Merkel is officially running for a fourth term

Merkel is officially running for a fourth term


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Don't you have limits?


She won't win.

I still can't unsee her puppet mouth

My condolences

they don't, can you fuckin believe it

we cant let her win


Neither does the UK

Here's a TL;DR what you can expect from the vote:
>AfD reaches new high-score but below 50%
>all other parties form a coalition to keep the establishment in power
>complete collaps of healthcare and social services within the next ten years
>failed state status possible balkanization
>EU collapse because without either france or germany they cant pay any bills
millions will die

> new high score
23% maybe
(I'm being generous 2bh)

I'm 99% certain she won't win.
[spoiler]If she does win, Trump nukes Germany.[/spoiler]

German brothers, how can people still vote for this witch? She won by millions of votes last election for crying out loud!


Wow, I know our system isn't perfect, but your system allows parties to form alliances to keep establishment, elite politicians in power, even if another party receives the most votes?

Fuck that I would revolt.

23% would be 18% higher than last time
>I wasn't happy when the people in the DDR suddenly had something to say in politics.

Is AfD gaining any further ground these days?

When would I see this women dethroned and behind bars?

You know nothing of how parliamentary election work
She has no real opposition except for AfD and they need over 50% out of 7 parties because no one wants to be in a coalition with them
That's why Nigel Farage will also never be a prominent politician, the European systems are set up this way

Why is that system a thing? Doesn't it piss of people?


The only way to fix a parliament is to bomb it

You guys I'm not joking this cunt needs to die, how do we meme this woman to death?

I'm thinking somehow we push Muslims terrorists to kill her. Delicious irony

She's chancellor, head of government, not the head of state.

Who do we meme into office to save Europe?

It's a given that she's running. What else did you expect? She killed off all serious competitors anyway.

But what I don't understand is that the people still want to vote for her, after everything.

Gosh dang it Germany

really man, REALLY?

>AfD reaches new high-score

kek, Volkszorn was 1 year ago family, nothing will happen, except that Schulz could possibly be chancellour.

Get Hofer in first and then Le Pen

She probably gets a few million syrian/middle eastern votes, even if they aren't citizens. Similar to our undocumented immigrant here illegally voting since California doesn't give a fuck.

Imagine if you had a european style voting system without electoral college
>Trump had to form his own party since the republicans wouldn't even let him candidate
>Trump gets 40% of the vote
>Hillary and Jeb both get 30%
then Hillary and Jeb cut a deal making Hillary President and Jeb vice-president to keep Trump from gaining any power and everything is great since they had technically 60% of the peoples vote, making sure the establishment can never lose.

This is what happens every single election in almost every european country

So who is the Kraut Trump?
Do we need to meme someone to make Germany great again?

What do they do different than each other? It's always confused me, like how Putin was a prime minister and now president. Is it kind of like our president and vice president or something?

Fuck man that would piss me off. I feel sorry for you guys.

>failed state status possible balkanization
>Make bavaria weird again
>make prussia Great again

>Germans will vote for her

This would happen in the US too if they had more parties. But they have only 2. One which represents the establishment, and the other which represents the establishment.

No, because in the US, the President is both Head of State and Head of Government.

do they though? or is this an American MSM/Hillary Clinton thing (or UK MSM/Brexit thing, if you prefer), where the silent majority is actually poised to reject the establishment in favor of some kind of real change?

Nobody and will never exist because that would be Hitler

President signs bills into laws unless he refuses, it's a meme position with literally no other power but of course gets over 7K euro in pension for literally doing nothing

this. Turkish, Syrians and women will most likely.

Who qualifies as head of state in the UK? The monarch?

Germany never fails to disappoint mankind.

No. They all want to feel super tolerant and un-guilty and don't say anything against refugees. Even if they hate against criminal refugees, they will assume that the majority of the refugees is "good" and should be welcomed.

Watch cuckersvatives vote for her because they "don't want a left wing government"

It is time to D-D-D-DEUS VULT!

Well it will be nice seeing Europe fade into a caliphate while America, China, and Russia go to mars.

Its what the noguns get for crying about our AR-15s for the past decade.

We won't.

merkel top goy

>Nobody and will never exist because that would be Hitler
Shut up Claudia Roth

We will make Mars Great again!

Hopefully Trump let's German people immigrate here if they want. You guys are welcome as long as I am concerned.

not to dismiss your perspective, but how much of your view on that is painted by the mainstream media there + vocal people on social media? I don't want to look like a tard here trying to draw equivalences with our election and Brexit, but I think that's what your random man-on-the-street would've said about both of those events, too. plus, you now have two very-recent "peoples' victories" to embolden you towards change... maybe something will happen?

other than that optimism, though, I see where you're coming from. german friend I have basically says the same thing (she's bluepilled af tho and wanted Clinton to win solely because then her and Merkel would be "two powerful grandma bffs" or some shit)

>if you bomb us, we win

now that's the spirit

She's an insane megalomaniac.

He said he would not import any muslims or anyone from muslim countries.

Haha I bet the fatty cried once Hillary lost

I meant real Germans



worth noting is that the U.S system is actually created with an idea and an objective in mind.

the european systems are all pathetic shams which is why we all have the same governments, nothing ever changes, the constitution is meaningless because it changes all the time, and so on.


Hilarious when you shorten it down as well

> ME
> IT
> ME

We don't have a real conservative or right wing base in general in this country. Most people have been indoctrinated with left wing values all their live without getting a different pov. You see it especially when you try to discuss issues like gun control with normies.

Kek, how is that possible? Did the Allies really not think it'd be a good idea to put that in place after WWII?

>No term limit

Sounds exactly like how things work over here. Looking forward to the Left-Right coalition after the next election.

The German president is a meme office, just like in most Euro countries except France. Russia isn't a parliamentary republic but a presidential federation, much like your own country.

The UK doesn't have a constitution

This, all uncucked Germans need to make USA white again and let Germany become a failed state already.

I'm sorry for your loss. I'll be praying for your fourth reich

Trump's grandparents were from germany i think so maybe he would be open to it.

she will win just like Clinton in USA


Merkel is the best choice, if you cant see this you are either racist or lowly Hartz IV subhuman. Refugees will bring us a new Wirtschaftswunder, screencap this

Same as Canada. It's horrible holy shit. People talk about * le u.s.a has checks and balances * but actually it has the least amount of checks and balances as far as I'm concerned and that's a good thing.

Trump would be impossible in this system.

Yep. That's also why Marine will never be elected here.
Even if she wins the first turn of the election because she's the first choice in the polls (29% I believe), we have so many different parties who will all vote against her.

People aren't pissed off by it because people are bluepilled as fuck. They still believe that this system was made to "prevent extremists to take the power", while in fact it is just here so the same people get elected over and over.


Why can't you be more purple pilled like us? Why is everyone so left over there?

Off course it piss off the people, but what can you do? Suppresive laws (like a "Vollksverhetzung"), corrupt media... And you are watched even more closer as by " Stasi" or KGB- we are fucked, mate

Here's your "you".

I think there are different factors to take in account.

One of them is that we were way more impacted by WW2 than you, and the medias are playing a lot with the "literally Hitler" stuff here. They are also using it as an excuse to take away free speech, and to brainwash people on a massive scale. In History classes, teachers aren't neutral at all, they literally tell you that FN is a danger etc.

Then you have the first amendment, we don't. There are a lot of things that you can't say and a lot of opinions that you can't have in Europe. People don't really care about free speech here.

Also, we're closer from Africa than you are, so we have a lot of immigration, and we had a lot of immigration in the past too. Which means that people are more "muslims lovers" than in your country.

ok, so here's a question i've been meaning to ask for awhile now. i'm only slightly better at understanding politics than your average burger, but explain to me why electing a far right-wing politician would actually have the possibility of turning into a Hitler Situation, in this day and age. I totally get (as well as any non-German can be expected to) the deep cultural and societal shame that the German people have for the whole Hitler thing, and their determination to make sure nothing like that ever happens again... but what's the worst an "alt-right" or "far right" bogeyman could actually do if elected?

I truly believe that in this information age, where everyone carries a smartphone, a Holocaust is basically impossible. for example, Trump may end up making some kind of Muslim registry or something, but there's no way in hell (unless 9/11 2.0 happens) he'll round up all the brown people and put them in a camp like we did with the Japanese in WWII. back then, there was no Internet, there were no smartphones... if anything like that were to happen today, it would spread virally, and the Internet would explode. protests, violence, etc. Trump knows this, which is why no matter how furiously George Takei alludes to the Japanese internment camps, that kind of shit will never happen again, unless extreme circumstances call for it.

this is why I'm kind of baffled by everyone being scared of a new Hitler... but not really, because the MSM is full of brainwashy garbage (aforementioned German friend gets all her US news from CNN), and nobody is smart enough to sit down and critically think these things out.

so anyways, aside from the scary potential of Another Hitler, what would stop people from voting for a non-Merkel?

>Yep. That's also why Marine will never be elected here.
Why are you Frenchmen so fucking defeatist? Stand up and meme the Marine into office for fucks sake. Stop acting like theres nothing that can be done. America memed a fucking real estate reality mogul into the Whitehouse. Nothing is impossible.

Because all parties that are right to the established parties have been shown to have contact to neonazi groups, or otherwise "tainted" by neonazis. It's that simple.

They're trying to do that with the AfD, but it's not working too well.

I can't imagine not being able to have free speech. What the fuck is the point of living if you have to constantly dissect everything you want to say?

Also the literally hitler stuff is hilarious to me.

Sounds like you need a constitutional amendment.
Better get your states in line.

shut up senpai, two round elections will always prevent her from winning

>shut up senpai, two round elections will always prevent her from winning
Thanks for proving my point. Enjoy your diversity.

>Merkel is officially running for a fourth term
fuck, we'll have her for the next 200 years or something... can we meme Frauke Petry to win?

Kill urself, Zecke!

People don't want it. That's just that.

People are bluepilled as fuck, it's hard to understand when you're redpilled, but people here just hate the far-right. It's not even about fear, it's just that people genuinely aren't right wing.

You don't have the same system as us. It's literally impossible here. Maybe if you lived here you'd see it. The two round election will kill her. Also, there are WAY LESS people who really care about the elections in France.
Plus, you had memes, and it won't work in France. People aren't really in the internet culture here. The MSM are the only way to spread the message here...
But hey, let's pray kek and hope for it.

I totally agree with you. Just say that you're pro-FN and you're literally dead in France. Plus, our medias don't speak about Marine at all. It's just ingrained in people's mind that you just can't vote for FN. People don't even think of it as an option.
That's why as soon as I finish my law and economics studies, I move to the USA.

"Literally Hitler" is just a fast quick way to cut down opposition. Leftists routinely deal with countries that are "literally Hitler" (like Saudi Arabia where people are executed for "witchcraft") and dgaf.
False rape accusations also work well, see French election in 2012

Form a group to promote her party. Try to drum up support in the countryside and small towns. That is how trump won here. He got all the support outside of the urban centers.

Fuck the media man just take it into your own hands and hand out fliers, go to doors, call people. DO IT

Don't think she will win.

Honestly why?

If you don't have to constantly watch what you say in the US you are not red pilled.

I mean, the first amendment is great and possibly the single best thing about this country but it's not a panacea.

That's already what we're doing. We have a group called "generation identitaire" here in France.

I did 2 years with them, and I'm occasionnaly helping them but I can't do it as much as before because of studies.

And you just have to deal with people who will insult you all day. Like, literally.
That's not even the leftists, everybody will insult you and treat you like you're the scum of the earth.
It's commonly accepted in France, and not only by the left, but also by the "right wing" that every people who agrees with Marine or with conservatives ideas are racists trash.

... please?

Start video taping their responses and make a compilation video and we will help make it viral.

Do it in secrecy so they show their true colors.

I'm not even joking.


lel. she'll probably win too.

>germany will become a majority arab muslim country in your lifetime