WWI risk continued

WWI risk continued

wtf happened to the map?
annex spanish africa and invade crete

Remove Austria, Ottomans pls NAP or Ally

Attack Turkey.


Please keep attacking Red
Also please give france north africa so he can attack Red

kill the reddit hugboxer, turks will stand alone in the world against allyfags

OP Here
Lenin wins the russian civil war
Start rolling

kill romania

How exactly are you going to invade Crete, the Ottomans have Libya

Attack the Turks.

Wow, rude.

annex tripoli from spain and take ottoman libya and crete from there


Blitzkrieg USSR

Once this Ottoman vs allyfags war is over I'm probably going to do a peacemap

You die because you have no friends
Friendship makes you stronger
Friendship gives me the power to kill you now if I want. Bend the knee and be my friend and I'll forgive your life.


Please keep attacking turk

annex crete and attack italian fags

end germany
end ottomans

Kill the Ottomans.

kill italy, defend against rest
cancerous hugboxer

Continue killing Turkey

Fuck off stop trying to ruin my risk thread.

Sweden immediately loses against the USSR

Actually no.
Kill Spaniards and whoever Green is in Anatolia.
I still have a few Islands.

Keep killing red with the power of friendship



You're not the real OP, then get the fuck out.


>be me
>be italy
>looses Italian Penisula
>is still alive
>invades anatolia
>constantinople once again


what the fuck?


Never doubt the Italians, bby

Fuck off Lenin
We all know Ottomans are about to be BTFO by allyfags

Reee this is the real map

continue to attack ottomans in the east

Kill the turks

defend allahu akbar, islam will dominate the world

I cede Spain and Africa to France
And I cede Italy and Balkans to Austria
Please continue being BFF

el salvador, t. eternal BFF

Lads the next update will be the last. I'm sure Lenin will take over and be the best OP ever.

please stop

Put fucking "risk" or some shit in the subject box so these shitty Sup Forums threads filter.

my long time bff continue to honor yourself friend

why the fuck???
Take back Greece. Defend

Hey guys OP here again sorry about the live-rolling faggot pretending to be OP

james fuck off


Thank you all for playing it looks like our president Jimmy Carter has one the game!


good job op
you da real mvp


fill the sea with cum