How does Sup Forums feels about christianity ?
How does Sup Forums feels about christianity ?
It's a bluepill to pacify faggots.
Jesus was a cuck. YHVH is the literal devil and anyone who falls for any abrahamic religion has been super jewed
Gay jew trick
better than the alternatives
>that liberal deconstruction
Christianity doesn't have to be radical, and non-radical religion tends to have more conservative homes, with fewer broken women. You can be blue pill, or you have have sons with blue hair.
Your call.
>dead jew on a stick
I like it
>Jesus was a cuck.
It's really a cuck attitude for Him to forgive me for calling you a faggot.
Jesus is the son of God and I stand with him.
I love it. Jesus Christ was the best man to ever exist on this earth, a perfect man in everyway. We could learn so much from him and his sacrifice
a sad excuse to push your beleifs
The crucifixion of Jesus relates to how all humans on earth feel today.
He didn't suffer so we don't have to, he suffered so we know how to.
It's some real gay ass Jew shit. Real "don't fight back when people fuck with you", "your family doesn't matter, really nothing matters" bullshit.
I don't understand how it ever caught on with anyone.
Makes me sad that there are so many women who are dying to fuck but are too afraid of hell to open up.
It's my heritage, but it's dated.
Christianity is the greatest blessing humans have ever received.
The central image of Christianity isn't some guy saying 'hey, come follow me, everything will be easy all the time.' It's an image of God in the flesh, watching his body fall to pieces, after all his friends abandoned him.
Even if you don't believe in Christianity, the cross says one thing. Life is really difficult sometimes. But as a christian I could never look at my God and say 'you don't know what it's like to suffer'. What Jesus promised us was his presence with us in our suffering.
Christianity is necessary to combat social and moral degeneracy
It has enriched so many lifes and will continue to do so
Want to be a part of it, am scared of Jesus who I know is ashamed to have me
Can't walk into a church and can barely look up to the sky
Anyone else has this issue?
>inb4 Jew jokes
It's got a nice aesthetic. I live near Ocala, Florida and they have a huge ass fucking cross towering over the highway. It's fucking sick to see everytime I drive by and puts a big smile on my face. I'm not religious or anything, but it's just nice to see
Praise the Lord!
It's just as sad as Islam, believe me. Less violent in practice though.
don't mind this faggot, he's probably an Anglo on a proxy
One true faith.
It's called the bread pill
Plz assist
He's an absolute faggot.
>Render unto ceasar - good goy
>Blessed are the meek
>Turn the other cheek
He sounds like a stone age Canadian weed man for fuck sake.
Also, read Caesar's Messiah. No red pilled gentleman would have anything to do with this absolute slobbering faggotry.
God doesnt judge you. If you convert, you are a Christian, not a jew anymore.
>complain about good teachings
>recommend debunked conspiracy theorist books
This is now a Catholic General.
Oi, had a few lillys, have ya?
While I'm on the subject, what's the difference between Catholic, Mormon, Protestant, orthodox Christianity? Enlighten this fag pls.
I hope so but I feel to dirty to even do the first steps. Like today I looked at a cross and averted me eyes because I know what I did through out my life.
I'm just wondering if it's normal and if there is anything about this fear in the canon
It depends on which teaching you are following. What did you do that makes you feel like this?
You may keep your false vicar of Christ, the jesuit fraud bergoglio to yourself thank you very much.
Christianity is the answer to everything, answers I've always known deep down on what is right and wrong, and ultimately explains human nature, things we can't deny.
>"This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them"
I haven't been to church since I was a little girl, too shy, so I walk quietly in faith.
Knowing I will go to heaven and never fearing death is so delicately fulfilling.
Just do it as I do. Go to church in the evening or morning, not to the "main" mass. You wont have to talk to anyone, just leave right after it. It really can help you to get a structure in life.
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus," - 1st Timothy 2
"“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
“This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.’
For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." - Matthew 6
Fuck niggers
The regular lifetime of sin that one practices when born into the modern world. Now that I understand it a bit more it seems unforgivable, and I am just terrified.
Again I'll get over it but I wonder if men smarter than me have anything to say about this
/pol is a Christian board
proselytizing atheists are literally the most entitled self indulgent intellectual failures on this planet.
Pic related: The Pope of the Atheist Church, is a proudly self admitted coward and liar, who "gets it wrong so, so many times", he even had to go vegan to save his sorry ass after blasting vegans on his Bullshit show
Probably not smarter than you.
If you truly repent your sins and you want to change your life, you will find forgiveness.
Read, you will find your way.
If you willing to repent and change your ways, the Lord forgives
The extremely abridged version:
Basically Jesus tells an apostle: "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.".
The church is formed and meetings known as the some meetings get held, during one of these early meetings the Egyptians (Coptics) secede, rejecting European teachings. As time goes by there is a split between the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church retaining Christianity almost to the core as it has been since the times of the early church, the Coptics and Orthodox Churches get on good terms, in Germany a fat monk known as Martin Luther is misinformed about several verses and stages the Protestant Reformation (Actually a deformation) in which many doctrines are simply thrown out. Protestantism is now a broad term for the many new heresies of Christianity - with over 32,000 different Protestant denominations.
I'm gay so I'm not a fan of religion in general.
I wish I had more buds that would Deus Vult with me tbqh fampai.
I'm really hankering for a retaking of the Holy Land.
Literally started a revolution against the Jews and they killed him for it.
ethnic religions > universal religions
What happened that Czech people are so unreligious in general? Especially in comparison to like Poland or Slovenia or other places around you?
>Syriac represent
Remind me again - what has any atheist created that can come near to a parallel of these in beauty.
He believes another human (priest) can forgive his sins
Protestants believe God won't make His will known until judgement day
It leads to very different types of people
Catholics sin on Saturday and repent on Sunday
Protestants look down on sin a bit more seriously and so they become zealous
God is always watching and wants us to be on our best behavior according to the laws Jesus Christ set before us
Reminds me of the sunni/shia Muslim controversy. Kek.
But in my perception most soviet states for example regained a bit. There has to be more to it...
Apostle Paul, the second most important Christian figure, was a kike fanatic pharisee who killed Christians.
Here's some recommended watching
It's long as fuck but it covers everything from the old testament to modern days and will red pill the fuck out of you
>Matthew 16:18
>Romans 2:6
>James 2:24?
>Philippians 2:12
>2 Thessalonians 2:15
>Luke 1:48?
>Hebrews 10:26
huh... really makes you think, the priest does not forgive the sins, protestants ignore so much of the bible they're almost satirising themselves.
>Protestants look down on sin a bit more seriously
>implying Protestants don't sin
A failed end times cult that had to change to survive. It threw out the end times stuff, but still kept most of its cult features, and it shows.
If you don't believe me, try disagreeing with a fundamentalist Christian. You'll quickly get the mental gymnastics, lies, namecalling, misrepresentations and outright threats that only an SJW can rival
It is the way to make the world a better place.
All of these "White Nationalists" who think they're somehow going to get rid of all the Jews are of their minds and just being played by the Jews.
Look where Hitler got us? I believe he put the Third Reich above Christianity and we are all paying the price for it.
You want a better world?
Be the change you want to see.
Matthew 16:18 is interesting and I'm often looking into it
But It's funny that you bring up James 2:24, it said not by faith alone. So believing isn't enough.
Matthew 28
"Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”"
Why don't you go out preaching like the protestants?
Everyone has been called to spread the good news, preaching on here is a good start
This would take quite a bit of writing to explain:
It was known throughout early Christianity (unanimously) that Jesus had apostles from whom authority had been given to teach the faith. This is how we have the authority to declare a scriptural canon and form church structure. It was also unanimously known throughout early Christianity that those apostles passed on their authority when establishing successors (though some disagreed on the details on the transfer). From this we can grasp the importance of apostolic succession and apostolic authority as part of the church. The main branches that assert claims to apostolic authority are:
With Protestantism being opposed. Protestantism upholds a focus on the Bible as the final and ultimately the only authority on the faith and, on the question of how best to interpret it, Protestantism promotes the idea that God will guide true believers to understanding it correctly. The origin of this view comes from a movement started over disenchantment with the Catholic Church in Europe and belief that there was evidence that the apostolic authority contradicted itself, and so isn't actually authoritative. To reform the church, the key reformer stuck to the scriptures alone and gathered a doctrine of belief from his studies. This led to independent study of the Christian faith in areas against the church, anti-clerical movements, anti-Catholic propaganda, and - more importantly - tons of denominations within Protestantism. The key four between them being:
These four differ on how they grasp reality and church practices. Protestants had a trend of adopting new philosophical and intellectual developments and trying to attach their faith onto that instead of trying to hold onto a specific philosophical view so Protestants are considerably more modernist and intellectually distinct from the other groups.
Part 1/2
Of course, everyone sins.
But they take it more seriously when they do because God just added that to his list of things they've done and it's not getting removed Sunday. It's getting removed at a time and place we don't know
Part 1/2
Coptics are simply a splinter group that come from one bishop that disagreed with the church's position on an early council about the nature of Jesus. Believing everyone else but this one bishop's church was the actual corruption of the faith, the group - mainly centered in Egypt - continued on. Besides this point they are not very different from Orthodoxy and Catholicism and are the origin of the monastic movement.
Orthodoxy and Catholicism focus heavily on their apostolic authority and maintaining the history and work of their forebears so you much more intellectual depth and history with these two groups. Their disagreement is a challenging discourse but largely their split is over church structure and innumerable minor theological issues. Thankfully because of it we can fairly say that both can fairly lead people to Christ despite their differences because they are so minute and mainly dealing with church structure. The key split is whether the office of the apostle St. Peter having primacy over the other apostolic offices is purely honorary (the Orthodox position) or actually has a mechanical function over other offices (the Catholic position). Both have distinctive cultural differences because of their area - Catholics are heavily involved with philosophy and seeking theology through that and Orthodoxy stresses their monastics more and focuses on theology through the spiritual teachings of those ascetics and mystics. However, both can be seen in either, those are just trends.
Mormonism is an odd group coming from one guy in America who claims to have had a divine encounter and come into information from that. This has led to a group that is prophetic and rigid in structure claiming to have historical connection to Christ but having no real connection intellectually, doctrinally, or anything else to Christianity. It's a sad joke.
Galatians 3:28
How do I figure out what denomination to subscribe to?
It's a great part of our cultural heritage that should be preserved and admired. Shouldn't be relevant anymore though
It is a cuck religion.
Indeed I hold high intents to carry out missionary work, until then I am seizing every opportunity to introduce Christ to those who do not currently know him at any opportunity.
Read 3:27 too. Once you are baptized you are a christian, no matter what you were before.
Start reading theological books, inform yourself in a "general" manner (youll soon realize catholicism is the way to got though).
It is still relevant. The world would be a better place if more submitted to religion.
Leprechaun pls go
I guess the traditions are good for culture, but the religion itself is boring and unintelligent compared to eastern traditions
everyone should be able to believe in what he / she want without imposing on others. also christianity, as weird as it might sound to some, is the backbone of our civilisation. nations who lose their religion lose their culture.
praise kek.
Jesus Christ is Lord and savior but there is none greater than God the father, the creator of all that is seen and unseen.
I was raised Catholic and attended parochial schools for 12 years. I am, and have been for my entire adult life, agnostic atheist.
I am glad I was raised in the Church. I honestly feel that it instilled in me a solid moral foundation.
My faith in the more supernatural aspects of Christianity is not strong, to put it very mildly.
>unintelligent compared to eastern traditions
u wot
Eastern religions struggle to even gather a coherent metaphysical picture.
A dying religion
like so many in the past that have died.
Hard mode if you're religious
>not allowed to blow up your enemies
When I read Taoism and Buddhism precepts, teachings, and practices they seem a lot more advanced than the Bible
Fundamentalists baffle me. Otherwise seemingly intelligent people arguing that the earth is 6000 years old and that dinosaur bones are there to test our faith...among other odd beliefs.
This is why your country is full of muslim refugees. Everything you said in that sentence is completely wrong and you still feel the right to express it
>God in the flesh, watching his body fall to pieces, after all his friends abandoned him.
What is a mortal body to a god? Couldn't he just make another one? Why the fuck would a god need friends?
Reminder the Papacy didn't secede from the true church until 10 centuries after Christ.
>land of bohemia
>moloch worshipers
do you see where their roots stretch?
Well both are trying to accomplish different things and come from different cultures so the comparison is a bit silly, m8.
If you're going to read instruction from Buddhist or Daoist monks, at least compare it to the instruction of Christian monks.
Sadly, Europe's monastic culture got destroyed by the Protestants but they still do exist and their work, new and old, are very valuable and some of the most high quality Christian work.
dude,too soon...
It destroyed Rome, the only culture of taste ever.
Jesus was a Zionist leader who tried to trick the Romans into "luv muh enemiz tho, goyim" and was taken seriously by Pilate who gave him the usual treatment for kings of a defeated people: die at the hand of Rome so that said people won't be reduced to slavery.
Hence Jesus the Saviour, washed the sin of Israel in his blood, etc.
You may not like the way he stated it, but he's not completely wrong.
Zloboglub, fuck off.
I was thinking Catholicism was the best.
Do you attend church?
i love it
>It destroyed Rome, the only culture of taste ever.
Rome "culture" was fucking hell and degenerate, they were degenerate to the core,and no some kike on a stick didnt destroy that rotting corpse, it was bound to fail, like all multiculti empires bite off more than they can chew.
kinda like france today is
>Muh "dead kike on a stick!"
>Muh "sky daddy!"
This is what modern atheism has devolved into. Once the brave, outspoken intellects who defied the establishment, now the dumbed down establishment itself. Amazing how these things go full circle.
Christianity has fucked a lot in the past 2000 years, but nowadays it could actually be a force for good in the western world. Regardless of whether god exists or not, now more than ever people need guidance and a newfound sense of moraility to drive back the tide of liberalism, SJWs, cuckholding, Islam, and general faggotry. Christianity for all its faults at least does that well.
My opinion of Christianity? Deus Vult.
The hen will never shrink back to the egg. God is dead and stays dead, deal with it.
Yet Poland is irrelevant, and the only Poles that ever mattered, Chopin and Marie Curie, were French.
The only religion worth following
go away secularist whore