what is wrong with the extreme right?
What is wrong with the extreme right?
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Cunning warriors
Their entire world view comes out of bitterness from their own failures.
So they scape goat women and minorities. There is a reason 99.9 percent of successful businessman, academics, actors , etc are liberals
Post more. I need some ideas.
dude im all for it
islam needs to gtfo
no fuck you.
Nice of him to donate his glasses to a poor minority.
there's that word again
who scape goats women? Muslims? because they fuck goats instead of women
You have to go back, Achmed.
nothing. they're painted as uneducated hicks because it's easier to fight them that way, I'm an MD an most doctor I've met are solidly redpilled.
Always feels so posh. I had no idea we were so fashion-conscious here at Sup Forums
/r9k/ are the ones shitposting us
Someone posted a video of Trump signs in a black neighborhood, it's about 8 minutes of blacks taking down the signs. I got why razor blades at the bottom of the signs would cause damage as they always lift them out of the ground by the bottom.
You expected less from Nazi bastids?
the biggest problem with 'far right' (which is a centrist position in today's standard extreme-left political outlook) is the extreme left pretending to be far right and misrepresentation.
your doctors are extreme rights? Or just right wing? Extreme right would mean they refuse treatment to minorities before they steal their wallets.
>accomplishing anything
They're still ass blasted that were the ones that took Pepe from the normies
just right wing
>fuck them refugees we own them nothing,
>fags? lol who cares about them
people who have a steady income and good connections don't need to pussyfoot around certain issues, thats the difference between american students and grownups
Why does this person have three hands?
why would people drive over these? Even if they arent rigged they will damage cars
here is how the left rig their stuff
..what has Sean Bean become..
So that thing says "don't give Islam a chance" right? Can anyone tell me why that is fascism? I don't really understand the connection.
I would have killed that son of a bitch if I'd seen that.
I find it amusing how it's a big deal when "nazis" do it but the media doesn't say a word about antifa doing the same thing for years.
>There is a reason 99.9 percent of successful businessman, academics, actors , etc are liberals
Yeah, they are public figures that has follow the mainstream view if they want any business. In another time the same people would be standing there and screaming sieg heil with the rest of them.
I'm right. Anything against me is wrong.
If you disagree, you are a fascist.
And I will bring the full might of the Sturm Abtei... Err.. Antifa down upon you for being a fascist racist.
Can't clean the Bean...
Hey antifa, whatcha doin?
Rare Pepe do not steel
Quints noticed a fake place.
>There is a reason 99.9 percent of successful businessman
Not even true. They raised Data here in Germany hsowing that big comapnies favored Trump with their donations (yes our companies donate to the US)
>gib islams
Rare get
Really makes you resonate...
Hey rabbi watcha doing?
If they're jewish yes.
And what is A Land?
Fuck Antifa.
You would kill a man for punching another man in the face? That seems... Odd.
have a rare on me kid
Sorry--I just wanted to shitpost for replies. Is this part of his plan?
Maybe another get will confirm Aland joining Sweden.
Thanks, leaf.
a rather right wing friend of mine said that nonamerican firms arent allowed to donate in the american election
>the left fight through passive aggressive sticky notes
is this a meme I dont get?
>be a fascist jackass and constantly censor the opposition
>the opposition starts to protect itself
Comes before B-Land.
Cozy little autistic resort for white middle class scandis in the Baltic Sea.
Literally nothing.
Antifa is the biggest group of mentally ill fascists you could possibly find.
under german law stickers on lampposts and other stuff are illegal. They are just executing the law.
We aren't fascists and we aren't censoring people.
The left is misusing the term and applying it against the right.
If anyone is being censored it is conservatives.
How? Drowning him in your blood?
holy victim complex batman
>tampering with someone's property, ever
>safest way to deal with fash propaganda is to cover it up
So.. now your lefty propaganda will have a razor blade behind it?
> extreme right
> Still want universal healthcare
Why is this a thing?
how did they just "discover" this
oh right its because they put them there ~_~
sorry we dont play 5d chess over here. We have turks who will try to remove or deface them.
its a lefty false flag and debunked already.kys leftist faggot
where are the bloody turk hands?
no where
because they just put those there to take a picture
these people were destroying their own tires on purpose?
antifa is known to do this as a false flag.
yes you can't drive off a road and not expect to damage your tired/bodywork
t. just watched Harry Potter and the Final Solution
I could watch this on replay for hours
gotta keep that chin tucked
think again and watch the whole thing
These people are not successful in business because they're liberals, they're successful because they're conformists. It's been like that for millennia.
As a privileged white male who has everything to succeed, why would I hate minorities or woman? Maybe I'm just very bad at things and that's why I don't like others, what should be done with me?
No matter how many times I watch this clip, the speed at which the glasses go flying always make laugh my ass off
Lefties don't need a connection if you're the evil boogeyman.
Them digits
But one should give Islam a chance.
A chance to prove how evil it is!
all these words got so perverted thanks to the left that I'm afraid to use them anymore