>Sup Forums will defend this
>inb4 the "it was all fake" stormfront meme
Sup Forums will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
It was a camp like the Japanese were interned in during WWII.
The Camps collapsed during the Allied Bombing Campaign then the people inside starved.
It was fake
A fair point, with some truth to it.
Still not a reason to defend it
I fuck dogs, get over it. THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT, BRIAN FUCKING ENO WOULDN'T SEND ME A FUcking VIdeo OF HIM FUCkINGS HIS DOG. I am piseed off like hell
>dude they just were hungry, no mass killing actually took place
anyone else think those striped pajamas look pretty comfy
Newfag go back.
>In 10 seconds
>In 20 seconds
>Eric Hunt: Majdanek
>Eric Hunt: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million"
that isn't a nazi its a soviet officer
no such thing
>bergen belsen
That wasn't intended to be a death camp, even bluepilled historians know that
>date of photo taken: 1938
Great "proof" there bud.
What is this supposed to prove?
muh anus pumps
The absurdity of jew lies or their sense of humour, take your pick.
starving to death and dying of typhus = 6,000,000 dead by gas chambers
This is what holohoax historians actually believe.
I love how germans never post in holocaust threads so they don't get arrested by the thought police
The holocaust is so real you can go to jail for questioning it and you aren't allowed to conduct studies / do research in the camps , and the only evidence they point to were post war forced confessions before execution ... no actual documents from the nazi government, no actual gas chambers or any corpses , nothing
that seems really real
I like the one where Patton became red pilled and realized he fucked up.
>chubby cheeks
Definitely starving desu
They look pretty darn healthy. Nothing to see here folks. Just some healthy kids coming back from summer camp.
>from summer camp.
*forced internment camp where they eventually starved and were killed
there is no feast on yom kippur. it is a fast day, good try though.
Then why does everyone in the picture look so happy? Also the file name says child survivors so I assume this picture is of them after they were picked up by the united states.
>soviet uniform
Rly maek u tink
Yeah, they look really happy. Fucking daft cunt.
Except its not.
>wow those cool hitler youtube video really made me think guyz it waz da soviets all along xP
pathetic stormweenies, on the one hand
>muh six gorrilion isn't real
on the other
>gommunizm n russian jooz killed hundreds of gorrilions of golodomors n sheit.
Yfw you realize the Jews swindled us all in ww2
Happier than most Americans I see.
Not an argument
Actually it was the US swindling all being led by mostly kikes.
>give full support to britain around 1937 or 38 to britain saying "we'll support you at all costs against germany"
>In return, Britain does the same for Poland knowing they can't help Poland anyway
>France seems to string along because they were the political retard of the 20th century
>War starts, France and Britain refuse all peace offers
>US starts supporting the Nazis with stuff, weakening/defeating the French and British empire
>Soviets do the same (which came to power by a wall street backed revolution)
>US fights a proxy war in Europe, literally funding all sides at the same time
>When the empires where highly in debt, nearly crumbling, US achieved their goal
>Heaving ramping up support to the Soviets to crush the proxy they used to fuck the Brits
US came out of that war laughing their asses off, not taking France serious anymore at that point. They even ignored Churchill the moment they knew he was no longer useful. Only thing that did not fit into US plans was Soviets getting nukes in 1948, that changed the entire game.
I think Holocaust denial is totally crazy, like Flat Earth level crazy. Or Young Earth Creationism crazy.
I just ignore it like I ignore other crazy theories that conflict with 99,9999% of scholars researching the field.
But OK! I'll make an exception. I'll listen to you guys ONCE. Show me a piece of evidence that the Holocaust didn't happen the way they present it to us.
Show me the best you got. Don't make me read 1000 pages, just show me the best evidence for your claims.
Watch the first video. The rest if you're really interested.
OK, that's interesting, but it points only to the fact that the Jews have been fantasizing about this even before it happened, "waiting" for it in some strange way, but it doesn't mean it did not happen.
Like we (Westerners) constantly fantasize about UFOs coming down killing us or about various catastrophes in many Hollywood movies. Suppose it happens one day... someone could go back and point to all the Hollywood movies that "predicted" it, as to disprove that it even happened. You know what I mean?
People fantasize and sometimes the fantasies become reality.
That's exactly what she said when I violated her ass.
That hardly makes any sense.
Just watch the second video now.
germany killed their enemies
we did the same
wow 6 million jews estimated to live in eastern europe. wow 6 million jews are reported to be at risk during the bolshevik revolution, ww1, pogroms, ww2. wow 6 million is used a lot here. i wonder what it means.
wow 6 million jews died in the holocaust. wow 6 million jews lived in eastern europe. wow the news writing about 6 million jews before the holocaust how did they know? wow
really make me six million jews..
>Show me a piece of evidence that the Holocaust didn't happen the way they present it to us.
>Official narrative actually says more people killed by Diesel exhausts than by Zyklon B (we are talking in the range of millions already here)
>Air-tight sealed huge rooms connected to a former Soviet Tank engine (same story for different camps kek)
>Engines run and pump their exhausts into the Chamber, allegedly killing people in 10-15 minutes.
So guess what is not possible? Killing people with Diesel exhaust, especially in that manner. The toxic part of Carbon-monoxide. With normal petrol engines it would be possible, but the CO content in Diesel-exhaust is too low, below 2% actually. In addition, Diesel exhaust includes 50-60% air, so people can't even suffocate. You might get some people unconcious after an hour or so if you are lucky. But even pushing the exhausts into air-tights rooms is laughable because there would be a huge pressure build up... Only way for it to work is they'd actually have to run that engine at maximum RPM at all time, which of course is not possible. An engine like this would just die after a few hours, maybe days of this. (and here we are already reaching highly inefficient methods of killing...)
Just for treblinka alone: The Diesel allegations did, however, gain some public notoriety with the prosecution of American citizen John Demjanjuk. Demjanjuk was accused of having murdered at least 875,000 Jews with Diesel exhaust at the alleged extermination camp at Treblinka in 1942/43.
all of this shit is exactly like all the serb and croat deathcamps and genocides
Aaawww look at their little fat faces!
so news articles are from 1900-1940s have been saying there are jews living in eastern europe estimated at being 6million
then they write that 6 million are dead.
what am i missing here?
what am i supposed to see here that will prove to me the holocaust is fake?
the fact that the number 6million has been used before the holocaust? the fact that people know how to do approximate head counts of jews and estimate them to be 6 million?
The following is from an American essay by Dennis S. Lachtman, Director for Health Engineering for the
EIMCO Mining Machinery company in a section subtitled: “NO significant human hazard seen in
over 20 studies.” “A number of studies evaluating human response to exposure of Diesel have included experience
among Diesel bus workers, Diesel railroad workers, and metal and non-metal miners working with
Diesel production equipment and underground. There are more than 20 human health studies involving
working populations exposed to Diesel exhaust emissions. As can be seen from a careful review of these
studies, NO SIGNIFICANT health hazards have been associated with exposures to Diesel exhaust emissions. 62
62: Dennis S. Lachtman, “Diesel Exhaust – Health Effects”, Mining Congress Journal, January 1981
A major engineering textbook from 1998, which should contain just about everything one needs to
know about Diesel emissions. is entitled: Handbook of Air Pollution from Internal Combustion Engines
with the subtitle Pollutant Formation and Control. The book is co-authored by a dozen of the
world’s leading experts on automotive emissions. It should be an excellent source of information on
precisely how one might kill people with Diesel exhaust. But in the entire 550 page book, which is
rather typical of all other books one can find on this subject, there was only one sentence relevant to
our subject.65
“Although carbon monoxide (CO) emissions are regulated, they will not be considered here, as the
Diesel engine combustion process by definition inhibits the production of CO.”
65: Eran Sher (ed.), Handbook of Air Pollution from Internal Combustion Engines: Pollution Formation and Control,
Boston, San Diego, New York, London, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto: Academic Press, 1998, p. 288.
To cut the story short: same stuff was tested on animals, exposing them to different exhausts/gasses etc.. with the same result.
We're Western according to any sensible definition of the term "West".
Just this shows that a big part of the story is just not physically possible, this includes not just the extermination camp Treblinka (which was the 2nd largest if I remember correctly) but also other camps where the same was claimed.
The numbers were never close to six million Jew; not even close. They just cry wolf six million jews every time.
Of course we won't defend that, it's just sloppy letting the children survive, they'll just breed and you'll have to do it all over again.
they picked 6 million from a hat filled with numers? or maybe they estimated the jews in the europe to be 6 million. food for thought
The audacity of these niggers.
6 million Jews persecuted in Russia.
Published June 6, A.D. 1915.
6/6/6 (1+5).
I don't pretend to understand but it seems to have something to do with a religious sacrifice or "Holocaust" of six million Jews before the rebuilding of the third temple.
I applaud your efforts to research this so in-depth
The problem I have with it is same as the 9/11 Truthers
They tell me all these "scientific facts", how Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams etc.
The problem is: I don't know. I don't know all these things... like I don't know many other things, for instance, I don't even know how antibiotics work exactly. But when I'm sick I take Penicillin because I trust the community of the medical science
This is the same... why wouldn't I trust the community of historians, people whose job and profession is to research this? Are they all shills?
All historians worldwide are in cahoots?
It really doesn't make any sense....
Your strategy is to go into seemingly scientific details and most people will not try to engage you because it's too complicated, but that doesn't make it true.
Why would the nazis go around, round all the jews up and then put them in a death camp just to kill them?
Why didnt they just shoot them on sight?
rly makes u think???
>an stupid person with crazy thoughts was in a death camp
>therefore, the deatcamps didn't exist
makes perfect sence, stormfag!
because being shot at do not award you eternal victim card
>When you milk the world for seventy years for a genocide that didn't happen
>This is the same... why wouldn't I trust the community of historians, people whose job and profession is to research this? Are they all shills?
>All historians worldwide are in cahoots?
To become an "famous" historian, you have to build up credibility, i.e. doing a PhD, becoming a Professor or maybe even leading a University etc... So what happens if a person like this would write something that goes against the official holocaust narrative? This person would get his carreer/life destroyed. This happened to every person trying to do it, being dragged to court for "writing the wrong things".
That's all there is to it. Remove the holocaust denial laws in Europe, and the amount of information flooding the market would be insane. You already have nearly 10.000 pages worth of books available dismantling the official narrative completely and the revisionist basically "won" in terms of facts... but the story is being held together by laws.
>Your strategy is to go into seemingly scientific details and most people will not try to engage you because it's too complicated, but that doesn't make it true.
This is the only way. Not appeal to logic or reason, but going to direct scientific proof which can't be refuted.
>because it's too complicated, but that doesn't make it true.
Well I don't know how to answer this really..... I'm doing my PhD in physics and I don't think this stuff is complicated. So I know how it would feel like getting everything in your life destroyed for saying the wrong things... gladly this can barely happen for a physicist.
If you want to read this IN DETAIL, where everything about the "diesel exhaust" is explained so that everybody gets it, google the book "dissecting the holocaust" and read chapter "Diesel Gas Chambers: Ideal for Torture – Absurd for Murder". Just 40 pages covering literally everything.
This didnt happen, this is from a movie scene from a black-and-white movie from the 1930s way before the war.
Dont believe media lies!
>>dude they just were hungry, no mass killing actually took place
Fake photograph you kike faggot.
Go gas yourself.
requesting jimmy neutrons dad to help OP out.
You think it would last for more or less 70 years, and ends with the death of the last survivors ?
>>dude they just were hungry, no mass killing actually took place
Gas yourself.
wtf are you talking about. this is why everyone laughs are holocaust deniers. for spewing shit like this you clearly know nothing about. what 6 million jews need to die before a 3rd temple. what source do you have for that because there literally are no sources for that. this guy in the documentary has no argument other than repeating that 6 million were printed in the newspapers. no one is answering the question of why 6 million and not 60 million or 600 thousands or any other number. this is obviously because that is what the number of jews estimated to be was in eastern europe. stop this bullshit propaganda or bring better proofs
>so news articles are from 1900-1940s have been saying there are jews living in eastern europe estimated at being 6million
>then they write that 6 million are dead.
>what am i missing here?
>what am i supposed to see here that will prove to me the holocaust is fake?
>the fact that the number 6million has been used before the holocaust? the fact that people know how to do approximate head counts of jews and estimate them to be 6 million?
The fact that there were exactly 12 million Jews living in the world that whole time and exactly half of them were constantly in peril of death in order to swindle idiots.
We should sue Israel at this point. With interest. Like kike level interest.
>so news articles are from 1900-1940s have been saying there are jews living in eastern europe estimated at being 6million
You have to be more specific: This 6 million comes explicitly from the New York Times which was Jewish owned since 1890 or so. It isn't called the "Jew York Times" for nothing.
So its illegal in europe to deny the holocaust, to study it, to even debate about whether it happened or not...
Hmmmmm, now why would they need to do that!!
>All historians worldwide are in cahoots?
It's not cahoots when you are taught it and believe it and just regurgitate the same "source" literature for evidence.
And all those crying Jews who "witnessed" it (and literally miraculously survived just barely from being fucking gassed).
you obviously dont know statistics because majority of news to this day are eastern european jews out numbering middle eastern and north african jews and other jews by a whole lot. the majority of jews in the world are from eastern europe and thats where all the pogroms, revolutions, and world wars started. wow they are always in the peril of death. yes thats what the pale of the settlement was. look that up
Another stupid person with crazy thoughts.
>eastern european jews out numbering middle eastern and north african jews
>look that up
fuck off, post statistics you are refering to or join us in eternal hatred of merchants
a guy did research into the new york times and found that they kept using the 6 million number. did anyone else find 6 million in any other news paper or publication in those times? did anyone look into the estimate amount of jews in eastern europe in those times being around 6 million? if you dont do your own research and just spew random facts you are not proving anything to anyone
to know who controls you, see what you can or can't question
10/10 propaganda
Would pose again
>wtf are you talking about.
You're a fucking retard. 6 million is the repeated number of Jewish victims, not the population you fucking infested cunt.
Holocaust probably did happen, but that picture probably is indeed fake. They killed the children in Auschwitz, so it's unlikely many children would have survived.
The Idea of six million Jews living in Russia at the turn of the century is outlandish.
None of these were educated guesses they were just calls for money claiming six million Jews were at risk of death.
>you obviously dont know statistics
You are evidently a faggot.
welp, Holocaust as in planned removal of merchant probably did not happen
>burden of claim
Jews should prove, over any doubt, that indeed 6 megazilliardon jews died in gas chambers, or whatever they are claiming right now
And while it is not claimed, holohoax should be suspended, payments to Israel should be suspended, and ammount of antisemitic jokes should be increased
>Holocaust probably did happen
Probably didn't.
My guess it was a general scam but also went to finance colonizing Palestine.
I'm talking about the news articles talking about the 6 million, this where from the New York Times explicitly.
The 6 million again was used by Illya (((Ehrenburg))), the chief propagandist of the Soviets in 1943.
"Robinson also suggested that the tribunal prosecute Alfred Rosenberg in his capacity as chief Nazi philosopher:
they were not seeking vengeance, swore Robinson, 'nor, of course, compensation for
Jewish losses.' How great were those losses? inquired Jackson, seeking a gure to use at the coming
trial. 'Six million,' responded Dr Robinson, and indicated that the gure included Jews
in all Nazi-occupied lands 'from the Channel to Stalingrad.' Jackson noted that day:
I was particularly interested in knowing the source and reliability of his estimate as I
know no authentic data on it. Robinson said that he had arrived at his gure by extrapolation from the known statistics
for the Jewish population in 1929 and those believed to be surviving now. In other
words his gure was somewhere between a hopeful estimate and an educated guess.
'The dierences are assumed to be killed or in hiding,' he said."
Jackson is one of US chief prosecutors of the Nuremberg Trials.
>antisemitic jokes should be increased
The Germans tried to put Jews in the shower but they literally never had one before and thought they were about the be gassed!
No wonder so many died from disease'n shit!
>Ashkenazim comprise the overwhelming majority of Jews, with approximately 80 percent of the Jewish total.
eastern europe 35% higher than other 2 combined
you fucking retard the article is saying 6 million victims implying all the jews in eastern europe are victims therefore implying that all of eastern europes population is 6 million you fucking cuck
just poland and russia alone has 5 million jews in the turn of the century buddy
good argument
We've had this thread before, a few hours ago. I made my stance clear there, and I will do so here, as well.
The burden of proof is on you: prove 6 million Jews died by gassing, and were then cremated during 'x' time period. No allusions or here-say, actual solid proof documenting it all. Specifically the methodology itself. You cannot operate under the assumption that if there is a blood stain, somebody was murdered.
Also, you cannot shift the burden of proof and ask that I prove a negative, because that makes the assumption that the case-in-point is truthful.
they look fine. guy on the right looks a little pissy, probably didnt get extra time at the camp swimming pool or something
>When you arrest a 87 year old woman for questioning part of her nations history.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so far all I have seen have been people looking at a blood splatter, and then some guy getting the electric chair. You need to show, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the man going to die is guilty of what you believe he has done. To claim there is no conflict of interest in Jewish global politics and the Holocaust is not very intellectually honest, as the whole issue is paramount to their guilt-tripping complex (youtube.com
With the media control in the hands of the few, there is much to be gained by distributing thinly-veiled propaganda to the masses of the West in order to maintain the hasbara and the guilt-complex.
Again, provide absolute, concrete evidence. You google people asking for evidence online, and when they are presented with weak claims (or more people pointing at blood splatters and shouting murder) and revolt, they are, first and foremost, mocked as anti-Semitic, against reason, etc. For a group of people who claim to be so adamant to seeking truth and intellectual honesty, the responses to dissent against conclusions based off of arbitrary narratives (I want this evidence to prove mass gassings because Jews must be victims) prove otherwise.
so you didnt prove anything to me. are you saying that the new york times created the 6 million figure and illya ehrenburg got his hands on the new york times and began propagating their made up number?
how ridiculous does that sound to you?