How would the founding fathers react if they saw their country today?
How would the founding fathers react if they saw their country today?
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What do you think?
"whats with all these niggers?"
Relieved that a white man just beat a woman to take back the Presidency from a nigger.
They'd probably try and kill a fair amount of people.
They would drown in a sea of degeneracy.
- porn on demand
- sick beats
- drugs and booze, so much better than their shit wine
- comfort up the ass
- non-stop entertainment
I think they would become SJWs in a matter of months.
> HFS! You having metal machines which can fly!?
"The niggers really have a high opinion of themselves"
"You are degenerate but my teeth are made of wood."
"Why did you let the Jews take over everything?"
fucking non-european immigrants
They would cry
Banks are huge, fewer and fewer Americans own land, freedom of speech is gone and the military is incomparably stronger then any militia
Im sure seeing the White Man paying for the Black Mans way would get to some of them too
America is actually less black than it was in 1790. Nogs have dropped 7 percentage points since then.
However they would be wondering why there are so many god damn savages living here.
An atheist country? They would go back in time and change declaration and constitution to ensure this timeline never occurs. Freedom of religion would be freedom of christian religion.
"Holy shit your firearms are cool as fuck"
I feel like they wouldn't be a fan of Trump either
>An atheist country?
America isn't Northern Europe.
However, they would be utterly disgusted with the Christianity they see. They'd hate the disgusting papists and they'd be sickened by the evangelicals in the midwest.
The only groups they'd recognize and not be disgusted by would be the southern baptists and the Episcopalians.
WHO was president for the last 8 years? and you let a fucking Catholic be president for 3?
America is far from atheist
>Nogs have dropped 7 percentage points since then.
thats only because we've been flooded by spics you idiot
Umm no, check the demographic timeline
shitposting is a a human right
They'd probably start another revolution (but not before we show them the joys of modern weaponry)
>I find the lack of an anti-federalist party disturbing.
Dumbass. In 1870 South Carolina was over 50% black.
Nogs shrank in population percentage even before we started being flooded by spics.
read this
America is atheist. Your country is run by leftist cucks.
>what is white immigration
what is black migration to the north
Start looking for tall trees with long and thick branches.
America is the most religious nation in the west you stupid Colgate bitch
sorry about the second ammendment
what we got going on right now, and what we've had for the last several decades, pretty sure none of it was what the founding fathers intended. they'd be rolling around in their graves if they could see what's up
but honestly who gives a fuck about what they envisioned, this isn't their country anymore. Visions from 1780 are not fit for today.
Washington's heart would stop when he hears that not only do we have political parties, we have TWO viable parties
They'd tell us to sack up, kill every single politician, burn the media headquarters to the ground and smack some sense into the liberals, or kill them if necessary.
So much of what goes on today is actual treason.
So Hamilton and jefferson would love it while the rest would hate it?
I think it would be hilarious to watch how the rightwing recounts them as a bunch of fucking retarded evangelical preachers. I'd love to watch how fucking livid that would make George Washington.
>(current year)
>Right elects a literal tyrant
>Still acts like its on the side of "liberty"
Old George was a faggot, so he would probably be happy to be out of the closet, guy never had kids, married late, adopted his wife's kids, loved fashion, decorating and loved dancing and gossip, was considered a real dandy, father of our country was a queer
Ben Franklin liked to keep himself warm at night as he got older by having his two Negro servants join him in bed, just to keep warm, so he was blacked before it was in fashion
Madison was a 5'2" manlet, so hewould hate all the Chad's today
Adams was a a major pussy, no slaves, hated slave owners, wanted womens rights, wanted blacks to have the vote, he would fit right in with today's progressives
Jefferson, August, fucked his property a slave girl mulatto, who was also his wife's half sister, kept his own quadroon kids as slaves, was an August, wore old, dirty, ill fitting clothes, kept a bird on his shoulder that shit in his hair and on his clothes, liked to examine his feces and taste his urine, liked the taste of rotten meat, he would fit right in with the MGTOW movement, probably shitpost on /r9k/, claimed to be a continental, as ambassador to France he humiliated himself as his ability to read and speak French was very basic but did include a knowledge of curse words/phrases and sex lingo, yep he would fit right in
i thought "fragile masculinity" was a meme but god damn you sound like the biggest tool alive
huge difference between mindsets in the span of a few years versus centuries. fuck outta here
Media and banks kill anti--Fed politicians off right away. There is still hope for one in the future
How would Aaron Burr react to the Hamilton play?
They'd shit themselves after seeing an ipad
"You violated the nations civil liberties and privacy. When a man, one of your own, exposed you, you called him a dissident. He fled to Russia. Well, what do the Czar's have to say about that? What, you have Czars of your own now?"
"why am i played by a nigger? why are all of the actors niggers or queers?"
Probabily wondering why we aren't hanging faggots.
*has heart attack at the sight of a plane*
You lost buddy, it's okay to be upset
More like "niggers were a mistake"
>Right elects a literal tyrant
You can't possibly be serious.
>Speaking the truth triggers nu/cancer/ into pre-school level taunts
My god, sir, but you wound me grievously!
Well we all know you're not.
It turna out washington wasnt that smart
Honestly we have strayed so far from their original vision. We need to return to federalism and states rights. Fdr and lbj turned the federal government into a behemoth.
Pretty sure the founding fathers' vision wasn't a bunch of backward hillbillies turning the country into a bunch of warring mini-theocracies.
they would discover the internet and get addicted to trap porn
Take a look at the tenth amendment, motherfucker, and then get back to me.
Lulz, all the founding fathers were Mason-Jews, so they'd be pride.
Take a look at what the fucking founding fathers ACTUALLY GOD DAMNED SAID, you stupid fucking subhuman. Then get back to the swamp.
A land owning rich white man at that. They would be happy.