Sweden YES


*catches breath*




*wipes away tears*

Other urls found in this thread:



>those fucking lips

>sweden yes


>american """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""education""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Why do European blacks look so weird?

Is it because they haven't mixed with whitey as much?

>ameriga edugation


It's almost like the people who picked her at miss earth or whatever this shit is weren't Swiss people


You're making all of us look dumb!

Wait I thought Switzerland and Sweden were the same? Like Sweden was just an abbreviation, like with America being short for United States of America. The Swiss are from Sweden, what's so hard to understand about that?

pls no lump mee


fuck off this is our show

Trump needs to make it against the law for niggers to wear weaves. I'm tired of them appropriating white features.

Or its a clever trick to get her out of Switzerland. You clock-makers have always been a cunning bunch.

But who treats the First Aid Kit?

what kind of dog is this?

wow. Manuela's got some big ol soup coolers

burgers also still say czechoslovakia

Fucking despicable.

These globalists...

Yeah it's kind of weird. Most American blacks have some Euro dna because slave masters took a mistress to make house nig servants with. And then those house nigs interbred with the general black population afterwards spreading it. A lot of these coal black pure african nigs they let into Europe look weird even with burnt straight hair.

They should've at least picked a better looking candidate.

Can someone shoop the lips to even more ridiculous proportions? I feel a meme in this tanned swede

Oh boy

Here come the replys

I'll start,

>American education


Also look how many niggers are in Sweden now. Sweden YES.

>American education

You don't have to. Reality insults itself.

>American education

why do they always use the most ugly black girls


>American education

Borat was your only funny export so far

Cheeto dog

>American education

have to pretend black features are attractive

>those dick sucking lips

Put a sock over her head and leave an opening for her lips

>American education

We aren't trying to be funny, we're laughing at you cucks.

Borat wasn't our export, it was yours.

danes still can't speak an intelligible language

Nigger are you for real?
This has to be bait. American education or not no one is this dumb

>no moustache

True story. In Borat, they make fun of Kazakhstan for being a shit hole but the real country isn't that bad so they filmed Romania instead.

I assume they were trying to get a Black Women with true African features. That's what they look like naturally. Not these mixed Black Barbie doll looking women that we make playmates or supermodels here in America.

It's okay friend, everyone makes mistakes.


MFW neither one would give a second glance to the racist babydicks of Sup Forums



number 1 producer of potassium.
no seriously you are ok


At least you know the difference now, Sup Forums is a place for learning


nice bookmark get

oh, 9.453/10
fine work, sir

At least the lips on the American Models do not look like you got socked in the face with a 9-iron.

Seriously, why do they choose the most ugliest faced people for this shit.

Why choose a fish lipped uggo as a symbol of beauty.

>American Education

Don't worry mate, I enjoyed it.

Clearly you didn't see the movie, it's very accurate. He filmed live on location the whole time in KZ. I know because we had to watch it in school for Multicultural Appreciation class.

you're a nigger



stupid ass american education of ungodly retardness you are so undefinable ass stupid haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha

>t. number one illuminati muslim country

>Responds to a post indicting the babydick virgins of Sup Forums with salt

I mean

>global boger faze

They went in a Gypsy shithole which most likely is vacant now, ameriburger. The reason for that is because most of them fucked off to the west. Their problem now


>somebody responded so I win

It's just like how the Dutch are from Germany because all the German websites end in .de for Dutchland.

God dammit, god fucking dammit.

You fucking piss ants are why the whole world thinks all of us are fucking retarded. I hate so much...

Please tell me your name is tyrell or darnell or some shit.

>be me
>be swiss
>never heard of Manuela Obooga
>check online
>news from may 2016
>NEVER EVER heard of her
>miss earth switzerland
>what is this fuckery?
She is from cameroon, in the swiss army and want to fight for discriminated young women
For fellow swissmes, what have we done?

Switzerland and Sweden are two different countries you retarded burger


Man, if Trump proved one thing it's that the sheep sure are easy to herd these days. Post-truth world wooo! Why stand for something when you can fall for anything?

ebin where are tha burger :DDDD


The average American negro is about 20% black because of the re-absorption of mulattoes back into their gene pool.

Left female features is pretty
Right too too manly

you really oughta look at these look deeply

Actually it was filmed in some backwater romanian town, sadly.
You can tell by the retard gypsies yelling futu-ti morttii ma-tii and sugi pula in the background

this is how you get (you)'S


I'v never seen a switzerland flag on Sup Forums!!

Guessing you have not seen Miss USA 2016. Her name is Deshauna.

The blonde is Miss USA 2015.

That is all

Prove me wrong.

>tfw Sup Forums actually thinks burgers are this dumb

The Jews are not being subtle anymore.

>American education

America Yes



Common core is a fucking disaster

That there is a tortoise


i knew all along you didn't have a substantial argumend :D



Shut it CuckTR

I remember thinking this too when i was like 7 desu

Jesus Christ please tell me this is advanced bait

here's your (you) faggot, stop pretending to be retarded to make us look bad


>American education