40K fandom is childish

>40K fandom is childish.
>Sup Forums constantly posts 40k Trump as God Emperor of Mankind
>Sup Forums is made up of children with fascist tendencies


Other urls found in this thread:


>fucking 45 minutes of this

Why do people even bother with these irrelevant blogs?

Deeply analyzing the important things in life yeah?

Sweden cmon, Arch is swell dude and have good rants but what you expected from left, knowlage, understanding, deep-thinking?

Or it is you Arch and you just wanna boost vid.


>40K fandom is childish.

exterminate yourself heretic

Cuz Arch always go off topic. I listen to his stuff while doing housework, isntead of a radio.

He do mostly 40k/WFB lore vids and gameplays.

>He do mostly 40k/WFB lore vids and gameplays.

Well he should keep doing that instead of ranting about nothing on people ranting about nothing.

Hello Thought Police, good thing we got you on deck.

Its his chanell m8, if you dont like it fuck off.
Some people like his rants on nothing and its 40k related this time. Besides he is /our/guy.

It was just a suggestion. No need to get all triggered. Giving these blogs any serious attention is just dumb imo. It can't be good for you in the long run.

Dude where did I sign contract to follow some blog as guidline for my life?
Its enterteinment.

why wont Sup Forums allow me post in this thread
>mfw when i cant post to replace tzeench with kek and it thinks its spam

fuck off ahmed you little swed cuck,
got the fucking sand apes in your country fucking your woman ,you disgusting little worm
fight me in the street you scrawny little faggot

WH fantasy > WH40K

you stupid baboon kill all sweds

>Not playing Tau empire

The empire is corrupt, fellow humans , Join the Tau and you can still worship the God emperor and enjoy the benefits of the xeno technology.

kys traitor

you probably suck ethereal dick


>WH fantasy > WH40K
Enjoy your Age of Retards.

Trump's son-in-law (((Jared Kushner's))) real estate company Kushner Companies owns midtown Manhattan office building located at 666 Fifth Avenue.

Another clue that Trump is the anti-Christ.


Sup Forums you are the frogs referenced in Revelation 16:13,14 and with your black magic of kek have raised the anti-Christ to power over the world.


t. The (((Ethereals)))

does WH40k even have RPG or it is just tabletop battle?
WH fantasy 1st edition is top tier RPG

and Hillary probably eats little babies



The anti-christ is supposed to be a globalist who unites the world you fucking retard. Trump is a nationalist isolationist. If we're really going to be talking about assholes from a sand nigger religion then Trump has most in common with Cyrus. Even his eventual take over of the empire was exactly the same. Trump usurped it without killing anybody.