Based Russian milita executes slime immigrants

Let's give them hell. ISIS methods work better when done by the White Man

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ISIS = white men = russians

Fuck them all.

There's always something funny about a Russian or a Polack brandishing the svastika tbqh

I remember seeing this when I was like 13 years old, my older brothers mate sent him this and some penis mutilation compilation with the most fucked up soundtrack. I remember the intro music to this being pretty weird too, am now 21 and somewhat desensitised

For anyone wondering this video is supposedly takes place in Germany and the victims were jews.
This is also very old if you didn't figure it out already.

Jesus Christ, a bit brutal.

They should of just shot em.

isnt it faked shit?

nope, its not staged. shieeeeet

old as FUCK


Sauce on the music in the background, it was pretty rad

It's slime immigrants and it takes place in Russia

I ain't clicking on that shit.

Savage mongrels.

Welcome back in 2009.

Start killing pakis and see how fast they will learn

God bless

Hello red.dit

>Sup Forums is a National Socialist board
>We must preserve the White Race by any means
>Heil Hitler
>watches video

>b-but Moooooooooom! Moooooooooom!

It's not staged, but once you've seen a few gore videos they begin to lose their impact-factor. Just remember- you can't be a white supremacist until you are desensitised to the brutal killing of degenerates.

Visit bestgore, and start with some of the easy stuff. Slowly build up resistance to it.

fuck no should have beheaded the other guy also

whats really fucked up is those chechens niggers or however you spell it beheading those young russians in the 90's.


Yeah fuck that, i need to sleep if i'm going to half ass a fence.

How come it took the executor so long to behead the guy? Was the knife dull?

isnt this old as fuck

How there back in 2002?

Go back to plebbit if you dont have the stomach for it burger!

>worships a man who called the Russian race untermenschen and slaughtered 25 million Russians
Were Russians a mistake?

God damn it Russia, beheadings are for vermin kebabs.

Just hang them or shoot them and at least pretend to be a civilized country.