Fuck it, i can't fight it anymore

Fuck it, i can't fight it anymore.

I fucking love Ben Shapiro and consider him the personification of conservatism in 2016.

Welcome back to the fold you little weasely Jew.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off ben.

>I have been wrong this whole time
>I think my opinion still matters for some reason though
>buy my shit

Yes good goy.

Fuck off, nobody needs or wants his shitty outdated brand of cuckservatism anymore

His recent stuff sustaining protests etc just looks miloesque and a ripoff of trying to do a show instead of his original facts forward stuff... I truly think he talked to Clinton camp and said hey send some protestor trash my way

he's a pretty cool guy doesn't afraid of anything.


daily wire > breitbart

He would genuinely be ok in my book if it wasn't for the Michelle Fields incident, completely lost all respect for him. Yeah he was a Never trump cuck but he still made SJW's butthurt so it balanced out a bit.

Why would anyone be afraid of a bunch of beta commies?

He destroyed his credibility with the michelle fields fiasco. He's like a pornstar that did IR for the first time. Can never go back once it happens.

that would be a bad idea for the clintons. i dont remember whos kid shapys father molested but there is a reason he went to jail instead of getting a slap on the wrist like almost any politician even when they are caught red handed and there is a dead intern

point being if the clinton camp even talked to shapy without a derogatory comment lobbed at him on camera they would never have any position of authority in america ever again. chelseys grand children wouldnt be allowed to be mayors or have a seat on city council of any where


>He plays both sides like a clever jew.
You're easily impressed.

I think he was tired of working with Steve Bannon so he used the incident as an opportunity to skedaddle.

Go away Ben.

You can go start a show with Glenn Beck and talk about how awesome Mitt Romney is.

>personification of conservatism
You mean that thing that died when Trump took over the GOP? Yeah, he's a good personification of that alright. See you when you roll back into the DNC along with the other neocons.

He is a traditional cuckservitive with a youthful jewish adderall flair.

Why do they yell safety?

>playing both sides
Makes him a steptypical untrustworthy entryist Jew
>doesn't like someone so does something passive aggressively
Cowardice beta male

Not a leader to follow by any means
