How are you all celebrating Muslim Women’s Day today?

How are you all celebrating Muslim Women’s Day today?

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Muslim Women's Day is a thing?

Showing Kamala haram things.

By hooking up with a muslim girl

By beating a muslim woman.

As Muslim tradition dictates.

That’s proven false though.

Why would I celebrate actual systemic oppression?

Muslim women are actually more liberated compared to American women.

By posting Kamala

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Wtf is it with these fake Jewish-made holidays?

I want to use her sexually.

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How are they?

By sharing this story.

Free high-fives, all day long, no limit.

They can also touch my penis. But only once.

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And that is the problem.

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By celebrating Stalin's pogroms against Chechens and Tatars.

She would make a nice cum dump.

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I didn't know it was a thing, but I guess I'll fap to kamala later in celebration.

I know she wants it.

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There’s no objectification of Muslim women.

Well if I wanted to keep it traditional I guess I’ll have to stone women who are wearing revealing clothing and then rape a family member.

It’s a good thing I’m not a backwards degenerate! I’ll watch a Ben Shapiro video to celebrate I guess.

They’re too busy objectifying little boys.

You do it every other day? What's the big deal user, your entire life is supported by the oppression of the weak and downtrodden.

shall be masturbating to them later tonight

White people have it easy.

>white people
Did you just imply that muslims only equals arabs?

>people suffer so you should feel bad
Duck off

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Albanians, Circassians and Bosnians don't exist.

t. white male dreaming of being a minority

There's a Muslim Women's Day? Weren't they property to them?

Except they have vastly fewer rights in countries where Sharia is applied as an actual system of law. What greater objectification is there than not even being able to testify against your own abuser or divorce one's husband without their approval?

Buddy the whole world is a patriarchy.

I would actually agree with you on this. I don't lift a finger to dismantle the welfare state that keeps millions dependent on government aid and firmly in the pocket of the Democrats.

Where is her Burqa?

And we need to change that.
Hence Muslim Women’s Day.

>Muslim women are actually more liberated compared to American women.

They are literally property you retard

>past tense

Oh those dastardly democrats, looking out for poor people with their social safety nets.

>3 generation on giverment assistance
>Safety net


Why is it that people always try to demonize Democrats?
They’re good people; unlike Conservatives.

>let's fight the patriarchy by supporting a religion/ideology that has women's inferiority to men codified in its holy book!
Coldly calculated to keep them dependent and locked in the lower class. If you look at the evidence of cities like Detroit, Chicago, and most of California, those "safety nets" do fuck all to actually improve conditions for anyone, and that's when the funding goes where it's meant to. Hell, the chairwoman for the board of education in Baltimore pleaded for more funding because they couldn't keep the heat on, but a week later stated that over a hundred thousand dollars were being spent to ship students to a protest in Washington DC.

What role is Government if not meant to assist your citizens?

It's literally in the Quran

Also this is bidah and therefore haram.

Women are property inshallah, they donot deserve a day

Can't possibly objectify what is already considered an object, I guess.

>those "safety nets" do fuck all to actually improve conditions for anyone
Thanks to republican who cut spending to these necessary programs.

user no one here has actually read the Quran beyond a few quotes taken out of context at most, like just hearsay. I also promise you that most of the people that were gonna argue with you weren't going to read that link either. They don't care, the point is either
A) Fuck Islam
B) bait
don't waste your time

>Coldly calculated to keep them dependent and locked in the lower class
Oh yeah it's welfare that's the problem. It's not social inequality or lack of living wage that's keeps these people poor, it's the fact they're not starving to death that's the problem.

Throwing money at a problem doesn't bloody fix it, and all those city's I mentioned? They've been in Democrat hands for decades, to the ruination of the very people you claim they serve. No republicans cutting funding there.

A people who make a woman their ruler will never be successful.

You don't really know welfare works do you?

by wishing she'd just accept fascist ginger pussy as her fate

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So what I'm hearing from you is fuck the poor, let them starve and die in the streets.

That social inequality's heart is based in a culture that devalues hard work, punishes those who seek intellectual pursuits as being either "trying to be white" or "forgetting where they came from." I will agree that the cost of living in the USA is pretty fucked compared to the average wage, but considering welfare programs have not done jack in changing this for the decades they've been in place, other solutions should be looked into.

I bet she would break Kamala through humiliation.

why should she or fucking marvel say "im muslim, shes muslim"
religious representations in entertainments generally fucking suck except for historical ones. she sucks too. it only comes off as some shady political/ideological intense. she can just say "im a middle easterner"

no young muslims irl bother saying "Im muslim" except when they care about haram or something. they arent so obsessed with it or even really proud of it. fuck this representative trash.

>Muslim women are faithful to their men
>Muslim women don't sleep around like sluts
>Muslim women don't fall into progressiveness traps
>Muslim women respect their culture

Why are conservatives literal Nazis?

Kamala is built to be bullied by female villains

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You see, if they die, there are no more poor people.
Isn't it obvious?! Clearly, having a lavish upper class exploiting serfs that desperately cling onto a job that kills them for just enough food in their mouths while all who cannot hold on fall to die by the wayside, is a flawless system that will not ever lead to bad consequences.
Absolutely, an unapologetic plutocracy of brutal monopolists owning your very life is preferable to taking money from the state!
Can't you see those poor Norwegians living in their government-mandated multi-room apartments, or rotting in the brutal unlocked prison co-habitation groups with music therapy and free education their Social Democrat overlords stuffed them into!?

Kamala gets utterly broken by her mistress when?

>That social inequality's heart is based in a culture that devalues hard work, punishes those who seek intellectual pursuits as being either "trying to be white" or "forgetting where they came from."
Fabtastic, you're nowblaming black people for institutionalized racism. So not only do you not understand how the government but you also lack basic understanding of U.S. history.

What do conservatives lack a spine when it comes to standing up against white supremacists?

Why are arguing on Sup Forums?
They hate liberals and love the alt right.

> Muslim women will literally be raped and killed if they don’t.

Because then they’d be outed for the white supremacists they are.
You don’t see Democrats backing off from white supremacists and neo Nazis.

That is because they are utterly inadequate and actively undermined by corporations and communities seeking to profit from squalor.
The poor always pay premium for stuff the rich get for free in the US.
Predatory lending and rampant imprisonment of the underclass are also a giant piece of this puzzle.
Then there is prohibitively expensive education and the systematic anandonment of poor neighborhoods in terms of even basic education funding.
Yes, there are ststems in place, but they are so hollowed out, inadequate and selective, they either help people who don’t need help, don't do enough or see rampant abuse from corporate entities that found a way to latch onto a teat and then corrupt the system into letting them divert more funds.

That's a lovely strawman you've made there. I mean, if I were an Ancap, that would be a lovely deconstruction of my worldview and the flaws therein. Unfortunately, I am not an Ancap, and do admit societal safety nets can exist in a way that functions. I criticize how these are constructed in the US because they clearly do not work, and only serve to create a cycle of poverty with no incentive to escape. I no more want the poor to starve than anyone, but I am not happy with them being exploited by a political party that has, in the past, supported the very things that shit most heavily on the people they claim to help.

Scandinavia has had great luck with their system, but they also have a far smaller population. On that same note, why not bring up other socialist nations like China or Venezuela? There's something being done right, but it might not being applicable on the scale of a country like the United States, or even be implemented with the way our government is structured. do realize those same cultural issues exist among lower class whites too, right? The very bogeyman of the Klan-supporting, Confedate flag-waving trailer trash also fall under that toxic idea.

I'd say that's because when they aren't pretending to fight them, the Democrats are implementing the very shit those white supremacists adore. It was the Democratic party that was in control of the South when they split to keep chattel slavery a thing, implemented Jim Crow laws, and continue to push for legislation that keeps mass incarceration rolling.

I'm gonna throw acid into a hijabis face

Fucking Americans!
You just don't get it, do you?
Social Democracy is not Marxist Socialism, nor is it Stalinism or Maoism!
Social Democracy is just a democratic state that is set up to help the people out.
The first step is to be a democratic state with a developed system of social groups and articulated public interests. Then you notice that you are people and try to figure out how to set the thing up to not work for not-people like companies, but people like you.
And that is where you begin an eternal struggle to proof yourself against corruption and promote interest in public efforts.
The US fails at the second step. Corporations rule you.
China is a totalitarian party state that is right now taking a right into dictatorship. What they call themselves does not matter.

How well Nigerians are doing kind of ruins the institutionalized racism narrative you have going there.

Right, and that's going swimmingly for countries like Sweden and Germany, who have started placing the welfare of migrants over their own citizens. I mean, all the ignoring of the public is worth it if you keep those pesky corporations under control, even if the government is fucking things up by placing their ideological goals as a priority.

So you are blaming black people.

Yeah and a good majority of them are on welfare.

Thus it is not an issue of race, but of telling people that there is honor or dignity in generational poverty.