I'm ok now
Ask someone who died anything
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Do you believe that the moment of death can really be experienced by the conscious mind?
How'd you get better? Did you see the other side? Are yhere lolis over there?
Give us the fucking greentext first, dickhead.
I replayed my death rattle for months afterwards
what happens?
what is the point of life ?
is the Devil a good person?
are you in the Kek Heaven?
Did you meet Buddha?
Your coming with me, faggot. Need to devour your life force for my youth.
Did it hurt?
Greentext or gtfo.
None of this AMA reddit bullshit.
did jesus confront you with your faggotry
Persistence and pushing my body. Good nutrition, lots of protien, and gallon of filtered water a day. PT is a joke waste of money.
Saw otherside. What is lolis?
You personally are the universe becoming self aware. The point of life is to gain knowledge and to pass that knowledge on to the next generation.
stay away from this guy, he stole his own life from jesus and now some final destination shit is gonna go down
>What is lolis
Trully Trolly
Should I do free text or is it too late?
Does your father know that you are gay or are you hiding it from him?
fuck off cunt
Yeah, tell the story
Are you george soros I heard you died
>Persistence and pushing my body. Good nutrition, lots of protien, and gallon of filtered water a day
No, dumbass, how did you go from "being dead" to "not being dead"?
>Saw otherside
What was it like?
> What is lolis?
How new are you?
Fucking hell, you're the worst.
>I'm ok now
Well yeah, you're dead.
Death feels very comforting and warms, like a jacuzzi pumped into your body. You get some last moments with your body to reflect. You get a little out of body. This dimension slides away and you are your pure self, no memories but still you. The flashing of your life before your eyes is part of judgment, judgment continues and is very inteness. You judge yourself and feel each aspect of transgression and sin, and who and how it felt on the otherside. Pearly gates are a wall of energy, pearlescent neon, with purified energy you're allowed to pass thru, family, the dead, and God on otherside.
Belief in God and yourself. Living, action, motion. Enkrateia. Enjoying and experiencing Gods creation.
well then i am LV99 now lol
hope so
Actually, it is possible for a person to die and come back.
There's usually a small window where you can resurrect a dead person in many circumstances. It's about 4-6 minutes after death before the brain cells start dying, and after 10 minutes they cease to function all together.
So, if they can revive you before that 4 minute mark, you'll come back fine.
If it takes them longer than that, you're going to get progressively worse brain damage the longer it takes them.
Once you hit that ten minute mark, you're dead dead, and there is no bringing you back.
Devil is a joke to God and a control/test mechanism. Very dangerous, be careful.
I lol often if that's what you mean.
I met God.
Clarify please.
If it is possible to "bring someone back from the dead", were they really dead in the first place?
Ok, give me a second. Let me catch-up to the below questions.
You didn't go very deep at all.
The longer you stay there the more you realise how miserable that place is. People just sitting around in smoke crying about their lives. Did you see the pyramid?
There's no sun there, just god and he sits there. If you climb the pyramid you can bathe in the light. It feels better the closer you get. Like being on ecstasy or something. But if you climb into the light you get to converse with god. If you spend enough time with him and ask the right questions you realise he is hiding his true self and the place you are in isn't actually heaven at all and the one you thought of as "the one true god" is just another demon wearing a mask as a god.
You also realise the pyramid holding him up is just comprised of the backs of the faithful.
His realm is shit.
There are far better places to be in the after life.
Did not see Jesus but saw God
>If it is possible to "bring someone back from the dead", were they really dead in the first place?
Clinically? Yes.
Science is a hell of a drug.
>You personally are the universe becoming self aware
is actually more like
>You personally are the universe
Every time this universe ends and is created, you are guaranteed to live by the laws of physics.
But for real please greentext this shit
Nobody ever sees jesus there. But did you see his cabin?
For those not in the know in what we call heaven there is a cabin, all wood with no windows. It has a door but it is locked and inside you can hear someone working. Everyone knows it's Jesus inside but he never answers. He's always working in there.
Kinda looks like a cuck shed now that I think of it.
Did you die when you were killed?
Fake and gay , every death experience people experience something else ,when you are dead you are dead
They usually sound pretty much the same to me?
If you didn't climb the pyramid I doubt you saw god. You can't really see god unless you climb through the light anyway. You probably just met an angel. They're nice golden people, kind of just hovering outside your view most the time. But to stare at them is to behold true beauty. Lots of people make this mistake, believing the first non-human entity they meet is a god.
The meta dump of DMT your brain stores for death situations. At this point you trip so hard everything you believe becomes real, all perception becomes real and you become omnipotent. Most people actually die so they never can relay this information. No one has the same experience though since we all have different beliefs.
pls tell more
> dead rises from grave
It`s the book of Apocalypse events starting?
Pic related: used in court case (finished)
>April Fool's Night, finish movie project, go out to celebrate
>Roommate and I drive modified EVO
>Celebrate at Exit in Chicago, fire breathers, weird night, hear a song remix I used to listen to long ago, Pink Elephant edm remix
>Leave to go home Serb roommate cocky
>Bullet down LSD, Lake Shore Drive, LSD to Hollywood 90 degree 4 lane turn and the idjuit attempts to take it at 120mph entry speeds
>Downshifts and slides
>Overcorrects, me almost fly out window ass first
>90 mph into concrete wall no brakes, driver closed eyes
>I no seatbelt
>Me think " don't have time to put on seatbelt hit me raise hands and protect self" lol
>Go into windshield and smush and a make it with windshield, get scalped a bit
>Secondary impact
>Smash into driver and break his sternum
>ass first on shift knob
>Meat sack around the car and land in seat
>Grand Mal seizure
Hey fedora boys, did u listen to the latest Rogan Experience??? i know u did
Youre that idiot with the ptsd syndrome of thinking you died from earlier. Get help you fucking LARPer
He is going to get judged hard
No they dont they are just really life like dreams because of the chemicals in your head.
even if there was a god this is a big loop hole on faith because we could just die take a peek and come back to life and tell others
Unfortunately you don't have enough digits for that.
did you bring anything back with you?
The ozzie itt is weirding me the FUCK out
I begged like a dog and screamed at the top of my esoteric lungs to be sent back. On my knees.
Never gets old, but death is very different. But very funny every time
Brain damage was rough, I did a littlee cocaine and smoked weed and that helped
>tfw a shitposting Australian will never be given omnipotence and create zany after life scenarios
Why God, why?
did you see a huge purple crystal before you died
That sounds like a trip I had once but not like death and paradise to me.
It even smells like heaven... And you don't even have a fucking nose!
I am not a fedora but i dont belief in near death experiences because it removes faith , if you really were not going to die what were you doing in heaven or hell god is omniscience
I died when I was killed, but it didn't work and I came back and was allowed to.
What most people think of as heaven is more like the entry to the whole thing. Most people just assume it's the best and it's comfortable if you aren't inquisitive. Most people just sit around in blissful ignorance or weeping over their lives. It's not always a sad crying, tears of joy and thankfulness for their blessing all that shit. Kind of gay. The funny thing is this life feels a lot more real than there. I guess because you can actually progress here, things can change. There everything is just kind of the same all the time.
Many people assume they are in hell when in the judgement part. It's like a big underground cave type thing with stained windows and shit around. Couldn't really make out what was on them. There's flames lighting the place but they don't seem to make smoke even though it smells kind of like ash. There's a big line, the cave is immense and full of people just waiting their turn. Some people freak out or try to find a way out of it but eventually you have to get to the front. The line is always the same size and it always feels like everyone is watching you. When they look at you they can see everything you have ever done. That's who you are. You are all of your actions. They can see the real you. When you get to the front you have to go into a gateway of flames. A lot of people are terrified and assume that means they are getting tossed into the pit of fire that is hell. But really it's just burning away your life, your physical self, your actions that you made. Releasing you to become who you really are, your essence.
At that point you're basically a blank slate. You're kind of nothing, no real memory of who you are. You head towards the light gate that OP described and you meet I guess it's st peter. A lot of people think he is god too. Maybe OP was talking about him thinking he is god because he does know everything about you. Things that you don't even know at that point. Helpful guy.
You'll find out for you self one day
His fingers were like skyscrapers.
His eyes like distant stars.
Yo nigga. Death aint shit compaired to your line of though welcome to fucking Sup Forums bithc you straight your fucking ass up!
Death come at me I Sleep with her and call her mine.
DMT is just a signal booster, you're not even in your body.
A smirk.
so where is the ideal place for the average Sup Forumstard in the afterlife? or at least where are there no niggers
I fucking drink DMT every month boy!
Read the motherfucking Bible in Hebrew boy
Try to read
You can't! That's like gods motherfucking name boy! Unreadable you cunts should hit the true deep shit and meditate
There were all sorts of sprites and glowing shit as it happened
I fucking drink DMT every month boy!
Read the motherfucking Bible in Hebrew boy
Try to read
You can't! That's like gods motherfucking name boy! Unreadable you cunts should hit the true deep shit and meditate.
Also, depending on the circumstances of your death st peter might let you have a choice to go back to your life.. reverse your death or to go into heaven.
I didn't like it there. Felt really fake. Like an empty facade.
You can get out though. Like how I described before. Just climb that pyramid and climb into 'god', there's a kind of rumor around there that this is the worst thing you can do. Like it's the forbidden fruit and you shouldn't do it because it's blasphemous to god and you can never return to heaven, like you will just end up in hell. But there's more than just heaven and hell. And to be honest some of the rings of hell are more fun.
Some are absolutely horrible though. The thing about death is. No matter where you are it will always feel like what you are doing is what you have been and will be doing forever. Kind of makes everything feel asinine and mundane. You come to realise a lack of vision of the future, the ability to forget and most of all sleep are amazing blessings.
what was passing on like, like what did you have to do, was it instant or did you see all of your memories or did you have to go a right way.
for a minute there you had a sick drift though
What your explaining sounds like the judgement event within the post-death process.
Heaven is so nice, very pleasant and comfortable. I can understand why people don't come back. Free-form dreaming and creating. Much knowledge, much kindness and love. Honest emotions.
How long were you dead? Did you communicate with Archangel Michael at all? Did you gain control of your actions in the etheric plane or where you just watching? Do you have experience with medidation and astral projection? Were you about to fall for the karma trap and suddenly a doctor saved you from yourself?
Passing is like waking from a dream but the dream is your life and reality is the afterlife.
I suppose all you have to do is be yourself, anything that is unpure is filtered out. But be strong spirited because it is very extreme and intense.
In real time more than an instant, prolly a few minutes.
Seeing all your memories is part of judgment. You get to see your memories from other peoples perspectives which is cool too. And get clairificsrions on memories not quite understood
I want to believe, heartbro here, this could be my last Christmas, who knows, I have a lot of health problems, don't fuck around, did you really see proof of Christianity being the one true religion and existence of God? Because the thought of not existing scares me more than hell as dumb as that sounds.
I want meaning in the world, not just a big accident.
For like 1.5 seconds we were 45 degree at 90-100 totally pitted
Hook him up OP
I bet one of you guys could get the cctv footage of the crash, and put any non-believers to rest.
There's a certain realm a circle of hell where it's kind of like an endless wall of cubes, like rooms but with one wall open all stacked on each other in every direction . It's based around pride. You can do anything you want in these rooms you are free to express yourself in any way. The wall of cubes sort of twists around on itself in a way that is intangible to the physical realm so that you and everyone else sort of roll past one another looking in at eachother. Besides seeing eachother and reacting to eachother, hearing eachother there is no physical reaction with anyone else at all. If you are doing something everyone else likes they will view you favorably and it feels good. If however you are doing something that others don't like you feel the absolute worst sense of embarrassment and self hatred. Now the trick to this place is if you are doing something for yourself, for your own enjoyment, mostly everyone else will hate you for it. Like if you just sit there jerking off you will feel terrible. But if you do something everyone else likes like for example, like taking a pose in some kind that makes people like you will feel good because they like you. But the catch is you will quickly feel worthless when you see a thousand other people doing the exact same thing as you just to not feel shame or you may become bored. It's kind of like a if you do things for others you feel good, but if you do things for yourself you feel bad.
That place was kind of good. A lot of people would enjoy it.
There's lots more though.
No Michael. My grandpa was the person chosen to greet me in front of a large mass of people, silhouetted, I don't know who they were.
I shut it out after that and begged to be sent back. Besides gramps, I met God. Fair Guy.
How old are you?
We're you consciously aware of any"pain" you were experiencing?
Listen to me. It is more real then this place.
I love you.
Afterlife sounds pretty shit, desu
Did you get to meet your wifu?
So you're saying if I die I'll go to heaven? I need to become Christian ASAP if this isn't a bullshit thread.
When I took the 90mph to the dome it was white hot pain so really didn't feel like pain.
All the pain went away when you die, post death rattle, it feels good.
Can you kill yourself again?
>>Downshifts and slides
>>Overcorrects, me almost fly out window ass first
mph into concrete wall no brakes, driver closed eyes
>>I no seatbelt
>>Me think " don't have time to put on seatbelt hit me raise hands and protect self" lol
>>Go into windshield and smush and a make it with windshield, get scalped a bit
>>Secondary impact
>>Smash into driver and break his sternum
>>ass first on shift knob
>>Meat sack around the car and land in seat
>>Grand Mal seizure
NO ONE who is injured this way ever remembers shit in this detail, or at all.
Are you claiming you remember this or were you told it later?
How were you able to see these realms of both Heaven and Hell after judgment? And why did you come back? Any particular reason or just kinda snapped back into your body in a way?
Now I'm off fucking Sup Forums again. Loli-scum.
Well it's hell, what do you expect?
Like in the one around lust, it's basically just a massive orgy, just a writhing pile of bodies fucking forever. Sounds kind of good right? But the problem with that is your thirst for sex goes forever and ever and you just keep fucking but you can never feel fulfilled. You can't cum.
You ever seen a bucket full of worms? Kind of feels like you're just a worm in a bucket of worms.
>White hot pain
So like the numb feeling? Almost as if it isn't there at all?
Also, the death rattle is frightening to me. I would probably instantly commit suicide if someone close to me passed, and I was there to experience that. As a person who used to look at gore and all that shit when I was young, the death rattle is the only thing that makes my heart rate jump.
Too old for this lol