Why do you Amerifats hate obamacare?

Without being a burger and spouting it's communist or hating it because a nigger did it, reasonably speaking why do you guys hate it so much? Did it increase your taxes or devalue your quality of life?

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I had hundreds of dollars taken from my tax return because of Obamashare-with worthless assholes.

It now costs a mortgage to buy health insurance.

As an example, for me and my spouse's shitty Blue Cross plan:

>$800 a month
>Employer pays $200
>Everytime I goto the doctor I still pay hundreds of dollars, up until $8000 iirc.

I used to have better insurance, for ~$80/month.

Does that help?

it's expensive as shit even thought it's designed for the poor

Oh and our rates will likely jump anywhere from 10% to 50% depending on what the Insurance companies think they can get away with

I had to let two people go to offset for higher insurance costs. It decreased their quality of life.

The same reason government control over any industry sucks. Costs go up, quality goes down and everyone is miserable.

Yes. Obamacare fucked the middle class so the poor and lazy could have free health care.

can you explain why obamacare makes your insurance go from 80 dollars to 1000 per month

I genuinely don't understand the connection

In length: I don't want to fund wars. I dont want to fund lazy cunts. I don't want to fund degenerate bullshit. I don't want to fund anything that doesn't benefit me or my fellow countrymen.

Obamacare is a sham. If i choose to not have Healthcare, I get taxed for it. How the fuck does that make sense?

I don't want to be taxed on anything that doesn't benefit me or my countrymen. That is why I hated hillary so much.

I volunteer my time in MY community because I choose to, I will not be mandated to do so.

If you give a man a fish...

Because I pay out of my ass for insurance even though I'm young, don't drink, don't smoke and am vegetarian...I should be rewarded for taking care of myself. I pay alot so fat people and drug addicts can get insurance since companies can't turn anyone away with preexisting conditions.

>too expensive
>Doesn't cover shit

I've never had healthcare, I dont know why. That's not my problem with it.

Someone drop a redpill on this. I'll bet it lines the pockets of the higher ups.

It's a corporate scam for health insurance companies not even leftists are for it

Because the healthy and young pay for everyone else. Insurance companies would turn you away for being extremely obese but now they can't so everyone else has to pay more to offset the costs of providing healthcaree to hamplanets.

ok, here is my example.

My Employer is now offering a reduced coverage plan because the one that they used to offer us is considered a "Luxury" plan, and therefore would incur a tax on it to pay for Obama care.

So to keep from getting a pretty massive tax put on it ($1 million US), the company cut down on the health care plan they offered to us.

Also, I never agreed with the fine you get if you DON'T have health insurance....that part never made sense. If you can't afford it in the first place, why fine them? Most of the time it isn't their fault.

>Not having Bismarck type healthcare

I don't understand.

Forced me to have to pay for insurance. Also forced my employers to start having to pay for insurance. Together we pay about a 300 a month for a really shitty plan that has a 40k premium. I would continue not having insurance but the asshole is charging my 500bucks a year for not having it, I'm a broke mother fucker and make ~20k a year. This isn't helping my broke ass.

Wait, so it went from 80 to 600 for you? Is that how it is for everyone in US?

It's a cluster fuck of laws and regulations written up by moronic lawyers and Big Pharma which end up doing nothing except raise prices.

Forgot to mention that it is a $300 US fine for not having Healthcare

no mostly just obama care. I get health insurance through work and it only costs $50. Granted its shit, but i never go to the hospital.

I opted out of it because I couldn't justify spending a bunch of money every month when I only see a doctor once or twice a year. The gov't hit me with a 300+ dollar penalty for opting out. And I still have to pay for doctor visits out of pocket. Thanks Obummer

The insurance companies are forced to prove coverage at a loss for one segment of the population. They make up for it by charging more for everyone else. My rates for my family of four went from $600 to $1400 a month. That's to add a wife and two kids my policy that my employer pays for my part. My annual deductible was $1,000 it is now $8,000. So not only do I pay them every month, they dont pay for the first $8k of medical expense.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Because you're legally forced to get healthcare or pay the tax, which can become quite large if you're making good money. Since the insurance companies don't have to compete with you simply choosing to opt out, they now price themselves compared to what they think it would cost to get you off of the shit basic plan (your taxes). When the government forces you to buy a service, that service can cost whatever it damn well pleases.

It has cost my employees raises. Obamacare took around $2/hr out of my payroll budget. They might see a direct cost, but it is there. I think they though most Americans woldn't figure that out.

Sorry, bro. I didn't know it was that bad.

>t. Single 27 yo dude

I hope Trump actually dismantles this shit

It's communist nigger shit.

Also because it doesn't work. Prices too high

first time ever the gov't made it illegal to not own a service

wait, so even though your employees don't have obama care, they still charge you because you are a business?

Insurance lobbyists got their paws on it and turned it into something that just made healthcare worse.

Checked. I hope so.


Because it is more expensive do to premium increases just to get the same coverage. Literally google it.

It is just shitty legislation that gave insurance companies an excuse to raise rates and employers an excuse to get shittier plans.

The only good thing in it, pre-ex conditions, Trump is keeping. I would have rather seen universal healthcare paid through by reducing other gibs than ACA.

I can't get around my head how something ths retarded got passed.

I mean, if you're gonna charge people for NOT having healthcare, why not just go and force them to have one for the money you're taking? It doesn't make sense, it sounds like they're just trying to scare you into buying an expensive healthcare rather than just give you one.

Maybe it's because I'm an outsider but that sounds like fucking extortion to me.

If you aren't an unemployed bum living off welfare checks Obamacare is so expensive that you can't afford it.

I had an argument with an uppity leftist chick who was bragging about how her Obamacare only costs 50 dollars a month. This was before she was employed. She'll change her tune next year when her rates are adjusted to the 'fuck me in the ass' levels everyone else is suffering through.

The fact that it's fucking mandatory and you get a hefty fine for not having something that was once optional is also bullshit.

Let's say my company used Blue Cross. BC is forced to provide coverage at a loss to the Obamacare ppl. They have to raise everyone else's rated to cover the loss. We are constantly shopping for better deals. That's why a lot of the companies are pulling out. It forces them to fuck over everyone else.

Easy, because it uses force and treats citizens like human sacrifices. You have to, on threat of imprisonment of theft of 10% of your income, purchase healthcare whether you want it or not, in order to foot the bill for other people who you have no connection to.
It's arguably one of the most immoral Acts in recent history.

How has this thread not summoned Obama Leaf and his meme graphs?


I never asked for it and premiums for people I know that need it are doubling or tripling. It's basically a tax with no improved, often less care than before. It's a total disaster and a scam.

>Without being a burger and spouting it's communist or hating it because a nigger did it, reasonably speaking why do you guys hate it so much? Did it increase your taxes or devalue your quality of life?
Being forced to buy a private produce under threat of law is immoral.

If the government had offered a national system that I could buy into that would be one thing. But they didn't and if you live in a low population state you can only buy insurance from a local provider. So I get screwed on both cost and service.

The Affordable Care Act should have had provisions for national coverage insurance, state/government insurance to buy.

in all reality, it ended up being a corrupt get rich quick scheme. When they made that pile of shit they call a website, it cost around 200mill i think. Just think about that for a second. Then they had to lie about what was in obama care just to get it to pass.

makes sense thanks for the info

I have lived under universal healthcare before.

+ I could get Dental check-ups and services very quickly
+ Minor things such as getting seen was very easy
+ Getting prescriptions was very easy and quick

- Service quality took a hit, you could notice the laziness
- Major things took forever. Waited on wrist surgery for 4 years.
- If it wasn't a serious case you would be pushed over to just taking painkillers

My only positive memory of universal healthcare was that I was able to get heartburn medication practically for free immediately when I needed it.

Because he can't defend this asinine garbage

>And outsider

Typical Texan attitude, act like you're not a part of this same shit.


My plan got cancelled because the company can't anymore. They took all those shekels, then they said they are going under and cancelled most of the planes.

You cannot protect pre existing conditions without a mandate. Otherwise nobody would buy insurance until the day of the health event.

Don't be so sure yank, the ONE reason we didn't secede already is because Trump won.

I he fails to MAGA, then we'll be out before you can say "Gun control laws", you hear me? OUT

Did Texas annex Chile recently?

health care act



There is no single "kill regulation" that destroyed American Healthcare. Feel free to read the whole thing, but the problem comes from the entire document.

Obongocare is a clusterfuck. Not even Brezhnev would have dared issue such a bureaucratic mess.

Bullshit, that is just Obama's excuse for why he sold the American people to the insurance companies.

My parents and younger brother have combined healthcare. My parents are both retired military so they have access to tri-care, which is objectively the best healthcare in the country(only available to military and government officials), except for having a personal doctor if you're some billionaire. My dad used to pay 200 a month for full coverage for all three of them, unlimited doctor visits, 0 deductibles, 95% reduced pharmacy costs. After Obamacare he pays 2000 a month for limited doctor visits, half priced pharmaceuticals, and a 5000 dollar deductible. No that is not a typo, a 1000% increase for less than half the coverage.

Me personally, I went from not having healthcare and being fine with that to paying a 700 dollar fine every year because I'm white and can't get the free shit the niggers get. I work in a warehouse for 11 dollars an hour.

Obamacare is forced redistribution of wealth. It is literal communism.

What this guy says is pretty much it.

Np.. Spread the word..

> Health insurance premium increases by over 100%.
> Health insurance now covers less for higher cost
> Say, "Hey, I'll just opt not to get it."
> Mandatory
> Tax penalty now outweighs the cost of not getting insurance
> People ask, "What's the problem?"

Yeah... what's the problem?

Nigga tried to charge me and my gf nearly $800 for not joining his shitty healthcare system. We can't even afford a kid without cucking out and he's takin money from us to pay for his black babies.

Hey.. I think we might be on the same plan!

I have a strong suspicion that Obamacare will continue to shrink the middle class. It's like a progressive tax, but not really... the wealthy elite are not feeling any pain over this. It's the lower middle class and small business owners and people who recently lost a job and are trying to keep their savings intact until the next job... those are the ones who are being hit the hardest. But then to add insult to injury, you're being forced to buy insurance that isn't even good insurance, and you can barely afford it. A reasonable man might like to spend that money on the expensive medicines he already knows he needs rather than spend it on a useless plan with tiny coverage and huge yearly deductibles. There are much better ways of providing universal coverage.

Am I the only one planning on billing the U.S. government for what they don't refund me because of Obamashit?

(I hide most/over half of my income so I'm in a low tax bracket and usually get a refund)

I don't agree with how the country spends my money. Is that degenerate? They get enough out of my sales tax.

I take it you don't file taxes. You get fined for not having insurance.

The expanded coverage to fat people isn't why it's expensive.

It's expensive because the provider has no incentive of any kind at preventative care. Non sick people don't go to the health care provider owned by the insurer and have expensive (price) but cheap (cost) care provided for them. It's against the interests of the insurer to have either old people (that cost tons) in the system, or to have young people that aren't getting slightly sick. So they skip out on care in order to kill the old and make the young sick. Being fat isn't actually that hard on a medical system. Sports injuries cost more per injury than fat related illnesses. Fat people either die, or get a cheap to perform (expensive in price) surgery, and some pills to take. Sports injuries have surgery, recovery care and years of therapy.

Canada which is as close a nation to the USA as there is only pays about 40% as a function of GDP for health care and lives the same amount, provides overall equal outcomes for most illnesses.

Canada isn't trying to make a profit on their care, they are trying to keep the quality of life high.

>health insurance is a scam
>people at the bottom of the ladder are fucked most by the scam
>obama makes people at the bottom of the ladder imune to the scam
>health insurance companies resort to scamming the people in the middle on hyper-drive mode to make up for it
>people at the middle butthurt
>somehow people at the middle dont have 2 brain cells to rub together and decide that baning healthcare companys from scaming people is the problem
>also obama makes it illegal to opt out of the scam
Litterally all obama care does is moves some of the anal raping from poor people to middle class people because obama is afraid of the establishment and wont just get rid of the anal raping all together.

Went from paying $100 a month to around $460 a month. Less benefits, same co-pay.

life without obamacare seems like heaven now.

>more expensive
>no dental
>as a man have prenatal care and gynecology included but no fucking dental

The same reason you shove black cock in your mouth, faggot

Enjoy your poisoned water when you start franking for that oil. You'll come running to daddy asking for Alex Jones filters. You'll be in deeper shit than a Chilean miner, Texas.

That's exactly what it is.

The more money you make, the bigger the fine you get for opting out of Obamacare. I opted out because I could not afford $400 a month for the crappiest plan that covered nothing. That also does not cover dental or eye care. The deductible was $2,000 up front. When I did my tax return last year, I was fined $1,000. I only got $500 back on filing my taxes, although they took out tons of taxes from my paycheck. When I had a full-time job, the cheapest health insurance for a single person was $800 a month (employer paid half) and that didn't cover dental or eye health either. A visit to a specialist had a co-pay of $250. Without insurance, a specialist only costs me $120. How does that make sense?

you call me amerifat? i will butt rape you and kill you. i will dominate you.

daily reminder that Obama-care is a legal way to get Pharma to get what they want to be paid by force. letting Pharma set their own quotes on medicine is wrong. 20% markup max, r@d tax exempts is the only policy that would benefit the world.

How do you fix it though? If you get rid of it, fat people will still get health care, only now they'll be doing it through ERs, which costs a shit ton of money.

Hospitals lose a ton of money off ERs (they legally cannot turn people away if they can't pay), so they jack up rates for all the rest of the paying customer.

You're paying either way.

I file every year, dumbshit.

(((Their))) plan has always been to destroy the middle class. An educated middle class that is wealthy enough to take care of themselves is their worst nightmare.

My premiums went up to keep this kike, left-wing fat faggot alive, and able to indulge in gluttony while telling me what to think, even though he's an absolute fucking waste.

Spise en fjert, norgemann

Obamacare requires coverage of prenatal and other pregnancy related care, even if you're male, that's how they're spreading costs. Most likely applies to other things that people don't need, but are paying for anyway.

>removing religion is a step towards dictatorship

Wasn't referring to fat actually.. They are part of the group. Our providers here aren't owned by the insurance companies as far as I know.

It gives your employer the justification to not offer health insurance because "The government offers it".....But the cost is absurd for most average income Americans who are in good health....While they are paying for overweight and unhealthy non-working "disabled" slugs. As a bonus, the price is skyrocketing and providers are dropping out because they are "losing money".

Ding ding. This, along with (((they))) want to make it next to impossible for white, non-kikes to procreate.

I don't know the answer to that. I do know that this isn't the right answer. The costs are staggering.

It's the worst of privatized healthcare and the worst of socalized healthcare in one law.

You fix it by letting darwinism work as intended.

The biggest problem with humanity as a whole right now is that we constantly undermine darwinism because of how far technology has advanced. People with terminal illnesses should not be saved and eventually allowed to pass on their shitty genes.

Yes, and forcing nuns to buy condoms is prioritized over getting lifesaving surgeries and cancer treatments. It's horrible.

>reasonably speaking why do you guys hate it so much?
It is an over complicated mess of legislation that was designed to subsidize the cost of healthcare for ailing Boomers that abused the shit out of themselves during their hippy youth and the chronically sick which are being price gauged by the industry. The legislation failed to deal with any of the low hanging fruit such as medical, care costs, availability, or facility deployment.
My job is jumping hoops to try to keep everyone on our pre-Obama care plan because losing it would mean paying more money for less coverage, and the existing care already sucks.
>Did it increase your taxes or devalue your quality of life?
I'm single, white, male, with no kids; I already get my asshole blown out harder than Belladonna in a gangbang with taxes.

Then you're a lazy degenerate making less than poverty level.

It it's just as expensive as single payer with none of the benefits!

Because it fucking costs a ton and doesn't provide shit. It only benefits the very poor while ass raping the middle class.

Obama lied through his teeth and it passed with ZERO republican support.

I have a shitty plan that is much more expensive and less coverage than the plan I had before Obama care.

Fix it by forcing the insurance companies to comply. They had massive profit margins in the OLD SYSTEM. Can you imagine what they are getting now?
For the mass majority of the plans they carry, it requires their customers to shit thousands for the big bills before they even bother looking at it.

Well I hope you enjoy your communist dystopia once you lose our republican votes partner. See if your precious filters help you from all the xenoestrogens in both your water AND food.

Thousands of new regulations that few even knew about before Obamacase passed (read: was forced through) have made costs skyrocket.
Quality of care has plummeted all around. You have little to no choice as to where you can be treated.
The cost of treating the poor who "couldn't afford healthcare" are offloaded to those who pay for it, raising their costs even higher.
Even the poor who never had insurance and benefit from the plan are not "benefiting" that much anymore.
Businesses are getting fucked hard when it comes to helping employees with their healthcare. Many are just dropping it.

If you can't afford healthcare, you are fined (technically you are visited by the IRS and they can't actually seize your assets or force you to pay them, so you can just tell them to fuck off and sue you which generally won't be profitable for them).

Not just a $300 fine, but a minimum fine $695 per person of 2.5% of your household income that increases in cost the longer you go without healthcare.
Less than $9,500 income = $0
$9,500 - $37,000 income = $695 - 925
$50,000 income = $1,000
And so on.

Obamacare can't be repealed soon enough. Don't even care if the "preexisting condition" thing is kept or thrown out too. Fuck it all.

Eh. Not true. I make a shitload compared to you, I promise.

What I do makes it easy to hide money and I do agree with many things the government does with my taxes, just not enough to justify paying for all of them.

Let's not forget Congress exempted themselves out of Obamacare.. Yeah.. Wtf??

i'm fine with it because ive had insurance for the first time since i was a child and it has allowed me to see a doctor

You're welcome..

yes thank you

I wanted Rowdy's opinion. A single search revealed this. Fuck me he is based.
