Soviet monument in Berlin

Germany has a 25 ft tall Soviet Monument in Berlin

It doesn't make any sense
>Thank you Ivan for all the killing and rape

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to be fair, it looks badass

mfw seen it in real life.

absolute disgrace for berlin and germany.


Russia force Germany and other Eastern European countries not to remove their war memorials I think

Start shit, get hit faggot.

>It doesn't make any sense
How does it not make sense? Berlin is full of socialists.

You can literally read this at the bottom of the memorial

>"Eternal glory to heroes who fell in battle with the German fascist invaders for the freedom and independence of the Soviet Union"

>The Memorial served as the central war memorial of East Germany. The monument is one of three Soviet memorials built in Berlin after the end of the war

The russians build it in their conquered territory
Eastern germany had to deal with it

This describes perfectly how cucked those Moffen are.

>WW2 soldier
>but with a sword
yeah, badass

Starting WW2 is our nine eleven and these memorials are kept to uphold the shame and teachings of defeat forever.

it's a cuck stamp

Jesus fucking Christ.


Use proper metric system or kys, Juan

Also vae victis.

I hate all removal of historic momuments even if it stands for an ideology or a regime i hate. It's part of our history if we want it or not.

Only buttblasted plebs remove historical monuments

pic unrelated

>Any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed

Fuck you. Treptow Kriegesdenkmal is awesome.

It's huge, it's on top of a massive mound, flanked by large frieses of the Great Patriotric War, and just under the edge of OP's picture there's a small chapel inside the base of the statue.

How the fuck has that not been blown up yet?

What the actual fuck are you doing germs?


Remove that piece of shit already

Our population growth is what killed us.

Are you ready for nuclear butthurt?

Time to install a Muhammad statue

Found the biggest cuck in the thread.

>That sharp rise then fall of Ireland's population

Tough talk, soviet chimp
Same shit. Both follow semite created cult of death

>"Eternal glory to heroes who fell in battle with the German fascist invaders for the freedom and independence of the Soviet Union"


We're under a communist regime. This glorifies communism. What's the point in asking for sense? We're dead men walking anyway.

Stay mad cuck.


>im glad my people was killed by the millions and my countries history erased by commie jew cause they build some cool monuments.


its funny that Americans seem proud of that in 20 years your own population will take the same pounding

it takes alot to rise up from that especially if they were under a foreign rule and unlike the Irish your not gonna get back up your feet again, you will fall.

and turn brown.

To be fair, they are very impressive monuments.

America is easily able to sustain itself with food, unlike England

the way things are going they really wont and Germany you already are beyond all hope

>muh juice
That's what overdose on memes does to kids.
How did they "erase" our history? We made a new one in which we cucked half of Europe, flew to space before everyone else and rivaled half of the world.

Germany keeps track of all ethnicities and even sixth gen scum is not listed as German on national database. Not even quarter Jew. Go ahead, Timmy. You list scum like Bosnians as White Brits. You list whomever calls himself White lol

Look at this cuck. You on the right or on the left
>we cucked
Funny cucky. USSR collapsed, Federation to follow. Stay mad

The Commies won
Get over it

Death to Rassiya.

but were not actively trying to out breed our own ppl from the country

also Russia your country is such a shithole not even the refugees want to go there and your an ally to them

Uh oh, a nigra. I'm seething with anger right now. It's not like our greatest poet was a nigra descendant or we had a whole region full of hohols like you.

We are all fugged similarly. I'm not able to say for who it's worse. currently it looks like are in worse shape since we had more brown influx in the last 2-3 years.

On the other side we had relatively few brown immgiration the 30 years before unlike other western countries

true, the approval of citizenship for ethnically non-germans had been comparably repressive compared to UK or France. This led to second generation immigrants behaving rather well without chimpouts like in France in 2005 or London in 2011

However the merkel regime now approved the right of soil instead of the right of blood, which now grants eveybody born on german soil german citizenship

Jokes on you, Timmy cuck. I'm from Bavaria.
>not actively trying to
That's what you did
Jus soli doesn't work in BDR


I fucking hate Germany so much
Fucking cucks

>It doesn't make any sense
>>Thank you Ivan for all the killing and rape
Are you a retard?

German people in general including big part of army, hated Nazies and what Hitler did to Germany and german people.
It more like says "Thanks for saving us from that retard, Ivan!".

Hitler was such an autist during late years his own people feared him because even having a COLD was dangerous (because you might be considered for a weak degenerate who dont deserve to be white race) and were afraid to have children because some of the kids could be born not as "strong white durr hurr" as Hitler wanted which will make baby and mother be probably killed.

A lot of people were literally sterelized because of that shit.
And it was only one of few reasons of why germans are happy that this retard is dead.

jokes on you, not what Russia says

also you will never be accepted or welcomed by anyone because your a raping vodka slav monkey and theres nothing you can do but kill yourself

It's their fault for trying to invade Russia.

Wie lösen wir das angelsächsische Problem?Angelsachsen sind eine Rasse von Untermenschen ohne echte Erfolge, einem niedrigen IQ, und einem bösen, gierigen Geiste, vergleichbar mit dem ewigen Juden.

Nice try shill. Your box standard hollywood lies wont fly here.

Eat shit, motherfucker.

What else you gonna crush the nazi symbol with? Rifle?

>Jus soli doesn't work in BDR

Just soli doesnt work anywhere with massive foreign immigration. Thats why the west will fail

Also, meanwhile [spoiler]2007[/spoiler] in Estonia.


I mean we don't have it. There is CONSIDERATION of giving citizenship to a kid if his parents lived LEGALLY in Germany for 10 years and no less than 4 with resident status. We can cleanse the Fatherland without race war just by enacting similar to Benes decree legal act. We have a database

You guys think that's cucked? The Reichstag has an entire interior wall filled with the graffiti of Soviet soldiers who were there.
The main government building. I can't imagine being that cucked. Germany is lost.

ok. Didn't know that

you could just send the statue to Russia where it belongs

seriously how does this even fit in Germany's context?

Civilized countries don't touch war graves and memorials.

>implying it's some kind of precedent for a victor to place some kind of a memoriam in the defeated country
Anyway, the fascist regime was considered to be a blight and the red army cleansed it, so here goes a monument to that. How doesn't it make sense? Whether you like it or not it makes perfect sense. Especially considering it was probably built by DDR Russians.

How have you fucking cucks not blown it up since the wall fell? Have you no pride?

We would fucking blow it up but when you do that to a monument that stands against "muh evil fascism" even when its just a monument to our loss, people assume youre "literally bringing hitler back".


but it's a memorial that only makes sense in Russia

Not exactly a cuck for those sentiments, I would feel the same disgust at Germans leaving up monuments to the American occupation force.

LOL the rest of the world could vanish and America would be fine

>butthurt pidoraha
why im not surprised

>all this hate for a sick statue about war
>le gomunism

USSR won a war, erected a cemetery for their dead and put a huge "fuck yeah we won" statue over it, as they were well within their rights to do.
And before someone else complains about DDR cucks, here's another monument that was erected in West Berlin.

vae victis

You're the only pidoraha, here, faggot. :^)

The ironic thing is that it's supposed to depict a Soviet soldier during the battle of Berlin, saving a young German girl. As if they those disgusting animals didn't rape every girl they came across.

Literally no one gives a fuck and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it but impotently rage like a proper cuck.

> impotently rage like a proper cuck.
Nice projection there, mount nigger.

Meanwhile, this is how Germans treat their own memorials.

Maybe the Krauts still have some taste? It's a cool statue.

>It doesn't make any sense

Maybe because it was maybe constructed in East Berlin, y'know the bit the Soviets occupied right into the late 80's and is also a cemetery

Oh no why are there German monuments and graves in France/Belgium too, the horror of it all.

Wait the Soviets raped German woman?

You're lying arent you

Nice cognitive dissonance.
Anyway you're literally crying because Soviets wrecked some shit in the process of defending themselves from a regime that had the goal of annihilating tens of millions in Eastern Europe.
There is no moral eqiuvalence here, yeah Stalin's regime was shit and murderous but it was Hitler's regime which started wars of conquest.

I don't know, that says "Perpetrator, Shit" and "Germany you victim". Could be Jews.

It's part of their history, like it or not. Also, it looks great.



Socialist Realism is awesome.
Politically the USSR was fucking terrible, but at least they had style.

>mexico intelelctual is bothered with monument
>isnt bothered with occupation troops, their military bases and their puppet politicians importing barbarians

feels bad man

I live in Hamburg and we have this nazi thing in the middle of our city.
It's there as a memorial. Some people want it gone but most Hamburgers want to keep it.

also if u niggers wil try to remove it russian gobment will chimp out. me too. pls dont

Poles teared down most (((lenin))) statues. Why are Germans so cucked?

Oh, you're that kind of cuck. I bet you think Trump is the next Hitler, too.

It's amazing that you can have that, but the media and Left in this country go completely berserk over a Confederate memorial?

Only the American Left is so fucking insane and unhinged that a simple monument respecting people that died in a war that ended over 150 years ago is considered controversial.

Start shit,get hit.
The Germans understand this.

I blame Zukhov's disregard for Russian lives

Had Germany won the war, you can bet there would have been monuments honoring Hitler, the Nazis, and the common German soldier in Moscow/ other cities.

That monument was constructed in the British sector and is a monument to the battle of Berlin which for all intents and purposes was a Soviet battle

Because Lenin monument is not a monument to the sacrifice of millions of people who died in a war.