You heard it here first, Sup Forums!
>inb4 roleplaying
>inb4 larpfaggotry
Now we trace the breadcrumbs in the m(((shit)))media
You heard it here first, Sup Forums!
>inb4 roleplaying
>inb4 larpfaggotry
Now we trace the breadcrumbs in the m(((shit)))media
No sorrow for the Soros
I hope he suffered.
Be real!!!
corroborating sources pls?
Points a forum. Don't get your hopes up, user. Hope drives a man crazy.
if anything I would expect him to fake his own death and continue to operate in the shadows
too much heat has come down on him lately, he is probably fearing assassination
his details were leaked in some of the emails on wikileaks
The leaf is right. It would be just way too convenient for him to die right now.
(((They))) are moving on to fresh hosts.
Can we meme them to death or gtfo
>Soros is Soros backwards
>u cannot kill a demon unless u get it to say it's name backwards
Please please please tell me someone's going to blow the lid off CANVAS. Losing that operation would surely be enough to merit his excommunication from The Club and subsequent death.
fake and gay
I've heard this THREE times here over the last month. I won't even believe it now when it actually does happen.
I'm gonna need a better source than that. Though I wonder, if he is dead, what happens to his money? What if he just unleashes billions of dollars worth of leftist financing on the world in one fell swoop?
We already won it's all good bruh
His son will continue his legacy.
Dude quit larping
He can't be dead, i wont even know what timeline we are in if he actually croaked
Ha told you lets meme the rest to justice m8's.
Thanks to the voting public, it won't be the American flag. As far as I'm concerned, Germany has already fallen. The UN could fall and it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Austria, I know nothing about politically. And the EU... Well, I give it another 5 years.
he has 5 kids
wat do
Nice source OP you faggot
nice fake news
Soros will fake his death and flee to Qatar when the time comes.
this. Would it be ethical?
Austria is the first piece of the domino that will fall, triggering the dissolution of the EU. If Hofer wins the Presidency, that will only bolster Le Pen's struggle in France. Same goes with Geert in Holland, AfD in Germany, the Italian Referendum etc.
I'd project the EU fall as close as 2-3 years from now, if what Trump started truly goes global, in terms of the little people aka white ones getting fed up with everything and casting their vote to the right / far-right.
The source is Benjamin Fulford. As such, the story is discredited.
>Not trusting source
>Waiting for CNN to confirm
>Waiting for Breitbart to confirm
>mfw trust no source everything corrupt break the system make great again yemen
>If something sounds to good to be true; hold off celebration untill confirmation.
Not to wish death, but to bring to justice by whatever way deemed necessary is. The higher authority deemed his demise imminent. Digits will concur.
2016 strikes again
pls take him before the year ends
Alex Soros has been groomed for the past couple years to be the next head of the snake. He takes these creepy photos in his apartment with a lot of world leaders including Merkel, Obama, and Hillary. They're kissing his ring already so we need to shift our memetic energy to Alex.
>the event chronicle
My compliments for finding such a legit source mate.
Let's take a look at the front page:
Nov 19 BREAKING INTEL: George Soros DEAD
Nov 14 Benjamin Fulford: Carpe diem seize the day and mount a final assault on the Khazarian mafia
Nov 09 White Hats Auxiliary: Fact Check #136
Nov 08 Intel Update from Corey Goode, Cabal Fleeing to Antarctica and Other Locations!
Nov 08 Jim Stone: Evidence That the U.S. Election is Rigged and Predetermined and Trump Loses to Clinton
if it hasn't been reported on CNN it didn't happen
We can only hope the white western world wakes up with time to spare. We're cutting it so close at this point that I don't know if we can save ourselves. Brexit, Trump, and hopefully Le Pen... Beyond that I don't know what other right-wing vots are poised to make a difference.
I want Merkel out. I want to see France ditch it's immigration policy. I want to see Europe close it's borders and kick out the filth that's flooded in. Maybe Trump's immigration policy will prove successful... Maybe he will deport the illegals and build that wall... If he does, I hope it's a sign to the western world that it needs to follow suit.
We had this thread last week, fags
>star of david has 6 small triangles, 6 points, and a 6 sided hexagon = 666
>both demons and jews cannot say God.
>Jesus called jews the sons of the devil
>he was probably killed because we did not get the expected results he promised
If only this were real
I remember someone saying "Soros will die within the week" So that would be pretty cool
Well if you memed a joke into office you can meme a joke to death.
HAHAHAHA, fool goy, my old body is gone, but now i'm living under a younger and unknown body, thanks to the moloch ritual my Rothschild friend taught me.
reported to google for fake news website
How did I get here. What have I done. This is my beautiful wife.
This year just keeps getting better. Praise converting to lds.
Best time line here
Was reported a week ago as well. Odd.
And now Russia has him on a hitlist as well. KGB behind it?
chrysanthemums and a shallow grave
Can we please meme this into reality?
Fake as fuck
>he has 5 kids
He really is Donald Trump but without morals and humility and the hair.
Gooooood goy. Remember, only use verified news sources like CNN. Ignore fake news. They're illegal.
muh legacy
No will replace his old crumbling shell with a new one.
He will take over Alex' body or something
About time if true.
His son is a legitimate leftard, far less of a threat as he lacks subterfuge.
Still a threat though.
will do
want some grape juice ?
Contrived and homosexual.
come on
I won't believe it until the wikipedia entry has a death year
fuck off with your entire post
>literally Hitler
Sounds like Trump. Soros elected Trump to provide justification for a coup?
yeah but he has the advantage of youth now and thats way more influential n running the world down.
Channelling local folk magic to give him the most painful death
Please be real!
More likely he'll ineffectively run out most of his inheritance until a close family (((friend))) takes stewardship.
Weaponized memes? That might be too much power for Sup Forums.
>helped bring about the end of communism
And you hate him why?
I will start to not masturbate if this is real
>tfw George Soros just wants to wake Europe up but nobody doesn't see this
He destabilized a lot of countries .
include my ass in this historic screenshot.
"if I wasn't doing it someone else would be"
~George Soros
someone else will just take his place now though..
Did he get killed by one of Putin's assassins?
I love to picture him running in terror, flustered that he's going to go to hell for satanic worship and funding pedophiles.
Please be true.
He's not dead, this is part the Kike's disinfo #FakeNews campaign they're launching now in order to justify killing off Non MSM news.
They've been talking about this shit for years, the need to censor non "Official" news sources. Trump's victory finally set it in motion. Hope you're ready for the coming storm.
I'll allow it.
we can meme his cheap immitations away
This is a bullshit source man
yeah wtf nobody sees the liberal jew billionaire has our best interests at heart
>worship a kike on a stick
Oy vey goy.
sorry guys but hes still alive
>fake news
this is the shit that needs to get wiped off the search engines
Fake AND gay
Nice shady source there user.
he's ayytheist you moran.
Fake for now.
George is hailed as a hero for funding groups that have nice social justice sounding names (even though they serve to spread propaganda) so his death would be hailed as a world Wide mourning for the elitists
>end of communism
what communism? there's never been any anywhere u dumbfuck
Probably a last gasp from those fake news outlets that've been in the new - they know what'll get clicks.
>running in terror,
The dude is like 90