This. Is. Fucking. Terrifying. we're now living in a fascist country

This. Is. Fucking. Terrifying. we're now living in a fascist country


>This. Is. Fucking. Terrifying.
I know right? They called them illegal immigrants and not undocumented immigrants.

>we're now living in a fascist country
Sometimes I wish this were true just so the Left would get their shit pushed in even harder.


lmao same Cx

Praise Emperor Trump

Wait a second, is this what the FEMA camps were for?

>caring about a bunch of criminal invaders' lives being ruined

They shouldn't be here, they have no right to be here, I have no tears to shed because I would shoot them and leave their bodies in the desert to feed coyotes and snakes.

I know, he should be deporting all 11 million of them.

>we're now living in a fascist country

Man, IF ONLY!!

Ummmmmmmmm, Who brought the Nazi to her very last pep rally???
That's right hitlary........and Trumps the fascist? Get fucked...........


why has every single group of protesters within the last 3-4 years chanted these same words


>we're now living in a fascist country

I know. Its great isn't it?


Obama deported nearly 3 million.

Stop with the silly hyperbole.

Back to jewbook with you, (((Shilly James)))

Perhaps they should've came here legally then.

Peace through power.

>be illegal
>completely undocumented
>could be a criminal, rapist, terrorist or whatever else
>no fucking way of knowing

And dont come back

Hey hey
Ho ho
I wanna play
Some Mario

OMG! He wants to put in jail criminals, how dare he?
This is so fascist/misogynist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/islamophobic/nazist!


We should shoot for 20 million

Lol, and they wont be missed :^)

yeah but over 8 years and we had that gigantic surge of children a couple years ago

>how dare he protect us by throwing leeches who offer nothing to society but crime drugs and murder out of our country

Anyone who wants Illegal Immigrants in their prisons is a fucking idiot

you dont want them to work illegally in your country so youll put them up for free instead?

>This. Is. Fucking. Terrifying.

Yes. It is. It IS terrifying.
ONLY two to three million immediately?
Surely we can do better.
Surely we the people can do more to help speed the process up.

I won't feel safe until it's at minimum five million immediately.

>wants to remove people who are illegally here, and have no business being here unless they are here legally.

Fucking fascist! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Next he will be putting gays in camps and executing blacks in the street! NOT MY PRESIDENT!

for fucks sake, go back to your play-doh, cry-ins, coloring, and finishing your liberal arts degree.

What's surprising is BBC calling them illegal aliens and not "undocumented migrants".


>law enforcement
>removing criminals

Why do you support breaking the law? Are you here illegally?

Only in jail until they can be deported

1/3 of our prison population is illegals
All of those can go on day 1

they'll make license plates


Thats pretty sickening
>Make licence plates
That might pay their debt to society but i doubt anything they are doing in prison could pay off their stay.


>not your president because you aren't a legal citizen

Really makes you coyote

I agree. Donald Trump is #NotMyPresident.

...because I'm not American.

I will fight you to the bitter end boy, many of us will. Do not impede any further

>This. Is. Fucking. Terrifying. we're now living in a fascist country

Fuck off with your hysteria. The USA has absolutely nothing in common with any fascist state. Here are some key points

1)The US has more than one political party
Hint Fascist states have only one party
2)The US has elections
Hint: Fascist states are totalitarian and don't hold elections
3)Pretty much everything in the US constitution but particularly the limitations on executive power mean that you are wrong.
Hint: Hitler could do whatever the fuck he liked.

What hysterical shitheads like you OP do by using the word fascism incorrectly is diminish it and make it seem every day. When it is far from every day and far from existing in the US under your current President Obama or your new president elect Trump.


>They shouldn't be here, they have no right to be here,

Fine. They must go

>I have no tears to shed because I would shoot them and leave their bodies in the desert to feed coyotes and snakes

Your a fucking loon

>could be a criminal, rapist, terrorist or whatever else
Or they could be innocent workers who pay taxes and are trying to make a living like any other immigrant in history living in a foreign country.


Fuck off shills im getting sick of this shit. Sage.


Jesus...if that makes America fascist, what does that make Australia?

Those other immigrants cane in legally. Like my grandparents, who didn't hop the border and leech off the system, but instead got jobs and became citizens quick as they could and actually contributed to society. A doctor and a construction firm owner. Not a fucking gardener for fat shits. NO ONE is just owed a spot HERE unless they were born here. Period.

*11 million illegals

He's my president famm. feelsgood.jpg

Shit is so embarrassing

Wouldn't it cost Americans more to put them in jail than to leave them be?

Undocumented migrants is still offensive. The correct term would be True Americans or the heart and soul of this country.

So you want all people coming free to US?

Nah, you're just vilifying them.

The majority of them aren't the rapists, drug traffickers and murderers that you guys paint them as. The middle aged women working shitty jobs can't rape, murder or traffic drugs. The poor bastards picking up vegetables don't have time for it. The ones in college are typical college students doing typical college student shit.

You just want somebody to blame all of America's problems on. They're an easy target because no government protects them.

op you have to back and help build the wall

11 million as of 2005

This so much:
>only 43% of aliens are criminal enough to be immidiately thrown out of the country
>only 43%

God damn it MSM, it's a HUGE number. ANY statistician would tell these people that there is undoubtedly a correlation, and it didn't happen by accident.

best thing he can do is deny them citizenship.
which is what he should do.
anyone who came here illegally should not be rewarded.
but kek if you fags think he is going to round up millions of ppl and ship them back

my primos are safe gringos
so fuck off.


Is that Hitler? Woah


Because they all were taught the same crybaby chants by Soros-funded anarchists groups during #Occupy

godspeed mr. Trump.

Great news, love it.

We stopped the facism of the left and returned sense to the nation.

Undocumented immigrant always makes me lol, such cognitive dissonance and a dishonest term.
You need permission from the government to enter this country( like any other) doing so is against the law. Hence illegal
You need a visa if you're a foreigner to be in this country (like any other) so if you don't have that documentation you're not an immigrant, you're alien IE Owing political allegiance to another country or government.
IE. Illegal Alien, foreign nationals from another country...not supposed to be here. All Trump is doing is enforcing current law
Let's just start calling a robber an undocumented account holder

Well there goes Clinton's lead in the popular vote.

They are barely human anymore. They have the personality of an NPC and their lack of creativity reflects this.

As s resident of Los Angeles I am very happy to hear this

For the past 25 years I have lived in fear of the gang violet that plagues my city

Gangs like MS13, 18th Street and White Fence are made up primarily of illegal aliens. They tag our homes, attack our citizens, and murder innocent people in the streets. And their numbers exceed 80,000 in my city alone.

Mexicans brought this upon themselves. Their own nation is filled with demonic violence, evil and corruption. Kicking them out of our country will be a great service to the honest, law abiding citizens of our nation

Fun fact: if your home gets hit with gang graffiti and you try and clean it up, they'll kill you.

really? REALLY?
i can't even
i'm literally shaking right now

The word you are looking for is "inspiring"

What did they mean by this?

Legitimately curious at this retoric: how can you work legally and pay taxes if you aren't a legal immigrant? You can't have an actual contract nor pay your contributes since you don't exist inside your state's burocracy. Isn't this how it works in any state?

>40% have no criminal record
>meaning 60% do

Oh boy we should just let all these people stay in our country no problem here

im literally shaking right now!!

Fuck off, CTR. I bet you're an illegal immigrant yourself.

>President says he will enforce the law

This is why society is fed up with you people.

>yfw #MakeCaliforniaRedAgain will be memed into reality because of this


40% are liars.

It's only terrifying if you, or your family are here illegally.

You'd BETTER be scared.

technically it isn't fascism since they aren't legal citizens.

who are you?

He'd not your president either

Trump supporters think electing a 70 year old billionaire is "sticking it to the establishment". Fucking morons. You can't make this shit up.

if i want to travel to the USA, then i find a small flat to stay in; i work as a dish washer without being declared, cheaper than average american employee, is this OK?

By CNN, BBC etc standards, i guess this is OK?

I'm 37 and totally able to live in a 160 square feet apartment. Living as an illegal welcomed alien in the USA for two years even cleaning dishes would be an experience.

btw i'ce a degree in computing, any chance i find a perfectly illegal job as a perfectly welcomed alien in your country?

Would be totally cool to me. I'm in good shape, won't even pay for a health insurance and would post kwel pics on my FB to brag and make my "friends" jealous.

Thanks America, i'm coming

If I was here illegally I'd find the first Trump supporter I could and beat them to death. You're getting deported back to a hell hole anyway so why not take some of you fuckers out in the process.

>Illegal immigrants
>no criminal record

Your hatred is irrational.

eh when the two main candidates of the most important election in the world are fucking terrible you can't really blame anyone for who they voted for. it's already been proven that a Trump presidency is far more fun to watch than if Clinton won, so that was probably the main reason for most of Sup Forums

then you have the "dumb" half of the country that's spent the last eight years being ridiculed by every show on television and accused of having non-existent privilege (privilege is by and large a city/suburbs issue). this election is almost entirely the media's fault

>Leftists think electing a 70 year old female career politician with ties to foreign governments and a history of corruption is sticking it to the establishment.
>Leftists think electing an ancient Jewish career politician from Vermont is sticking it to the establishment.

Can't make this shit up.

double edged sword, illegals are good for big corporations but bad for the citizens.

you have to go back says it all
self-deportation should cover most of the illegals, forcible deportation along with seizing assets covers the rest

Understand this, if Trump didn't win, America would never elect a non-pro immigration candidate ever again.

Trump is going to be able to reverse demographic trends and make sure that doesn't happen. If he deports all illegals and makes it easier for europeans to migrate to the US (as well as making life hard for hispanics so even legal ones feel unwelcome) there is hope for the US.

This is fucking wonderful.

>quoting NOBODY

dumb slavcuntian

Deporting Illegals is not fascist shit head.

george soros internet defense force detected

I think you'd just act tough on the internet because you're a frustrated little faggot :^)

Crossing over the border illegally is a crime, so really, 100% of them are criminals.