Why do they promote mass immigration, race-mixing, homosexuality and overall degeneracy?
What's in it for them?
Other urls found in this thread:
I no longer think it's "The Jews".
I think whites are afraid of their own ethnic nationalism.
read the Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald
But in what way is anyone benefiting from this?
Seems like pure evil
The white man is the only natural threat to the jewish elites . Getting the population dumbed and mudded down thus easier to control seems to be their endgoal.
Just noticed this thread
Lots of detailed explanations there.
actual jew here, ill answer questions i guess.
did you get snip? is penis head still purple, or is is regular skin coloured. also, do you have a sterotypical jewish nose, do you wear the little hat on your head.
yea im circumcised, still purple. yea i got a stereotypical jew nose, no you have to be a special kind of faggot to wear those all the time.
Asia and Africa are already highly diverse, for the most part. And places like Japan that aren't are regularly criticized for not being diverse enough. There is a constant push for them to accept refugees to solve their tanking birth rate.
more questions, can you just become a jew, or is it a race, like being black. are you and/or your family stereotypically frugal, do rabbis pedophile as often as catholic priests, and do you guys like christians or muslims more?
What are you talking about? Why aren't you talking about the 6 gorrilion? Always remember the inhumane actions of the nazis. Never forget.
i mean you can transfer to judaism, but from my expierence a large group of "super jews" treat it like its both a race and a cult. My dad didnt spend money when he didnt "have" to, so he was a stereotypical shekel lover. actually had a female rabbi growing up, in her thirtys' too so i wish she was a bit more of a pedo. but as for male rabbis yea they look creepy as hell, but they tend to be decent in my experience. i like Christians more, because they arent fucking terrorists.
you seem like cool guy, so more questions
do you think like so many of this board, that global warming/climate change and the holocaust are either exagerated or a hoax outright. do you adhere to shabbat, how into religeon are you from 1-10 (1 being not really caring and 10 being the most religeous). why do jewish people not like eating pork, what is so evil about piggus? and are there other meats jews cant eat, i know muslims arent supposed to eat other preadators.
Being a 2k yo diaspora makes you a cancer on your out nations.
For the very same reason Israel has the opposite values.
>What's in it for them?
Hell. They know this, and want to pull everybody with them. No different from Satan.
i think climate change has some roots in truth, but a lot of it is probably bullshit. i think the holocaust is exaggerated to perpetuate assholes who use it as an excuse. 1-10 probably a 1 mostly because the torah is filled with bullshit and the people who went to my synagogue were left wing assholes. i think pork was said to be bad because it had diseases that could be given to people in biblical times, so being the scholars the jews were they decided "god doesnt want us to eat these pink puddles of shit". anyway theres a list of foods were not supposed to eat, but im not sure what they are, look up "kosher" and im sure some article will tell you.
Would make sense if Israel didn't have conscripts and students work as JIDF.
When will you come home?
when israel isnt surrounded by assholes on all fucking sides, and when you faggots learn that other parts of the sidewalk exist, i dont want to be walking down a non crowded street and still have some asshole bump into me. when we stop getting a back and forth of bombs, oh and when it isnt a desert wasteland.
what is your opinion on israel, apparently they are super racist or something, and how do you deal with all the hate you get from Sup Forums (they dont like jews very much). on a broader note, do you get racismed very much in real life in america? and have you ever gotten to use the minority card (like i need this bus seat because im a woman or something)
>that pic
Japan gets shit on all the time for hating "gaijin," and Africa is already extremely diverse. Black people aren't exactly a monolith, despite what you might think - the differences between the various groups are big enough that literal genocides have happened between them. Furthermore, a lot of African countries are getting "culturally enriched" by Chinese businessmen coming over to "invest" in their countries and develop their industries.
Very healthy for a nation, especially when it's filled with faggy ex diaspora
The JIDF is counter propoganda. It's not pretty but we didn't make the rules of info war, technology did. Wouldn't say I'm proud of it but how does it refute my point?
Jeez, it's like you want to miss all the fun.
Alright waiting for you anxiously buddy
China is not diverse and they make it pretty much impossible for anyone not ethnically chinese to become a citizen
israel is an enigma, within the middle east they are one of the nicer countries, but thats basically saying if they existed anywhere else israel would be fucking shit. honestly, bashing jews on /pol doesnt bother me that much, mostly because i take problem with attitudes/ political beliefs of most other jewish people. on principal i hate the minority card, its like trying to say i deserve something for work i didnt do, its just entitled regressive horseshit. I honestly cant express enoguh how much i hate people who say shit like "after the holocaust you still treat me like this" its just such a bare bones cop out, that basically says "i have no other way to handle a situation i dont like then to make reference to something that i never went through".
compulsary military service
ok there delusional friendo.
To be frank I called them healthy not fun
And it was half ironic. I get it though, America will always be unironically the greatest nation on earth.
you need to go back
we are run by obama, its not all sunshine, gumdrops, and genital disorders here either. but im sorry but id still prefer living here than there no offense uh Verified Goy©
Try going to more mainstream websites like dumblr or subscribe to a normie on Jewtube.
idk why Sup Forumstards have such a hard time understanding liberals.
step 1. you have a vagina and emotions ruling your thought processes
step 2 feel bad for anyone and anything that isn't happy
step 3 use your (alienable) voting rights to vote for people that think the same way you do
it has nothing to do with jews you autistic faggot edgelords.
meh thats fair
Yea and it's still the best
Gonna be moving to the states myself soon, hopefully
your a nice guy, regardless of your jewey decimal system, so have a ME for (((you)))
same to you
This is what Hitler believed.
Bunk beds are for kids, fag. Also weird place to put pictures; dont you bump them off while sleeping?
I hope both you kikes come to the US and engage in our national sport: dicking jew broads
N-no thanks
Ima make me 12 whitey kids and move to a 99% white area to live the dream
i mean why would you want to? jewish girls are honestly pretty gross looking.
i share room with autist brother, and i am still a kid (so is he) im a fat fuck so i broke top bunks bars (hidden by hat) and there is a gap between bed, bars and pictures so no. just another fat spergy manchild living with single parent in wish no plans for future.
honestly i have to fucking idea wtf is going on. like im in some wacky matrix wheres waldo land
There some """"Jewish """" girls who are hoping, mostly because the modern standard for jewishness is pretty much non existent or religious
Who are hot* autocorrect
whoa you are fucking on to something now.
It triggers you neckbeards and watching you virgins squirm is fun
That's enough for me
That only really answers why they continue, not what caused the initial hostile takeover of the West
The synagogue of satan is just following their father. God created a good world, and they/satan are working to destroy all of it out of spite.
Not an argument.
Because it leads to one out of two possible outcomes:
>Extinction of the white race
Which doesn't sound like an achievement in itself, which it wouldn't be if it wasn't for the fact that the world monoculture that will follow will be a much better foundation for free trade. You also will eradicate the possibility of a renewed white supremacist movement, which generally would tend towards being antisemitic. To some extent the middle class and government of the new nations may be easier to manipulate and keep poor. In the process you can benefit from the most respurceful people of poor countries becoming poor citizens of the west; lowering the wages there rather than contributing to the development of their own country.
>White backlash
Whites have had it with being removed, decide to get children again and reimplement the nation state. Whilst this sounds quite harmful, it too may prove beneficial if you ensure the rage causing this movement to become mainstream is directed towards muslims rather than us. This would mean population growth and therefore healthier western economies and also make Europe more available for trade with Israel. More importantly, however - Israel will have secured an immensely powerful ally against the muslims and this means it will be more likely to either expand or at least stay around through the century.
With that said it's not a "jewish conspiracy" to the same extent that it is an "elitist agenda". Read what I said again and you will find both scenarios also benefit the rest of the elite. The fact that there are more benefits for the Jewish elite may meam they are more involved, but the fact they have more benefits on the other side may mean they will be a more natural ally than many of the other elites at some point. I should also point out the awareness of this varies up there, it's not as well organised as you may imagine.
I'm on my phone
Scenario #1 has also interesting implications. Once you get world population down to a dumb, uniform mass of brown people with no roots and no culture we would probably need a return to imaginary lines and imaginary enemies to keep some resemblance of social solidariety. I don't think these people could be kept distracted with perpetual entertainment like Huxley thought.
I think 1984 will happen instead
They want to be the only white nation left on entire Earth. Note how they have no diversity shit in Israel.
Could very well be. Regardless of whether their genetics causes it or not a impoverishing Huxleyan society is likely to turn Orwellian to stabilise itself.
They hate Christianity.
jew here, i dont give a shit if your christian, i actually hate muslims. thats all
>Be Gods Chosen people for thousands of years
>Constantly BTFO by Whites dating all the way back to Rome
>Wut do?
Step 1: Centralized Banking to control money supply of goy nations.
Step 2: Mass Media to control the thinking of goy nations, at least enough that you can keep yourself from getting gassed as you subvert it.
You might think its a joke, but Jews talk about history the same way Muslims do. They're like Fantasy Dwarves, they never let go of a grudge. White people by contrast are too egalitarian and nice.
the jews do it to keep the goyim bickering with each other instead of looking at who rules them.