Post yfw you aren't responsible for the incoming Trump nightmare.
Post yfw you aren't responsible for the incoming Trump nightmare
cool story bro
you will hang from the wall
I'm illegal and I voted for Hillary three times in two different states.
Gl catching me drumpfags. I'm not going back and neither is my family.
Lmao BTFO, that is so fucking pathetic...damn LMAO
general election
say it with me: PRESIDENT TRUMP
>incoming Trump nightmare.
do people really think anything will happen lol
hilary is gona lead a coup?
Way to waste your vote, you raging homosexual.
Bless them for the know not what they do
I would rather destroy this nation over letting Trump succeed. As a patriot I hope he fails
oi vey fellow lake in the hill navigator.
CTR still shitposting for free
Post yfw you contributed to the saving of Western civilization.
Fat beta hand
>admitting you were on the wrong side of history
wew lad
A patriot would never have voted for Hillary
I hope you deported along with all the other aliens and rapists, I also hope that while you are getting deported someone will rape you thus infecting you with aids, then you'll have 2 beautiful children both of whom will get cancer and die. - Donald J. Trump, President Of United States Of America
Post yfw you're responsible for the Trump dream.
It's going to be a big, beautiful wall.
That's like hoping the pilot of the plane you're sitting in will have a heart attack
I hated Obama, but I didn't want him to fail at foreign policy and the economy like he did.
I didn't vote for Hillary I voted against Trump.
You can still hang someone from a fence
The fence just got 10 feet higher though.
based tandoori
> nightmare
More like wet dream famalam
It is better to kill every member if the nation over letting Trump win.
You did vote for Hillary.
Not btfo yet. There's a good chance the electors will vote for Hillary instead of Trump in December.
Tolerant peace-loving liberals everyone.
No, I would never vote for a democrats I voted against Donald. What is hard to u understand here?
How is that unscalable?
that's not your face it's your hand
post your face and address please if you want to continue this thread
You literally voted for Hillary, a Democrat.
No,I cast a protest vote against Trump, who I will never support. Hillary sickens me but not like Trump.
all that effort, what an utter failure.
which of course is why you have to go back.
You voted for Hillary, time to own up to it.
You are no patriot.
Do you understand what a protest vote is? I was choosing Hillary as a form of resistance, not voting for her
You literally voted for Hillary.
nice empty thread, faggot
>votes for clinton
>or for a commie
>votes democratic party in general
patriot my ass. go burn the american flag with a bunch of niggers you worship so much
you voted johnson or stein then? if not, you voted hillary because you're a cuckservative piece of shit
SJWs are responsible.
hello friend
>mfw you know your end is near
> tfw when you aren't amurrican but elected them new cool President
One nightmare I don't want to wake up from.