What the fuck even IS Kabbalah?
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Kabbalah is strictly Jewish.
Your picture portrays Hermetic Qabalah, which is the Hebrew Tree of Life mixed with Christian, Hindu and Sumerian, and Tarot symbolism.
Two different systems.
It's like a shitty version of science for understanding spiritual things. Anyone who says it's just Jewish is uneducated.
Beyond the fact that it's jewish though. I get that.
It's IRL Jew Magic
Could you expand on that?
it's meme magic, but instead of kek they have hermes.
I once flirted with the idea in reading the Zohar, as a "know how your enemy thinks" step. But I don't know if Kabbalah really is that influential or just an overrated hoax that Jews only claim to be interested in.
isn't that greek messenger god? I'm confused at the mixup.
It's Jewish Wizardry set in our IRL unlike the other Jewish Wizardry you get from Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings
does it work?
Their "version" from this
Jewish black Magic, THE synagogue of satan
Only if you have a lot of money, a hefty deposit is generally required before it works.
How does it stack up to meme magic?
the only reason I could imagine doing it would be to MAKE the money. You seem to have things backwards my friendly allies.
In terms of psychology, like all Hermetic schools, yes. But as magic magic? No.
do jews agree with you on that statement? ()
I always dismissed it as nonsense until the Kaballah rabbis claimed that Trump would win and he actually did.
Very comparably. They both revolve entirely around the dissemination of a decipherable message. Kabbalists in know can read into the message for the true meaning; outsiders merely see what it is hidden behind. True Memers can read into the meme and understand the message; outsiders just see it as another lulz me_irl post.
Kabbalah is essentially Jewish mysticism deduced from writings after the mystic movements of the 16th/17th century re-allowed its study.
Think of it more like primitive science mixed with superstition. For instance, it was recently the festival of sukkos, and the mystic tradition demands that the sukkot must be made with a top of unfinished plant material. Why? Because finished materials are capable of gaining certain spiritual impurities that make them unsuitable for the purpose.
God is the divine creator of everything and only by understanding your role in his creation can you come closer to Him before release from this life. This is the Da'at, the eleventh hidden sephirot on the world tree. It is how a human perceives their Kether, or crown. Their direct connection back to creation.
Jewish mysticism. I am not high level enough to know a lot about it though
Who cares?
Explain why it's not just Jewish.
No dude. Meme magic is very different from Kabbalah. Not similar at all, really.
A ladder
That's not enough to make the two systems even close to being similar. Meme magic is in no way Jewish.
This page for example...
...is written in a typical cabal language. Outsiders don't see the hidden messages, Jews do.
Daath is the False Crown.
>Daath is the false Crown of Reason, and the Abyss is the abode of Choronzon, archdemon of dispersion.
>In such cases the man's policy is of course to break off all relations with the Supernal Triad, and to replace it by inventing a false crown, DaƤth. To them Knowledge will be everything, and what is Knowledge but the very soul of Illusion?
Best season of Digimon.
Is the Big Bang theory purely Catholic?
It's just a system.
I believe Hermes was the Greek version of the Egyptian Thoth. Hermes Trismegistus of the Corpus Hermitcum, however, was not ancient. It was a pseudonym for various authors of the middle ages I believe. Magic is a bunch of meme tier LARPing retards.
read Promethea
Kabbalah is literally about how the universe is created from consciousness and the process on how thoughts become reality
powerful thought patterns create tangible, widescale changes in the physical and social world. that is meme magic
That's not proof. Kabbalah is a Jewish system. Other people use that system. But it's still a Jewish system,
that's not meme magic though. Meme magic is attaching occult images, sigils, symbols, and messages to memes. Kaballah is quite different.
We still have retards like you around in the 21st century? Jesus Christ someone get me a stake,lighter and some oil.
If it was restricted to, or purely concerning Judaism (whichever branch you might be referring to), that would be the case. But as it is, it's just a different style of Hermeticism.
Kabbalah only entered Jewish religious thought after Babylonian captivity. Most western authors on the matter like "The Kabbalah Unveiled" by Mathers are convinced that Tree of Life is Chaldean origin.
Some weird Evangelion shit.
It's regular magic like all magic only the demon is YHWA
Kabbalah is pretty powerful magi tool.
I mean look at this way..
Those who literally control the world right now and for the past 1000s of years have relied upon it.
Most people don't know much about it for a reason.
Did Seinfeld use it?
>for a reason.
Its a model of the spirit world/levels and also thoughts/ideas/psychology. You can then drop any idea/religion/god/angel/etc onto it's schematic and see how it interacts with others. You can use it to meditate and "travel" mentally to any part of it, including to the god-head.
Think of it as a mental filling cabinet for classifying everything. From this you can then do (meme) magick.
>What the fuck even IS Kabbalah?
Nothing you need to worry about Goy. :^)
Not sure.
It's basically bible study for autists.
Like a "Gentoo" of the "Linux" bible distributions.
Christians are generally lazy and don't even read the whole bible or fully understand the power of God. Jesus' words were kind of taken advantage of to reach the lower end of the public. Oh I just got to do this to be saved! Okay I'm done!
Oh Kabbalah? That's occultic evil! How dare it be! Burn in hell!
Which is like. "Oh Gentoo? That's for autists! Fuck that I'm using Ubuntu! YEA!"
They never learn how to fully use the divine powers they have been given by THE LORD.
For Good or Evil, there is much power that can be fine tuned and emerged into your being.
why is jewish magic being used here. look at 3:48
Thanks KEK
I've shared enough secrets for free.
This kind of triggers me since all those boards are just randomly thrown into the tree without any respect to what each really represents.
Lazy as fuck. oi
>1 post by this ID.
Read Promethea. there is a magnet on /t/ if anybody wants to download it
Well, Sci is right at least, kind of.
I don't think Pol is Keter, though.
I have two internet connections load balanced together. It happens.
They are not, but you can try to fix something if you disagree.
I don't see the connection between Fit and Chesed
Geburah should be Sup Forums
/fit/ would be in the channel between Geburah and Chesed because of the "Strength" tarot card.
It's related to tikkun olam. Following as above so below, loving yourself and fixing your body = transforming and loving the world.
His accent may make this seem unlikely, but after years of looking around, this guy is easily the most genuine, and genuinely knowledgeable, of anyone I've found who is discussing Kabbalah.
He really knows his stuff. Just give it a shot.
This is also plausible.
Checked, and also I agree.
Chesed is like loving and kindness.
Maybe Sup Forums or /e/ because of waifus
Or dare I say /mlp/
unnecesary data.
in spanish "hacer cabalas" (make or do Kabalas) means to make plans or fantasize about the future.
holy fuck we really are the jews now
were taking over the kabbalah.
Alright. maybe Chokmah should be Sup Forums because of it's wise nature and for some reason I see Richard Stallman
Sorry if having an intense relationship with God interferes with your daily siestas.
I would argue that hermetic Kabbalah is bullshit and heavily watered down. Kabbalah can not be studied without knowledge of Hebrew.
Chesed; Loving-Kindness, yes.
Cant have a thread about Kabbalah without mentioning Bowie.
Anons are the lost tribe of Israel, didn't you know that? We took knowledge of Kek from Egyptian captivity.
We wuz kangs?
Kabbalah is pretty comfy. It tells you you can do anything, be anything.
What the literal fuck? Pls explain
Is jew
Jews knew about meme magic since ancient times. See Sefer Raziel or Sefer haRahim.
One of the best images I've ever seen.
Thanks user.
Kabbalah is a teaching about how God controls our world. Don't let esoteric lies fool you - some people just use the word "Kabbalah" to profit. Real Kabbalah is strictly Jewish.
Hmmm, do you think Trump will declare the US bankrupt like he did his businesses, so that he doesn't have to pay back China?
The path between yesod and tiphareth should be Sup Forums because of chaos and the tower tarot which commonly represents Chaos.
Though it feels blasphemous to even put Sup Forums in the equation because KEK would be better for Chaos.
What do you think of Bnai Baruch?
I have an english translation
pick a number and get a verse
1. "All the rivers run into the sea"
Rabbi Chiya opens with: "All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full...," saying that these rivers are the secret of the Sfirot that are the holy
rivers that filled the great sea, Malchut. The sea then flows over and provides water for the animals in the field. The sea of Malchut takes in the
springs, the lights of Zeir Anpin, and pours them out into the Holy Chariots below. All of these are named and counted by Malchut. We are told that
'the Tabernacle' in the opening verse is Malchut, and that the grades that she waters correspond to the utensils of the tabernacle, all of which are
called by name.
hi im a jew that studied kabbalah for a time
basically its jew meme magic that has to do with numbers. letters represent different numbers and we draw power from it.
your worship of kek is just a sub par copy of our magic
It's version 0.1, you see, user here disagrees with the positions.
We should continue developing memetic kabbalah, as well as meme alchemy. Maybe even memetic Rosicrucianism, Kek freemasonry and keklumminati
>sub par
Soon, friend.
Rosicrucian manifests are actually meme magic during non-Internet time.
>Confusing Kabbalah with gematria
You are not only a Joo. You are dumb as a brick.
DON'T believe them. Michael Lightman's teacher was one of the greatest kabbalists of our time, but Michael just trying to make some money out of it. Orthodox Jews don't recognize him, because his translations of holy books like Zogar are inaccurate, and sometimes frankly false. I wish I could post a lection about it, but it's on Russian.
Hello Jewish community,
can someone decipher my name and what it means in Kabbalah.
I'm a jew as well but I side with the good of humanity.
I'm letting KEK take this tree for his own because it will be in better hands than SOROS and WYSS.
Anime saved me from my jewish tendencies.
they got us to elect a zionist president doofus
I think lightman is similar to Madonna's rabbi Berg.
No US and Chine are economically tied together. They won't do anything to hurt the other.
The big correction is coming due to other factors.
'the man who will give Zionism an eternal place in the world'