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>the doormat of europe
>being in any position to talk
when's the next time you get invaded poland?
South Vietnam lost the most. RIP
I hope it wont be asian people with shitty equipment from the woods, because they managed to shot down US planes back in the times.
You forgot RoK and Australia.. they "lost" too.
>France not in red
oh say can you see
>no France
>neither of the Koreas
>no China
Are you even trying faggot?
ROK marines had fun massacring Viet villages
No, you lost and you have a shitty scale.
Everything is ok.
You forgot France. They also lost to Vietnamese farmers. Also South Vietnam.
How is it even possible to be slaughtered by jungle people so badly?
they lost funding for the war because hippies were protesting n shit
>he thinks double sandwich can even out a loss with asian ppl
1st of September 1939
I know bro, also 30 April 1975 the day US capitulated to jungle people
Vietnamese were fucking based though, back in the day. The communists were led by an ultranationalist Ho Chi Minh. Here's a song about him called "The children love Uncle Ho Chi Minh" (he was seen as the "father/uncle" of the nation):
I know that why US were too weak to fight them
>invaded by a bunch of fags in WW2
>whole country fell in less than a month
>needed soviets and americans for help
>part of the EU
>never been to space
>lets their women riot in the streets for the "right" to murder babies
>no national product
>worst counter-strike team in history
has there ever been a more cucked country than poland?
1 blunder vs. poland losing every single major conflict for four centuries hmmm really makes u think
I know right, but we at least werent fucked up by asian people with wooden guns from woods. It is reassuring.
first man on the moon>literally anything during the space race
must suck to be a commucuck
I wouldnt call it that, I would call it defeat by jungle people. So you admit US lost with asian farmers?
Oh Finland.
What is it like living in a country where basically any foreign election had more weight on your country than your own
we lost to farmers but you would be genocided by them in a heartbeat if nobody came to help you
>he really thinks one landing which was never repeated because noone gives a fuck about it is more important than satelites
that's a nice song
>people say we lost vietnam when we really just lost interest in fighting the war
Look at our K/D and tell us we lost, any victory the Vietnamese could have claimed are purely Pyrrhic in nature.
Pretty good, when is election in vietnam? I would be watching them carefully since you lost with them once.
daily reminder that the polish have never once won a war against dirty russian farmers, while america just had to show them a mcdonalds and they literally gave up
Nigger it isn't trolling if you have to fucken baby sit your own thread.
Sure, but at least we werent beaten to death by some medieval weaponry like you were.
Its something
They had one recently, but their election is a sham anyway.
>the stepping stones to eventual colonization of other planets doesn't matter
I guess when your country will be left in the dust, it wouldn't really matter.
we were approaching 1.5 orders of magnitudes less people lost if you count the casualties of all the agent orange we sprayed. the jungle people won in the same way that a guy insistent on calling you a faggot while you nearly beat him to death wins the fight because you don't want to kill him. If we chose to, we could have obliterated them as quickly as we could obliterate your country, literally within an hour of deciding to.
War of the Sixth Coalition in your screenshot shows Poles beating Russians.
>launching metal objects that no one can even sea float around our planet is some how more iconic than humans setting foot on another celestial body.
>forcing vietmemes
>I have no arguments since I am stupid, so let just use ad personam argument
I know the truth hurts, badly.
Satelites shaped the world we know it. Your moon landing was a meme for stupid masses. Hmm what could be more important here.
By that logic, Germany won WW2.
Burgers really are THIS stupid.
You aren't even a country.
No but that's the thing m8
You can make banter and stuff like that but does it not feel weird you have absolutely zero say in global politics
Does it feel weird that if your leaders pissed off your allies even slightly you would be conquered by other nations within a week
Living somewhere like here I just can't understand the feeling.
the duchy of warsaw was part of the french empire you retard
Wrong. It was all about satellites and ICBMs. Moon was just a feel-good venture.
>launching a dog into space knowing it would burn to death is relevant today
Can a country who lost to farmers be called real country?
The multiple moon landings we did of course.
The germans didn't lose the war because of protesters and lobbying back home, go fix plumbing.
>never repeated
Lol, we did... Apollo 12, 13 (didn't land), 14, 15, 16, 17. All different landing sites.
Oh, Poland was the first country to launch a satellite? I had no idea.
>Signs treaties so he doesn't have to fight a gook war anymore
>NV ignores treaty and goes to invade SV again
>USA doesn't join because fuck gooks
Years later.....
>the same country that lost a war in less than a month talks shit
You know that one of the stages of mars exploration is taking animals there?
You are just sad
he likely asphyxiated.
poor doggo.
You forgot to put French and China in red
I wouldn't know dude.
We are one of countries which never lost to jungle people too
A country that could wipe yours off the face of the earth in a day probably should
>this desperate clinging to a technicality
lol i love europoors
They have celsus, my proxy friend
Poland seems like a country that hasn't done a lot of things.
It was made up of Polish people. Do you think France moved to Poland and started a country?
The animals would have to survive the journey you retard
They launched the dog into space knowing full well it wouldn't survive, about as much of a "feel-good" operation the moon landing was
I can smell the tears of impotent rage from here.
>not including france
>Wikipedia and historians are all wrong
>US won won :(
just like all left of the 20 century
Lol the US KDR for the Vietnam War was like 10:1
>eurodumbs can't grasp the concept of fahrenheit celsius interconversion even though it's literally a fucking linear cartesian plot
is this why eurodumbs can't into moon landings?
You lost to German people.
we use SI system in academia.Stop being triggered that for our daily lives or founding system
Retard, they needed to check first if they can handle space in the first place. Noone knew it for sure
wasn't Australia in Vietnam for a bit?
uh, the duchy of warsaw, made up of polish people, LOST to the russian coalition you retard
how can you seriously not read? oh wait, i just noticed your flag, makes sense now
Must be hard for them to admit their whole continent/way of life was pretty much dependent upon us.
>1mill dead
>300k dead
>50k dead
Oh wow, man those farmers sure showed us.
This idiot has never read a history book otherwise he would know that the USA, South Korea, Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, Thailand and Taiwan were all allies and fought for South Vietnam
But we did.
Every source says US was defeated
you forgot france
>Americans lost less than the enemy, useful idiots lost a shitton
Damn we lost so fucking hard.
IIRC in vietnam the US military wasn't allowed to go full scorched earth on the rice niggers
>Cannot into space
>doesnt know using proxy get you banned on all board
>this guy
Yes, we indeed were. One of my family members served in it. We got Dragged in it by the United States.
Im 100% sure Murica right now have more niggers than Vietnam ever will
It was a victory because we didn't want to fight anymore, not because we were overpowered.
It just wasn't important enough to keep spending resources on.
I know, but at least we didnt lose to jungle people.
"In short, in the picture of Vietnam, the U.S. failed to defend South Vietnam against the North Communists and probably lost the war politically rather than militarily as Vietnam was far from the war of major battles. In the bigger picture of containment, the U.S. did achieve their initial goals to a certain extent."
>the U.S. did achieve their initial goals to a certain extent."
>initial goals
>when I close my eyes wikipedia can't hurt me
that, also, if the US really lost, why is vietnam still not a communist country?
its now a democratic capitalist country
>implying you wouldn't have gone to shoot gooks.