100 Million Trees Dead in California

Shouldn't California pay some sort of carbon penalty for this?

The 7.7 million acre area where trees are rapidly dying off makes up approximately one third of California’s 21 million acres of trees.

In 2016 alone, 62 million trees have died, representing more than a 100 percent increase in dead trees across the state from 2015. Millions of additional trees are weakened and expected to die in the coming months and years.”


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This is now a California hate thread.

Why are there dying? I remember reading every year that whole Cali is basically on fire and huge acres of forest get burnt down because of forest fires

ongoing drought in southern california

The drought has killed most of them.
If you go to Yosemite, huge swathes of the forest has died. Then within a year or two it catches on fire.

No CA hate though, one of the most beautiful places in the world. Just wish it wasn't so damn hot.

never forget the 100 million ;'(

Biologists BTFO
Geologist master race

>Americans don't know what pine beetle is
>Americans don't have cold winters so they have no defense against them

lmao @ you

It's pine beetle

Beetles are you killing trees they came from mexico or utah

wondering why forests next to sodom and gomorrah are dying. well gee OP i dunno what to tell you but sin less.

You guys better harvest that shit before it rots or catches fire.

>Americans don't have cold winters
>What is New England

CA is just a mexican colony anyways, the drought is mother nature saying 'SPICS GET OUT REEEEE'

Beetles only go after dying trees, not healthy ones.

New england is pretty much canada.

Anyways here is an article about it sfchronicle.com/science/article/Bark-beetles-ravaging-drought-stricken-forests-in-6165431.php

You are going to have to bio-engineer something it would seem.

Is there any other kind?

Drought and there is some beetle that goes around killing trees

California is literally Hitler.

It isn't the drought killing the trees though, it's the beetles.

>Shouldn't California pay some sort of carbon penalty for this?

Given how temperate deciduous forests don't really contribute to turning CO2 to O2.


>Be progressive, love nature
>"Oh no, trees on fire, I bet white males did this!"
>Spend billions stopping fires
>Turns out fires are supposed to happen and keep the forest healthy
>Turns out the worst thing you can do to a forest is prevent forest fires
But they'll still blame global warming

Emerald Ash Borer has been decimating tree's across the country and are now targeting other species because the ash tree is nearing extinction now.

Except your wrong.

Really makes you think.

Except I'm not wrong, pine trees don't really need much water.

Holly shit you guys are stupid, this literally happens every fucking year.



They got the best weather in the US

Proof that voting democrat is a disease that corrupts the soul and the environment.

Spotted the Commie.

at least in SoCal, that is only true if you live walking distance from the ocean. In can be 70 near the beach and pushing 100s a 15 minute drive inland

Except pine beetles don't go after healthy trees.

If it wasn't for the drought, the trees wouldn't be in danger.


theres this thing called the (((high desert)))

its awful there

.t former hesperia fag and now San Berdoo City Resident

look up the bark beatle

Not exactly, it's a little of column A and a little of column B. The droughts have been going on for about 5 years and during this time we've seen in increase in invasive and destructive pests. Califorina is not the only state seeing this kind of decimation of trees.

ISA certified arborist here.

I'm not a spotted commie

Except pine beetles aren't the problem


Cheap lumber incoming

>Why are there dying?
God's punishment for the homosexual lobby in Hollywood.

I don't really care, but you are contradicting yourself since other states aren't experiencing drought like california, therefore I'm right and you are wrong. Abortions have nothing to do with trees also.

This, masquerading as drought and beetle.

Well since you're the professional on the topic, why don't you go on and tell the class your theories?

Yes, there are other states dealing with bad droughts. As a matter of fact, over the last two years most of the US has various intensities of drought.

An arborist is not an abortionist. Here, use your computer for something useful for a change.


Pic related.

Pine beetles have to go back.

Is there a reason for the drought?
Is China seeding clouds over their cities to steal our water?

Lol, anymore anything could be possible, but I think the answer is less extreme than that. However, I believe that it is more likely just part of the Earth's cyclic climates. The Nino and Nina currents have been weird the last several years making for interesting weather patterns.

Droughts come and go as they please

So people are going to blame global warming then

California has been the wettest it's been for at least the last 2000 years. It's now reverting back to the norm, which is 200+ years of continuous drought.

As long as they cut down and bury the trees before planting more (which don't die before they're fully grown) carbon isn't a problem.

Probably, despite no real evidence to support it. I'm leaning more and more tinfoil on the agenda behind the whole global warming/climate change meme.

Of course, little minds can't understand that 100 years of tracking the weather is absolutely nothing in the grander scheme of things.

The Sahara desert was once a lush, tropical rain forest before man started polluting the Earth with his farts and halitosis.


It's pretty funny how scientists can make these claims about global warming when they have years and years of research that points to cycles of climate long before the industrial revolution.

I am not sure if you are agreeing or arguing with me, but I am aware of this and my last two posts reaffirm what you are saying although I didn't single CA out.

>climate change isn't real
>climate change is responsible for turning the sahars from a forest to a desert

manmade climate change
If you are suggesting that eating tofu and having solar panels will turn the desert into a forest, then you're retarded

Climate change is real. I challenge you to find where I said it wasn't. OTOH, global warming - the topic that I was talking about - is a politically motivated bullshit science that will be used to control your every move.

I know, this is America and reading is for faggots.

nice strawman