Daily reminder that it is impossible to get a job in this """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""country""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Daily reminder that it is impossible to get a job in this...
Lower your minimum wage.
try living in alberta shartposter
How old?
Sorry lad emus are better at jobs then you
>How old?
commerce degree
Go on welfare.
Come to America, we have plenty of jobs.
Wewmate I literally just made the same thread.
NSW Coffs here shits fucked
Thanks liberal party. Needs more frogger parties. What is the name of the funny youtube guy who hates the liberal party?
>mfw just got back from a year in queensland
>had a job throughout the entire stay
>only supposed to work for a certain amount at a time
>worked the whole year long anyway
Also, I know why they call it AustRAILya, because I railed countless dumb cunt Australian birds and they all loved my BEC.
im getting a forklift licence soon id recommend you do the same
Try Perth or Bris? Melbourne and Sydney are fucked in terms of jobs.
I know a sheila and a dude who moved away from both and got jobs then a year later applied for job back at their home while employed.
Being employed is a huge stepping stone. Plus you are a young go getter just do it. Apply for everything plus even high paid entry level stuff and just mercilessly tell them you see yourself having a long career with them then cut and run after a year when you get accepted for a new position.
>commerce degree
ahahahaha you fucked up
>I railed countless dumb cunt Australian birds and they all loved my BEC.
atta boy
I thought jobs were so plentiful there that they are begging for people to move there and helping them get houses.
So BS huh?
Make Australia white again you faggot come back anytime.
>Try Perth or Bris
>commerce degree
Its you again.
Fuck off and find a job.
Jk, m8, Im sorry for your loss
I don't really have the money for that shit and it's not like they're crying out for workers there. not worth the risk.
perth is even more fucked, think it's the worst major city in the country for jobs
pic related
jobs are plentiful it's just entitled fucks have no clue about working your way up in the corporate world. You need contacts you need old bosses who fuckin love you and will ring you up seeing how you are doing. Shit like that.
Instead they wallow in self pity and won't even take an entry level officejob to get the contacts for better jobs.
Noone knows your worth if you are a jobless cunt here. You'd be better off working for Coles than being unemployed looking for a career.
theres plenty of work if your not a coddled little poofter clutching a worthless degree that thinks he should get paid for just turning up
are there a lot of singaporeans stealing jobs from you? whats the issue
The UK and USA both have more unemployed than job openings. Don't worry about it.
We're all fucked.
Fuck off. First worlders shouldn't have to compete on fair terms with the niggers and chinks of the world.
We should be tilting the deck far more than we do already. What're we going to do when China starts designing products approximately as good as ours and even our design jobs aren't safe? Lie down and die like a dog?
>won't even take an entry level officejob to get the contacts for better job
>implying this is what I haven't been applying for
>plenty of work
fuck off I've applied for heaps of different kinds of jobs... office, supermarkets, any little shit. can barely even get an interview. I've had my cover letters and resume checked numerous times and they're fine. people even have said I have a good background, there are people are with just a degree and no work experience and still I can't find shit
>What're we going to do when China starts designing products approximately as good as ours and even our design jobs aren't safe?
You won't be able to compete because minimum wages are too high. Good luck on finding those jobs.
Read a fucking econs book folks.
I'm studying a masters degree for teaching... I keep hearing about teaching jobs being plentiful... And then suddenly they aren't hiring.
more info:
Has a mathematics and science degree
$10,000 to spend for moving, etc.
What should I do?
I'm currently 5 papers into a Bachelor of Business: Finance.
Should I bail out?
Fucking this
Dumb aussies
I'd prefer banning women from working. Every household would benefit from a single worker being paid more.
I gave up and just went on the autism bux.
Was sick of being rejected all the time and made to feel like shit.
That's why we should be tilting the board in our own favour with preferential trade agreements in the first world instead of allowing free movement of capital into and out of the third.
Free international markets do not give any special value to white people or to individual nations. They are no ally of nationalists.
The end consequence of cutting the minimum wage and relaxing unemployment regulations so white people can be competitive with chinks would be just as bad as not cutting it while retaining a large balance of payments deficit and eventually seeing economic ruin. Living standards for the average person would collapse in both cases.
The west should go down fighting and specifically seeking to disadvantage the global south, not buying the "free market" meme and bringing forth the kind of equality you'd normally see in a communist dystopia - everyone with the same utterly mediocre living standards.
WTF are you talking my entire family is in Australia and all have high paying jobs.
try meeting new people. it's easy to get a job if you know someone who works there.
once you have at least one decent role on your resume then it becomes infinitely easier to get the next
>Entire family
Approximately 300,000 jobs taken then, POO.
>getting laid
lol wew
>What should I do?
Work anywhere you can. Literally any position mate.
I even got a job hunting fire ants that was like 33k per year and full to the brim of yobos. I used that job to get an office job then became the best worker in that whole office, rose in the ranks and got my specialised field finally on 80k.
Took fuckin 3 years though but the references and contacts I made were invaluable..
>teaching jobs being plentiful
last i heard that teaching grads had like a 30% unemployment rate, which has risen to 50% in certain areas (primary school maybe?)
teaching is the JUST field right now. but if you're a dude you have a way better chance of getting work, think of it as women in STEM but reversed
t. work in a school but not a teacher
I also have relatives in UK
move the fuck out of Adelaide
>high paying jobs
7/11 isnt high paying rofl
why would you want to work for the jew? just live off the land. eat only fruit.
Coffsbro. Nice :)
how do i know this and you dont?
math teachers are in demand
there is a shortage
all you need to do is your dumb 1 year masters and youre basically head of maths department after 5 years
relativity desu
>live off the land.
im not an abo m8
I wonder if someone hires for cleaning out Abbo compounds?
scotts head reporting in
theres a fuck tonne of work for building the new highway atm.
>tfw families so rich dont gotta work
>girls only want my wallet but id rather have less risk so escorts it is
>shitpost all day
>work out
>do uni degrees by correspondence so at least it looks like im not wasting my life
>pic literally me
jobs are for blacks, didn't you hear?
White boi's don't get jobs in multiculturalistan
It pays infinitely more times than zero.
well you would be alot fucking happier if you where instead of being stressed out over bs money. think about it.
start your own hiking company with horses and shit. lots of tourist in aussie land is there not?
poo thinks $8hr under the counter is high pay since it will buy a weeks curry back home
Probably even worse in the US unless you like shitty retail jobs
Be bandits, there's enough of you autists here to form a shitposter gang.
That $8hr more than you make
no, there were neven enough jobs here, so they asked people to move there "because australia needs more workers".
That doesn't make sense does it?
no, the answer is YES, it doesn't make sense.
This country is INSANE.
Think of an idea, do your market research, create your own job. Myself and some of my mates did this, worked out well
Yeah if you got the tickets and experience. I just got made redundant after 4 years of management, business got sold out from under me. 34yo, business manager/retail/it in coffs. Pretty much fucked at this point. Back to fucking woolies we go.
get off your ass and protest in the millions then. kick them out.
>I can't get a job so there is no jobs
Guys we live in nepotism. If you don't make contacts you are fucked. Make friends, get a job even at Mcdonalds, work your way up to manager and then cut to the next highest job you can get. Employers love you if you are willing to work in even the shittiest of jobs.
That's what the news papers say, but I look around, it seems that no one is hiring publicly, it's all internal...
even now, the masters is a pretty brutal course if you haven't done academic writing before.
>make friends
>the people on here
Tellin ya, edgy banditry is the way to go.
Perth has overtaken Tasmania in terms of unemployment rate. We have had a receding economy all year that's pushed unemployment up and rent/house prices down. I think this will continue for another year or so.
Also the unemployment rate would be higher then stated as you have people who are not classed as unemployed for various reasons. As well as under employment (part time job when they want full time).
imo Perth would be sitting more around 8.5% unemployment not 6.5%
I'm sorry AusBro. I feel you. Its pretty shitty here as well, but I can imagine it's pretty bad in earths asshole as well.
>be me, 26
>have had 3 jobs my entire life, 1 being fast food when I was younger followed by a store job
>Decide to get criminal justice degree because wannacop
>Associates not enough with experience and local DPs only hire off "I know you"s
>End up running a private practice with family member for 4 years (I will never work with family again)
>Suddenly Obamacare
>Impossible to keep practice open
>Back to not having the education to get higher class LEO job and don't have the experience required for lower tier jobs (aka "I know you").
I will put a bullet in my brain before I go back to fast food like some urchin.
Thanks mining tax. Ring up bill shorten and thank him for the mining tax.
what area is your business in?
trump is already making some effect thankfully
they should kick all the 457 cunts out of the country right now
>If you don't make contacts you are fucked
fucking how? no family or friends can help me out, maybe put a word in here or there but hasn't done anything so far.
what could I possibly offer to an employer that any other unemployed graduate my age couldn't? it's all just luck.
Yet you keep importing Changs by the thousand and a lot of Australian Sup Forums posters seem to like them.
Why is this?
It's because NEETs don't know where to look or don't have friends.
Loads of no experience jobs.
Try elsewhere?
Don't give up even if you have to live in your car.
fucking greedy gubment
not happy with the income tax from all them working miners better grab some more
industry tanks
get less income tax
did nothing wrong
>what could I possibly offer to an employer that any other unemployed graduate my age couldn't? it's all just luck.
nepotism works because it allows employers to find people who are vouched for personally
meaning they dont have to risk you being a fucking nuisance/retard/thief/piece of shit all round
nobody cares about credentials theyre just paper they care about you being able to follow instructions and work independently AND not being a dumb cunt (see: nepotisms purpose)
>Its the mining taxes fault China stopped wanting to buy stuff
Daily Reminder that it is impossible to get a GOOD job*
There are a fuck ton of shit jobs for ya always. Atleast where i am.
Look mate the best thing you can do for yourself is get off this website. Personal responsibility is a concept no one here understands in the slightest and it's a contagious attitude you'll get just from being here. You're asking losers how to stop being a loser. You have a degree, you're young, and have first world citizenship. Go get a fucking job.
I am about to move to another state. I have nothing but some clothes and a car, and barely have any savings, but it's the last thing I can think of. I might have better luck in a city PD, but being small town all my life has skewed my knowledge of populated regions.
>fucking how?
Make contacts. Make friends. Get any job.
One contact is all you need, learn to be likable. Likable people accept criticism without being a little emotional bitch about it. Take responsibility, you are unemployed and it is your fault.
Nice try loser. You sound like a meme.
>commerce degree
get fucked cunt, you did this to yourself
t. asian law masterrace
he's not getting a job on a sunday night ya dumb cunt
At least you can easily fend off a mudslime invasion. Just blow up their boats. Tell them all the animals are friendly and they can camp for free in the outback. God save Straya.
should i shake his hand firmly and look him in the eye??
I mean making contacts with an actual employer or such
yeah, that's why I have friends who have way more experience than I do but they still can't find shit either
>just get a job
this meme again
Why does shitposterman have a jew nose?
>not dying in heatstroke the first day
fake story tbqh
it was on special at woolies
>b-but muh libertarianism
>b-but muh abstract and arbitrary moral principle
>Have civil engineering degree
>Apply for jobs in home town
>Get job with local civil construction company for 6 months as a casual civil estimator, calling it a test period or something
>They decide not to take me on for a proper salaried position, instead just giving me a resume reference
>No jerb
>Use my computer skills to apply for and get another casual job, this time with a local signwriting company as a graphic artist
>Do pretty well
>But business slows down and I have to be let go after just two months
>Apply for more jerbs in the local area
>No jerbs
>Apply for jerbs further afield
>Get a call back from a civil/chemical engineering company near fucking Ipswich in SEQ, saying I've got an interview for a permanent full-time position
>Agree to go for interview
>Drive nearly 4 hours to get to the interview
>Do better than expected
>Now waiting for a call back
I'd rather not have to move, but stable work would be great.
>not moving to sydney to work on wesconnex
yagoof its civi engi goytown for the next 10 years
kek have fun competing with pajeet
how competitive are civil engineering jobs atm? there was a shitload of them graduating when i graduated. i swear they make up over 70-80% of engineers
some companies are pushing the 50% women quota meme so the odds are stacked against you if you're a dude
t. chemical engineer
I was like this until a year ago. 4 years of being NEET from highschool, then i got a contract summer job at 21 years old (compared to all the 16-17 year olds getting hired), i showed up to work 15 minutes before my shifts and left 15 minutes after, i got kept on. This year i got employee of the year.
I don't want to make it harder for you, because i remember feeling completely on the out when people said this shit to me, but really you just have to work for it.
I specifically remember being a lazy asshole who sent out like 10 job applications a month and blamed everyone for not getting a job. You just gotta go like a bull at a gate man.
We're all gonna make it.
>They decide not to take me on for a proper salaried position, instead just giving me a resume reference
Illegal practice, this isnt seppoville. Report em for the cash lad