection theory
See pic
I'm sorry but those are the same people who get PTSD from an airsoft.
And one more thing, around 70% of right wing voters own guns while around 5% of left wing voters (if you exclude those illegaly owned by ghetto niggers) own guns.
No, I am not. Why would you ask that?
Yeah, I don't know how he hasn't pieced it together. I've straight up told him that blacks are more criminal than whites, with higher impulsivity and lower foresight due to their diminished intelligence. He got all pissed and called me all sorts of names, then stormed off with my sister.
You'd think he'd have figured it out. I'm prepping, I have guns, I talk shit about niggers... I wasn't shit talking Trump when everyone else was. I'd hate to turn him away at the door, but the group of guys I'd likely be meeting up with (if shtf) wouldn't like him one bit. Especially if he started complaining that we're firing warning shots at any groid in sight.
Oh well, maybe a few trips to the range and another 5-6 years of growing up will change his perspective a bit. Getting older and getting money tends to readjust the worldview of even the most braindead leftist.
I like guns though
>leftists have never been antigun
revolutionaries are not antigun, once they seize control the become very antigun
so you're telling me these traits give them an upperhand in or resulted from breeding like rabbits (r selected)
All their males are low test hungry skeletons and all their females are masculine/androgynous. They're not exactly breeding like rabbits, in fact one of the reasons they import immigrants is to prop up birth rate.
I don't see the correlation yet. I think they're just poisoned somehow. Maybe they pump weird shit in the big cities that causes birth defects.
Put him out of his misery when you can pin it on niggers and say he was shot after trying to protect them and shouted ''Yo let's bust dat cracka bitch head''.
That is a Red Ryder BB gun. A nice toy if you get the all Wood Version.
in short
liberalism = herd mentality, all policy naturally comes to the center to serve the bourgeoisie
They are the result of racemixing.
These are the descendants of the American Mulatoes who were segregated from both niggers and white people.
Well that and a bunch of middle eastern immigrants.
good point leaf
>mfw trump gets liberalism added as a mental illness and all the people who voted for more gun control cant even attempt a revolution
Always kill a traitor before an enemy. Your brother has turned traitor, so put him down when possible.
So was Nazi Germany. Both extremes know that an armed populace is resilient to orders.
>bobby sands
>i'll smear shite on the wall, that's a good trick
I'll be honest. In the event of a life and death (shtf) situation, I'd seriously consider it almost immediately. He's a fucking loose cannon that seems to loathe white males because his lefty blogs probably tell him to. And what's worse, he can't put politics aside and just have a decent conversation.
He's that kind of leftist... the kind who refuses to let shit go. Even when I won an argument, he kept trying to drag it out. The anti-white male mentality is fucking viral, and I can't believe he's fallen for it. My only hope is that he figures shit out before it's too late.
I might not care for the IRA (or at least everything after the Good Friday Agreements) but you have to admit that there is something unique or inspirational about a man who will willing starve himself to death.
This worries me. My brother and I were both raised pretty conservative and then he moved to San Francisco. He has a gf that was retardedly pro Hillary and I am very obviously pro trump. I just hope he doesn't get brainwashed into that mindset, he wanted Bernie after all.
national socialism is a leftist movement
that picture is from finland
All the same, they'd be pro-Clinton-type
good. we need both sides of the aisle to admire and defend our constitutional rights.
Wow Foreman just got roasted
This is what happens when a liberal fires a tiny .223 round
Can't wait to start cleaning the streets of fascist scum. :^)
Daily reminder that the Clinton Foundation have bought $137m worth of illegal weapons.
Daily reminder that George Soros, who donated $125m to the Clinton campaign, funds BLM and MoveOn! Rioters has has funded terrorist revolutions throughout the world.
Daily reminder this is being renounced as "fake news" by the (((media)))