Today was a good day
I hate Islam but I now see why they want you dead. I will celebrate when those muzzies throat fuck your mum, gang rape your sis and castrate you and make you their fuck boi, and trust me that day is coming soon you obnoxious vile cunt, you sub human piece of shit.
PS don't bother replying with POO IN LOO hehehe or Triggered I'm leaving this thread
Guys, do we rag on India too hard?
I always feel good when i see dirty indians die
Are we bullying India too hard?
I think so.
It's one thing to poke fun if the opportunity for a poo in loo joke presents itself, but to simply cheer when public transportation accidents kill people is just spiteful.
All these people should feel ashamed.
t. Sharter
Nice proxy India
Dont worry about it, Australia is just butt hurt we are replacing them. And they cant do shit.
Guys, do we rag on America too hard?
All around me are familiar feces
Worn out places, worn out feces
Bright and early for the daily rupees
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their shits are filling up their beaches
No freshener, no freshener
Hide my poo I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm pooing are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you,
I find it hard to take
When people shit in streets they get a very smelly
Ass hole, ass hole
Children waiting for the day they get a loo
Happy birthday, happy birthday
And to feel the way that every child should
Poo in loo, poo in loo
Went to school and I was very nervous
No latrines, no latrines
Hello teacher tell me, where's the designated streets?
Poo right on me, poo right on me
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm pooing are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you,
I find it hard to take
When people shit in streets they get a very smelly
Ass hole, ass hole,
Enlargen ass hole
Ass hole
Woah, don't get ahead of yourself there.
Lol at you replacing anything thats not explosive diarrhea ocean
Your country and your people shouldnt be called humans. You disgusting dirty shitskins are the worst race of animals on this planet. I hope you all die you subhuman cancer
>inb4 toilet witch
u saying wat u son of basterd bich
Send them to America too. When will they understand We're Full.
the day of the loo will come soon enough pajeet
H-how do you guys not see how unbelievable and just complete shit you are? You guys are a very organized and passionate group of teenagers right? How are you all so unintelligent? Is this 40d chess?
Hows your birth rate going on
Which nationality do the CEO of Microsoft Google Nokia Pepsi Adobe belong too
The main reason you hate us is that we are replacing you
Specially Australia, Even thou India is a shithole were are stilling making you our bitch
Your hate is your inability to stop us.
You can make all your poo jokes but the reality is you are dying out.
Also learn to drive you fuckhead it's not that hard
did they have to dodge people pooing on rail tracks :D:D:DD
What song is this a parody of?
cant handle the bants mate.
t. Reddit
t. POO number 2
No matter what you achieve you will always be dirty and smelly shitskin that will always be jealous of white people
You are and will always be a walking shit
>shit everywhere
>complain when people shit on you
Go gangrape some little girl and stfu
I might come to Finland and just do that while sit their and watch like a good little bitch
designated shitting streets
UPDATE: train derailment caused by unpredictable poo avalanche
Nah. The Chinese are replacing us.
Then they'll nuke you.
mad world by tears for fears
also, underage detected
not hard enough
the haughtiness must be whipped out of their culture
we used nukes on the Japs
and memes on the Poos
>celebrating the death of kebab removers
poor show
Imagine the smell.
India is shit at removing kebab
Try riding inside the train, Pajeet.
I must admit, there's nothing to brighten your day like seeing dead subhumans.
It almost makes me want to not slaughter them all to the last.
If India replaces white people, where do Indians migrate to and who do they leech off?
Really makes you think.
jesus fucking christ
Muslim here. Did you actually think anyone outside of pooinloondia would not treat you like the pooinloo you are? No one respects you pajeets, stop trying to fit in with your Islam hate
>being this mad
Butthurt timebomb detected.
Nah, fuck India. The caste system is in place there for a reason. The majority of them really are subhuman.
the rich Indians are cool though. Very cultured and accommodating
Convert you fucking Ahmed.
Islam is cancer.
No, they could use a rag or two given that they still wipe their ass with their hands.
Convert to what? Islam is beauty and grace. I world never leave this truth, this light. I'd welcome you to leave your darkness and join me but you seem too far gone.
feels good man
>Islam is beauty and grace
I mean if what you're used to is fucking goats arseholes then yea, I suppose anything would seem beautiful and graceful to you.
Indian genes are so weak every couple days a curry woman plops out an octopus mutant
>Islam is beauty and grace
Yes, Islamic-driven countries look just SO beautiful don't they because of Islam.
Go back to where you came from and stick your tiny dick in a goats arse over there faggot
Well, how predictable and boring.
For a second I thought you would start posting the verses of the Quran about war and self-defence.
Why are (You) so proud of being a ticking timebomb/living, breathing IED?
Just telling the truth, don't blame us for calling the sky blue.
And why would I read a book written by a pedo sand nigger?
how's that space program india?
ya'll need to move to Mars after getting BTFO this hard
Take a read, look at all these verses FROM your precious Quran about killing non-believers, oppressing women, the destruction of other religions, etc.
You are what is preventing the world from being a peaceful place, cockhead
Is that from yesterday?
Okay, now balance them against the entirety of the message of the Quran and let's see what the overriding message is. Though clearly you couldn't do that because it would involve doing things that shit alt-right websites haven't spoon-fed you.
It's still wrong. All religions are wrong.
When you die, you just rot in the ground. Nothing more.
Get over your shitty book and stop talking about it because it's fucking worthless.
>Waah waah
>vile cunt
This is a strayan with a proxy
A politician runs for president in America, he promises a better economy, he promises working on renewable energy, & he promises to lower taxes.
But he also says he's gonna nuke Russia if he gets elected
I guess the rest of the stuff totally outweighs the nuking part, huh? Same shit for you.
There is no 'good' in Islam. Only bullshit.
I could already see your flag... you don't need to be redundant
I'm American btw
>inb4 you get bashed and fuck off crying on the next plane back to the shitting streets
>I'm American btw
So you're a Nigger or a Spic? Cool.
See, I can do it to you too.
please don't infight with other anglo nations, it's not healthy and you're falling for the jewish trap in doing so
Its not replacing if you didnt even had a place.
Americans no longer distinguish anyone by race, so in a way he's right. He's just part of the melting pot now.
But we don't advocate aggression in Islam, self defence is fine though, so your analogy doesn't work, sorry.
You worship a pedophile rapist.