Politics and Physical Beauty

Good Morning Sup Forums

I just posted a similar message to /fit/, but you guys will better be able to understand the political causes of why we are so ugly today:

I love you all and want to give you something special - the knowledge to how to be physically beautiful. This is not a metaphor, but rather literally true.

Some bodies are ugly no matter how much gym time we put in, and facial beauty seems to be completely outside of our control.

However, in reality both body and facial beauty and 1) controllable 2) primarily mediated by environmental, not genetic, factors. What this means in practical terms is that we can control the physical beauty outcomes for children - indeed we control whether they look like models of like monsters.

Ugliness is in large part a chronic bone disease of stunted growth, that is why it is repulsive, it is a disease.

All of you (barring some deforming genetic disease), even the ugliest, can have beautiful, godlike children - you just have to follow certain lifestyle practices before, during, and after the gestation of the child. Ironically, these lifestyle factors are in almost direct contrast to the conventional """wisdom""" of modernity. For interesting political reasons, the relevant academic disciplines which would have lead doctors and the public to this critical knowledge have been censored in the last 75 years.

The modern world is full of ugly people, but this is not genetic, it is Nature's revenge for our disharmonious lifestyles. In a single generation we could, simply using environmental factors, make essentially every adult beautiful.

Make the World Beautiful Again


George, DDS, MD candidate 2018





Other urls found in this thread:


where is politics though, ugly?

The political reasons for why modern health science turned away from developing beautiful people are explored in detail here:


Essentially, developing strong and beautiful people was closely allied with eugenics, and after WWII this whole academic discipline was abandoned.


What I skimmed from your post seems to imply eugenics in the traditional sense doesn't work though.

And yet, I still don't see the politics.

Wow impressive stuff so far. relevant to pol I believe.

Looks like he says it would work great.

Apart from the fact we know environment doesn't have any significant effect on offspring, the OP states that purely environmental factors and explicitly no genetic factors control aesthetic.

Even if this was true (it's not), it's an inane assertion that we should be breeding purely for aesthetics as literally any animal breeder will tell you.

Honestly this shit is very true. I neglected my health as a kid and ate junk but my mother neglected us and didn't feed us food. I was really skinny always. Both my parents are gorgeous and me and my brother are ugly beta manlets because my single mother didn't know about how important nutrition was when she was raising us. There's a reason why rich people are always taller and better looking than the poor. Rich people get proper nutrition. This is why developed countries have taller people.

Thank you for checking out the site.

"Eugenics" is primarily concerned with breeding. Luckily for us, physical beauty is not primarily genetic, in other words anyone of any race can be either beautiful or ugly.

However, the environmental influences that case physical beauty to develop were discussed under the heading of "eugenics," and when this academic subject was deemed politically incorrect after WWII, all of the information about growing beautiful people (regardless of genetics) was lost as well.

This is a major political issue because 1) government and medical guidelines about lifestyle tend to make us ugly, 2) the academic discipline concerned with developing human beauty should no longer be censored, 3) mass ugliness causes social problems, many of which we are seeing today.


Also when I read that theory the first thing that came to mind was Casey neistat and his son.

Thanks for your response.

To clarify, I am not talking about breeding at all.

When certain environmental factors such as correct food, temperature, human contact, etc. are neglected, growth is stunted and development becomes asymmetrical. This has been proven in animal experiments conducted for decades. Surely we can admit that a tomato plant deprived of water, sun, or soil nutrients develops stunted and ugly, even though the seed may be a clone of prize winning genetic tomato stock.

The key point is that stunted growth and asymmetry in people is considered ugly, and this could have been prevented had we simply avoided those chronic stressors during our period of growth and development.


Ok George thanks for the clarification you kooky fucker, I admit I didn't read your OP in its entirety or any of your links.

So what can we do? Eat good and get lots of water and sun?

Thank you, yours is a very common situation in the modern West. Beautiful parents can have ugly children, especially if they neglect the fundamentals of nutrition, thermal stress, and critical early childhood practices.

Interestingly, there is another layer to the height and beauty issue, since facial beauty can be influenced by "masticatory function," in other words how we chew. If this, combined with nutrition, is inadequate during development, the face may not grow to its genetic potential.


Good question.

Water and sun make plants grow to their genetic potential. The equivalent environmental influences of development in animals are 1) nutrition 2) temperature 3) early childhood care practices, 4) muscular function, and many more, all of which are explored on the site.

Bodies are made of fat, muscle, and bone. If we do not take these raw materials it, our genes cannot express themselves correctly. Additionally, genes do not contain all of the information required to grow an organism, the environment contributes critical information, such as mechanical loading during exercise, or sunlight, or composition of food. This information is transduced into cellular signals which determine cell behavior. Unless this information is provided in an appropriate way, cells will not grow and develop correctly, and the organism suffers disharmonious growth.


This one seems pretty funny

"I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking"



Hello George,

I have been doing research into these topics for about 2 years now, and can agree with everything you are saying.

That said, have you heard of tongue ties & proper tongue positioning too?

I didn't read the links yet, but this tongue tie & myofunctional therapy thing seems to be catching on very quickly

An interesting thing i've noticed, is that children are often very beautiful even if their parents are fat, obese, bald, have bad posture. It's like the parents are ugly because during their lives they have been conditioned poorly because of bad habits, but their children on the other hand have not had a long life yet, and thus their appearance is mostly conditioned by genetics at their early stage of development.

you first sentence is wrong

Make America Hot Again, OP.

Looking good...a lot of what is on this site is true. How many people do I know with fucked up lower jaws?

>even if

Good post, user. As a nutrition student, I have to agree. I felt sick after learning about this a few years ago. All the junkfood, and soda over the years. God damn. We are not meant to be ugly. Saturated fat-phobia, lack of easily digestible nutrients from red meat, and overconsumption of sugars, white flours, and omega-6 fats from vegetable oils are ruining us. Lack of fat soluble vitamins, especially K is another major contributor to this undeveloped bone structure phenomenon. Vitamin K, in sufficient quantities, as found in leafy greens, will convert to K2 in the cells and aid in calcium deposition.

I mentioned this, using the Weston A. Price findings as an example, in a paper for class and none of the other students or the professor had heard of it before. Sad.

No kidding we need to make America healthy, beautiful, and energetic again.

It's hard to MAGA if everyone is unhealthy and sick.

Did you guys know that having an improperly developed face can ruin your airway and your hormone function? Shit sucks.

Sup nutrionanon, I also spent many years researching nutrition (about 8 years in total).

K2 from fermented dairy seems better to me than from plants. Also good to mention things like Liver which people don't eat anymore


LMFAO. Of all the pedantic gymcel coping mechanisms, "muh xenoestrogens" is definitely one of the funniest

Please tell me then, why has Chad been drinking the EXACT same water, doing the EXACT SAME SEDENTARY SHIT AS EVERYONE ELSE, yet STILL LOOKS INFINITELY FUCKING BETTER THAN YOU? How come this "feminization" didn't affect him? OH WAIT! It's because it's all complete NONEXISTENT BULLSHIT, and the things that make you a doughy piece of lard and Chad a Greek God are fucking GENETICS.

Yes, you heard me right incel. UNADULTERATED, UNCHAGNEABLE, SET IN STONE GENETICS. I bet /fit/ never told you that, did they? Being "shy" isn't due to "things in the water", it's not because of "a lack of masculine role models", IT'S JUST BEING AWARE OF WHERE YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING STAND.

Non-Chad men are not SUPPOSED to reproduce.This is why shyness exists - it's not something you're supposed to OVERCOME, it's MEANT to limit you.

I fucking hate you pathetic, "iron pill" fags so much. You spend SO MUCH TIME focusing on the most obscure, irrelevant autistic details and get absolutely fucking NOWHERE, whereas Chad wakes up after a night of pizza and beer and still looks INFINITELY BETTER THAN YOU.

Just fucking LMFAO at the LEVEL of coping here.
>you just have to follow certain lifestyle practices




ignore the shills guys.

True. There's an interesting book called Deep Nutrition that goes into this topic of genetic wealth inheritance.

ugly mother + ugly father = ugly children
stop blaming the government your father is a betacuck that can only score 1/10 pussy

Thank you.

I'm training in maxillofacial surgery so, yes I have explored these issues. However, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by tongue ties, so please inform me.

It is important to realize, and most medicos don't understand this, that tongue positioning is *secondary* to deformations of the facial bones, which occurs due to disturbed development in general. The muscles of the tongue may grow completely, but they are attached to bones of the jaw, and if these bones are inadequate, correct tongue posturing becomes impossible. These problems are often correct surgically (we cut the tongue or the jaw bones), but it would be better if patients just grew correctly in the first place.

The reasons that the development of the dentofacial complex is ultimately disrupted are explored in the link below.



I only have one question Georgy: do you still acknowledge genetic limits? I mean to say, that some people will be better and develop better due to their genetics.

In a similar fashion, I want to point you to Kanazawa's work relating intelligence and beauty. People with more intelligence-related SNPs are nearly universally more beautiful and have a lower degree of (genetic) fluctuating asymmetry.

I should restate my single question: have you even considered fluctuating asymmetry or developmental instability?

Your work seems lacking without recognition of genetic factors. I don't mean to abrogate scope, but my point stands. Fluctuating asymmetry is not environmentally influenced or mediated in any fashion and it has increased significantly since 1845 or so.

What is the government position in all this? What do they gain?

What you're saying isn't exactly esoteric, it seems like pretty common sense.

>Being so insecure you have to write a 50 page essay


Deep Nutrition is a great book, and I have a lot of respect for Dr Shanahan.

Thank said, www.viriculture.com explores the key issues in far greater depth, and provides a truly comprehensive guide to protect children from these body and facial deformities. One issue that I have with Deep Nutrition is that she does not correctly explain *why* beautiful people are beautiful, and this is critical to understanding how to fix the modern problems we face today. Additionally, she may have have skirted certain politically incorrect topics related to women, stress, and gestating strong babies, which I do not avoid.


That's an interesting point that tongue positioning is secondary to facial deformations, and it makes a lot of sense.

However, what I am about to show you might be the exception to that rule. I have been speaking to doctors about this issue for about a year now and it seems to be very important. The tongue can literally be tied to the floor of the mouth, and most people have no idea that it is happening to them. It can cause apnea and other issues.

Check out the picture I linked and have a read over at these websites



Another thing I would like to bring up is that even if you advance a patients maxilla forward with surgery, they can have relapse if you don't also train the muscles to hold the new bone position in place. This is where myofunctional therapy comes into play. Please read about it and let me know what you think. I will be out for breakfast for a few minutes and then return.

>being so bluepilled you think "hard work" is going to turn you into a 6'3", robust, handsome Chad Lmfao.

You are absolutely correct that the limits are set by genetics.

What viticulture does is *optimize* developmental outcomes in the context of whatever genes you bring to the table.

Genetics is super important, and some traits like height and IQ are primarily mediated by genetics. But environmental factors are important two, accounting for ~30% of the variance in height, and about 1 SD (15 points) in IQ. Beauty is especially mediated by environmental factors.

For the average person free of genetic disease, true model-like beauty can be achieved simply using judicious lifestyle practices.


True, cheeses, kefir, and liver are good too. I saw some studies that showed there is conversion of K1 to K2 as evidenced by elevated cellular K2 concentrations following an injection of K1. My Metabolism textbook also states that to be the case. On the other hand some claim that only so much K1 can be absorbed in a day, and it isn't enough for much conversion to K2. I'm a bit skeptical of that though, since they say the same about vitamin C.

Epigenetics, user. Genetic wealth inheritance.

Tyrone was fed collard greens growing up, which are loaded with vitamins. Their absorption was aided by the lard or tallow that they was cooked in.

Alright, good on ye', mate.

Agoge for all the little boys and girls.

Post the link to order your book and I will.

is it your website? I like it

This is an excellent point. Being a 6'3" robust handsome Chad is due to the summation of many years of positive environmental influences during development, including sleep, temperature, nutrition, and whether you mom loved you.


>Tyrone was fed collard greens growing up

Yeah, if 40oz malt liquor and KFC is "collard greens", sure.

Face it. There are Genetic Gods, and then there are incels.

Nothing you do can change this reality.

Thank you, but I don't have a publisher.


Thank you. This is my website, I made it because I want to give you this information so the next generation can be beautiful.

you should post it on sluthate/aestetics - lots of guys there would appreciate your work

Thanks for your input.

Genetics sets the limits.

Just as a thought experiment: if Chad's mother only drank soda during gestation, and he only drank soda during his youth, we can all agree he would not grow to his potential. Well we all fall along a continuum of good or bad development within the context of our genes. We can *optimize* this development with good environmental influences, and this leads to physical beauty.


look guys, an actual retard

Have you considered Castalia House?

This is a very good point.

Sadly textbooks generally don't follow through with the most important topic - how to use this information to help people in real life. This is because this topic was considered "eugenics" and was censored after 1945. However, we do not need to engage in selective breeding to develop beautiful people. I made the site to clarify the issues, and as a practical guide for growing beautiful children.


I'm not going to read your personal blog, cunt. Either summarize here, or kindly kill yourself.

Maybe Arktos, or one of the Paleo publishers? Of course, the Arktos thing might brand you a "right-wing extremist".

>beauty isn't genetic

Oy vey shlomo

I appreciate the advice. I haven't spoken to any publishers yet.

I just put the site up after almost ten years of work, and you guys are the first to see it. I hope you use the information to your advantage, your kids will thank you!


K1 is dead and K2 is gonna die when nost drops. Just fucking quit already and get ready for nost.

Its lying to yourself that its not genetic. But its a useful psychosis.

Thanks for the comment.

I dedicate a large section to racial differences and you might find it interesting.


Race is important in how we look, absolutely. However, everyone knows that a there can be a beautiful Nordic person and an ugly Nordic person, just like there can be a beautiful Asian person and an ugly Asian person. I am simply talking about making the most of your genetic potential, regardless of race.


Yeah i'm sure there is some conversion. Unfortunately it is hard to get real data on how much is converted because that is highly dependent on the individual and their health.

Did you see my post about tongue ties?

My summary is:

Genetics and race are important concepts, but selective breeding is a politically incorrect topic which has been censored. In censoring eugenics after 1945, we accidentally abandoned the methods of developing health, strong, and beautiful people.

How to use environmental factors to optimize your growth and development (regardless of genetics), takes a long time to explain, so if you are interested in learning about it check out the links.


Absolutely right, it is hard to get good data.

This is why modern medicine fails so miserably at protecting us from ugliness and the related problems - they lack the philosophy to make decisions under uncertainty. This type of decision, which Plato called "right-opinion," is absent from medical discourse, as they prefer to use "evidence," even when their evidence is bad.

This is why so many of my posts are dedicated to explaining the philosophical background to decision making under uncertainty. For example:



Give me your email.

BTW: have you heard of Ludovici?

right-opinion is a great word. I feel like I have been battling for years against people who are unwilling to budge if they don't get solid proof from over nine thousand sources first.

Sometimes you have to work with what makes sense and see what the results are and go from there. I will be reading your site in full, it has really caught my interest. I wish you huge success in your professional life as well, more doctors with your type of thinking can really change society for the better.

One thing I would ask is to change your websites favicon.ico, it's the little icon that shows on the browser tab, right now yours is set to the default hostgator icon.

Thank you, I will read this in more detail, it seems interesting and relevant.

The tongue tie one small manifestation of growth malformations that stem from environmental influencers of development. There are no genes for "tied tongue" vs "normal tongue," this is a developmental problem arising from problems with cell signaling and apoptosis during gestation. The reason these non-genetic problems occur in the first place is because of chronic "stress" in its broadest sense. This stress can come in any environmental form, and while the baby is inside the mother her behaviors are intimately tied to the quality of development.

Are far as advancing the maxilla surgically, my point is that surgery shouldn't even be necessary. Average maxillary advancements even in severe cases are no more than one centimeter. I am saying that we have the ability to grow an additional centimeter of bone over the course of the first 18 years of life, and thereby spare the child the need for surgery at all. It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that in order to grow adequate bone we need to take in the raw materials of bone (nutrition) and use our muscles correctly (masticatory function) at every stage of life from pre-natal to adulthood.



Tell me what you think of this video


Thank you. I have not heard of Ludovici.

The contact info is here.


Ludovici wrote a book about rearing children which is almost exactly like yours. I'd look him up if I were you.

I may contact you later!

What you are saying makes sense. And I think the same as well, that these deformities should not be happening and that they are due to some sort of malfunction during gestation.

I read somewhere that these can sometimes be caused by amalgam fillings in mothers but I don't know if its true or if there are solid studies on this. But I know that needing fillings in the first place shows a poor diet which would have the same effect.

How much change do you think is possible in adults?

Thank you for the very encouraging post. I agree that modern medicine has gone in the wrong direction, but we can make things better starting with out own families.

Thanks for the advice about the icon. It was a struggle for me to make the website at all, since I don't know what I'm doing, so I appreciate the critique.

You're children will come out beautiful if you manage to implement even some of the recommendations on the site.


Very interesting! Thank you.


Haha don't worry i'm going to make sure my children get all of the proper care as far as diet, breastfeeding, proper nutrition, chewing real food, good development, etc. It almost feels like I have cheat codes. And I will go through your site and take notes as I learn. I have almost a books worth of notes already, I want my kids to develop properly.

Here's a video that probably won't add anything new for you but it's worth a watch if you haven't yet, this guy is pretty famous:


You are absolutely right that genetics is of major importance in how we develop. All I am saying is that given a certain set of genes, we can control whether a child develops ugly or beautiful, along with certain other socially valued traits.


Bugger off.

Extremely rare threads like this are why I still come to Sup Forums.

Right wing doctors are making a comeback, truly the overton window has shifted, praise kek

Very good point.

Amalgam is not so great, but then again no dental filling material is perfect - we are reconstructing a decayed part of the body and we aren't as good as Nature. We shouldn't even get cavities at all. Cavities are completely avoidable, and this has nothing to do with brushing teeth. The food that literally cause our teeth to rot and turn black *just happens to be* not the kind that grow a strong baby.

In adults we can control how we age, since aging is subject to the same environmental influences as development. That is discussed here:


Do you have kids, George?

Thank you for the video.

Dr Mew is discussed in a few of my posts. I have never met him, however he is probably the most accurate living practitioner on the subject. Mew believes that masticatory function is the primary cause of our modern dentofacial deformities. This is certainly true, however it may not be the whole story. Furthermore, masticatory function cannot explain many aspects of ugliness including facial asymmetry and body deformities. These are most likely due to nutritional, thermal, and early child care aspects of the diet as well. Remember our skeleton is made of bone, fat, and muscle, and if we do not take these raw materials in during growth, how can we reach our genetic potential?

As far as I know I am the first to create a practical guide to *all* of the influences of development relevant for making excellent beautiful children, in spite of the modern world.


It's obviously not lifestyle on a day to day basis for Chad and Stacy ALONE but lifestyle of their parents, grandparents &ct. over a long period time coupled with a net positive environmental situation for development. Also, the benefits of being Chad and Stacy -GIVE- more of the environmental benefits to Chad and Stacy over time. It is like a fractal, becoming of itself and more.

Haha, thank you that is very encouraging.


You guys are now at the vanguard of a Yuge Movement in pediatric medicine, dentistry, and child development.


No kids yet.


That's the ultimate test isn't it. But can't a cancer doctor know what's up without having cancer?

George, I realize this isn't eugenics, but do you at least advocate for eugenics? I'm of sure and sound mind that you advocate for Calgenics, surely.

What languages should I teach my kid? I planned on German, Bokmal, Latin, French, and Greek in addition to the language he'll hear in schools here which is English. I don't consider myself apt enough in English to teach it, to be quite blunt.

What is your source for cold houses causing ugly children? I'd like to know where that notion arises because the north still creates more models than the South even when impoverished in the cases of the Baltics and their elargee.

Awesome, it sounds like your site is very valuable, I can't wait to dive in.

Glad you have heard of Mew too, and you are right that he doesn't hit the whole story, but it sounds like you might have. If this stuff can become common knowledge (huge battle) we can really change things for the better. Beautiful healthy people have the potential to do great things in their lives. Sick people on the other hand struggle just to survive.


and maybe


This is a good point, and these heritable non-genetic influences are known as "epigenetic." It is not known, and likely never will be known the quantitative weight of "epigenetic" vs simply "developmental" influences on growing strong beautiful people. Both are certainly important, however I am inclined to think that even the most degenerate mother, after generations of bad choices, can recover with the right behavior during the months prior to conception.

These behaviors are similar to what happens when we take a stray cat and nurse it back to health. Modern people are stray cats physically. If they manage to conceive, the children will not develop optimally. If they nurse themselves back to optimal health first (which involves fatting up the beasts and the butt), they have a superior store of baby-making material with which to gestate a strong child.


It seems more likely that variance in temperature creates beauty.

Southern environments do not inculcate beautiful stock, the temperate are not salubrious either and tend to degenerate Northern stock, but the far north also brings little good.

The areas where temperature fluctuates and the stocks are preponderantly Nordic appear to have the most beautiful citizenry.

Thank you. If my kids did not come out beautiful I would be totally wrong and have to issue a public apology. Luckily I am not wrong!

Also I am not advocating *any* medical interventions or selling any products. My advice is extremely low risk, if you can even consider it risky at all.


Yeah, you are Right. Also, it's more than just beauty and health that we are talking about here. Fully Developed Faces (& bodies) = Fully Developed Brains...and if we're going to talk about developing brains, inevitably we have to talk about Race. If all people of all races had fully developed brains, what would the natural racism/speciesism that occurs among different types manifest as?

Interesting. Would make sense that you would want to make the mother healthy prior to gestation. I am assuming the father's health plays a role, too.

Not just beautiful, but smart, too. Adapting to changes, particularly in terms of survivability (temp, food &ct.) = good for brains.

Absolutely. So many people, especially in areas of modern high population density, are sickly and deformed, and suffer their whole lives without understanding why. Since beauty and love are so closely connected, it makes a large portion of the population have trouble finding love. Beautiful people on the other hand are always loved, even if they are bad on the inside. This tragedy can be stopped using good lifestyle choices and without having another generation suffer in the same way.


You want the mother to be tip top before during and after (for milk quality)

and after she pops out a baby, wait 1 yr for a refeeding period before you create another

Great point about growing brains, but I don't get your question about manifestation of racism?

Great point

I didn't intend to imply anything with that question, just asking. George could be the most poorly-developed asymmetrical mess with a receded chin for all I care, the facts (if they are facts) aren't gonna change because of that.

I remember watching a presentation by some brit, a dentofacial surgeon I think he was, and he was pushing this whole developmental beauty thing and whining how nobody cares about what he and his dad were trying to do in that field, and even back then it struck me as entirely reasonable. The plasticity of bone is beyond doubt and the fact that our organisms develop in a way to match the environment they develop in only adds credibility to this kinda stuff. The few things that annoy me about it are:
a) Too fucking late to fix your own face/teeth/life/whatever
b) Can never be sure you'll be able to effect these policies and diets on your kids without coming off as a tyrant/ending up hated or even that you'll actually succeed in the first place.

I am just curious as to how different racial cultures would appear if all the citizens of the race had fully developed brains. Not really a question for you, just something I would imagine to be topic of interest here on this board

The thing is, is it really too late? Especially with bones of the face? Braces move your face into a better position. What is to say that alternative influences could not achieve the same result?

dvbs of truth

It is important to separate which traits are primarily genetic from which are primarily environmental. Blonde hair and blue eyes are genetic. IQ and height are majority genetic, with practically significant environemntal influence. Beauty, malocclusion, sexual dimorphism, and many other important traits are *primarily environmental,* so we can control them irrespective of selective breeding.

You may find the Nordic people to be the most beautiful, and indeed it may be true that a certain race is universally considered more beautiful. However *given a single set of genes* a child can grow ugly or beauty depending on lifestyle choices, primarily of the mother.


Kek vills it

Well its been shown that people with beautiful faces across different races look more similar to each other than they do to ugly people of their own race

beauty is objective, so this makes sense

So do you think that fully developed races would see a decline in their racial differences, particularly in terms of their brains?

i've seen enough

>>>/brave new world/