
Colours: Red, Orange, Grey, Blue, Cyan, Dark Green, Purple, Brown, Light Green, some weird pasty blue colour, Maroon, Yellow.
Starting Regions: Britain, France, Spain, South Europe, Germany, Baltic, Poland, Scandinavia, Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic, Russia, Turkey, Syria, Persia, Caucus, Egypt, North Africa, Morocco, West Africa, Nigeria, Central Africa, Arabia, Ethiopa, Rhodesia, Mozambique-Madagascar, South Africa, Central Asia, West Siberia, East Siberia, Mongolia, West China, East China, Korea-Japan, Indochina, S.E Asia, India, Pakistan, Malaysia & Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Pacific Islands, West Canada, East Canada, California, Midwest, US South, East Coast, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, Colombia, Peru, Amazon, Brazil, Patagonia (Chile + Argentina).
Consult Minimap in Paint for info on bonuses.

Jewish Finngolian Empire

I guess it's just you


German Reich

shameless self-bump

Forgot to turn back into OP

Give it a bit, Aussies are going to bed and Americans are waking up

Maroon cause I get Germany (we all know what they're capable of in war and my grandad is german) and China who can mass produce the German designed weapons of mass destruction and Central Africa who knows a thing or two about Gorilla warfare.

claiming russia, red. in russia


South USA

remember to put your country and bonuses when you get them in your names field.
There is already a player named germany

But Europeans and Africans are in the middle of the day.

Deep blue, or red if I can't

its 3pm in finland right now same as there in SA right?

Dominican Republic
Some weird pasty blue colour
Dominican Republic


I'll give you weird pasty blue

gtfo nigger

Good enough

China and SA

You're dark green becuz I say so

Cornish Kingdom
Start peru or bra7-l

Apartheid South Africa
South Africa
Any color, orange would be nice


I already said SA, I want current SA to send all the holigans to burn down the enemys

Lost Legion
North West India
Red or Dark Red

I guess you're going to have to conquer it with china kek


holy fuck i got !yeb

Wait so who gets SA me or him.

Then I hope you realise your fate. Even the turtles won't save you.

Finally, the mupdate


you gonna get !jebbedbtfo

Fill south US

Fill mainland japan.

Fill east

Move towards Pakistan.

fill Finland spill baltics

Fill Southern Africa

Fill Iran and Iraq.


fill up the country im currently in

What's ironic about that?

Fill China and South Korea

Fill the Caribbean

Fill up Germany

You got +2 into central america
Also +1 bonus for owning carribean

That great.

Mupdate 2

fill east praise kek

Conquer Central America


Continue to fill out mainland japan. Spills toward South Korea.

Fill South Africa,spills Mozambique. Further spills angola and Zambia

Finish off South US and spill into Mexico

kill the blue bastards

We have to talk.


Fill China and South Korea

Fill Iran and Iraq again. Spills for Central Asia and Arabia

Fill up Denmark

heh tough luck

nah , i need some of your land

Ok, fill India then.


About what?

And the Rest of Germany

Territorial Conflicts

Can I play??????
Any color
New El Salvador
Somewhere in America

Do you want to NAP?
Also what exactly are you? what are romans doing in india


I want Mexico. You can have everything south of it. Do you agree?

You can have brown.

Yes, sure.
And they are getting lost, of course.


hes not fucking coming into BR though unless he wants war

Make... make a new color OP,
let me play!

Sure. Agree.

Or is anyone AFK?

Ah I see.

Excellent. Let's have a formal NAP,shall we

pink for you

>You can have brown
racist much?

Go get 'em Norway! Show them what the world's oldest and greatest culture can do



fill north around the border of SA incase of spill go east


Conquer Central America, then to Venezuela.

Fill Iran and Iraq again. Spills for Arabia and Central Asia.

Fill South Africa,spills Mozambique. Further spills Madagascar and Angola-Zambia

Invade China, spills to North Korea.

fuck UP the russkis

Fills China and moves towards Malysia and

Bonus for Finland for owning Baltics (+1)
Bonus to cornwall for owning Peru (+2)

Nice, palindrome.

Abos hunt for welfare in the north

>Brown spawning directly above my arse
Nice,very nice.

Take one tile in Central america,fill Mexico.